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First assess the extent to which the chosen industry can be characterised as: (a) ‘globalised’ or ‘regionalised’ (as per Rugman) or (b) ‘core Triad’-dominated or ‘multi-polar’. Then, explore and analyse the underlying

Key requirements and task briefing information

Choose one global industry from those covered in Global Shift. Answer one question of the following three options.

1. First assess the extent to which the chosen industry can be characterised as: (a) ‘globalised’ or ‘regionalised’ (as per Rugman) or (b) ‘core Triad’-dominated or ‘multi-polar’. Then, explore and analyse the underlying factors and forces behind the observed patterns.

2. For the chosen industry, select one prominent emerging economy, and conduct a comparative investigation of the major entry modes used by foreign firms in the past decade. Carefully assess (and illustrate with examples) the key motivations behind the choice of the entry modes under consideration.

3. For the chosen industry, outline and assess the impact that state policies have had on the operations of international firms.

We recommend that you select one of the global industries from those covered in Global Shift below – if you would like to select another industry, please discuss with your tutor.

Assessment Criteria:

The assessment task will be graded against the assessment criteria below.

  • You are advised to carefully consider the assessment criteria grid before preparing your essay
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