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I need this done in 3 days.   Create a PowerPoint Presentation with narration t

I need this done in 3 days.


Create a PowerPoint Presentation with narration that:

Explains the program and effective practice for each of the following:

Head Start/Early Start
Reggio Emilia
For each program, be sure to include:

A brief summary of the program’s mission/philosophy/approach (1-2 paragraphs)
Ages of children who can enroll
Opportunities for family involvement (or not)
5 insights or facts you believe would help family members decide if this is a program they should further investigate for their child/children
At least one recommended resource about each—annotated and cited with a URL link (1 paragraph)

Explains the structure and unique features of the organizational approaches in:

Parent Co-ops
Home-Based/Family Child-Care
For each organizational approach, be sure to include

A summary of this type of organizational structure (1-2 paragraphs)
3 distinguishing features
2 potential advantages
At least one recommended resource about each—annotated and cited with a URL link (1 paragraph).

Note: :

Use the PowerPoint Template provided
Complete each slide with abbreviated Talking Points

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