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Introduction  Provide an overview of key characteristics of your chosen country such as: Overall burden of tuberculosis in Pakistan (e.g prevalence/incidence, morbidity, mortality and life expectancy at birth)

Assignment Task 


Provide an overview of key characteristics of your chosen country such as:

Overall burden of tuberculosis in Pakistan (e.g prevalence/incidence, morbidity, mortality and life expectancy at birth) Some health system indicators in Pakistan for example service utilisation/health service access, hospital bed density, availability of essential medicines and commodities, health worker density and distribution) (use any three of the stated indicators).

Describe tuberculosis and why it is a challenge for PakistanInclude an overview of the assessment for the reader

Main body

Critically explain:

The concept of systems thinking and its application to public health issues.

The health system building blocks as proposed by the World Health Organisation. Why the Nation TB control program of Pakistan and functioning of the building blocks pose a challenge to solve TB in Pakistan.How systems thinking can be used to strengthen the health system’s building blocks to reduce the tuberculosis in Pakistan.


Provide a concise summary of all the ideas discussed in the assessment. 

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