INF30030 HS2 – 2020 Assignment 2 – Problem Solving |
When it comes to Business Analytics (BA), understanding the data is a key challenge but at
the same time is inevitable. Understanding the business data helps with identification of issues
inside the dataset, finding tools or solutions to resolve those problems and finally preparation
of data for analysis. Hence, data exploration is an important stage in BA.
Your task
In this assignment your task is to find a dataset relating to a business (e.g., shopping, airline,
patients visiting clinic) and use the proposed analysis and visualisation tools in RStudio to (1)
explore your dataset, (2) identify at least one business problem in the data, (3) identify issues
in the data if there is any and (4) propose solutions to solve the problem. You also need to
discuss how you used those tools (e.g., step by step explanation) and also you need to provide
visualisations for each attribute and/or all the attributes together (e.g., looking at the Pearson
correlation). In summary your assignment will contain the following:
• Introduction on the tool that you are using and why you are using it.
• Exploration of data with the aim of finding any issues in the data (e.g., missing values)
• Visualising each attribute along with proper explanations for each visualisation
• Looking at various correlation metrics and measuring the correlation between various
or all the attributes
• Identifying at least one business problem
• Proposing/recommending solutions to solve the problem.
Proposed structure
• Introduction,
• Sections and subsection relevant to various visualisations (I suggest at least 5 sections
to show various types visualisations and findings),
• Discussions and proposed solution(s)
• Conclusion and future works
• References if there is any
What to submit
Word file (NOT pdf) of the assignment. This file can contain all the visualisations along with
their explanations.
Deadline and word count
• Approximate word count: 2000 (including everything).
• Deadline for submission: Check Canvas.
• Overall weight: Check Canvas.
Below expectations | Meeting expectations | Exceeds expectations | |
Business problem (15 marks) What are the key objectives that the project aims to achieve along with the discussion on their business value? |
Response does not address or partially addresses the business objectives. Response is brief and lacks development. Contains little evidence that the students have identified and clearly presented the business objectives of the project. |
Response is adequate. But could be developed further. Demonstrates that the students have identified some of the business objectives of the project. |
Well-developed response. Goes beyond what is required in some meaningful way. Very clear understanding of business objectives. |
Data exploration and Preparation (25 marks) How and why the data was cleaned and prepared before the analysis? |
The dataset used for analytics and visualizations has significant weaknesses such as missing, duplicate, inconsistent and irrelevant data. Overall, the dataset used is not fit‐for purpose. |
There are some efforts made to clean data but data still presents with considerable issues. There is insufficient and insignificant justification on the data preparation strategies. |
The data is cleaned and fit‐for purpose and includes good justification of the selected data preparation strategies |
Data visualisation and analytics (20 marks) What type of analytics performed on the data and their relevance with the project’s scope and business objectives? |
Data analytics techniques demonstrated in the project are irrelevant and does not contribute towards achieving the business objectives stated earlier in the project |
Adequate data analytics techniques demonstrated in the project. |
Excellent data analytics techniques demonstrated in the project that contributed significantly in achieving the business objectives of the project. |
Conclusions and recommendations (30 marks) What are the conclusions that you draw from the analysis? ~750 words |
The conclusions are incoherent, insufficient or misleading in relation to the stated business objectives. |
The conclusions are coherent, but not convincing to address the stated business objectives. |
The conclusions are convincing, sufficient and adequate to address the stated business objectives. |
Written expression (10 marks) Formal, level of details, grammar, spelling, and punctuation used in the written report. |
Insufficient, incomplete and irrelevant contents. It is hard to know what the writer is trying to express. Writing is convoluted. Misspelled words, incorrect grammar, and improper punctuation are evident. |
Writing is generally clear, but unnecessary words are occasionally used. Few spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors are made. Majority of the key contents included in the report. |
Writing is crisp, clear, and succinct. Choice of language enhances effectiveness of the document. Ideas are supported with evidence. No spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors are made. All the key components of the project are included in the report. |