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Maxwell Building in Peel Park campus, University of Salford, is to be demolished and replaced with a 6-storey building: Soil Mechanics Assignment, ICL, UK

Maxwell Building in Peel Park campus, University of Salford, is to be demolished and replaced with a 6-storey building on a raft foundation occupying similar area of land as the current building.”


Comprehensive site investigation proposal for the project detailed below. “Site Investigation Proposal” must be prepared for the site. Site background information including preliminary investigation results including, location details, potential contamination and environmental issues, desk study results looking into soil structure, layers, etc. based on information sources i.e.

previous site investigation reports, local authorities, BGS website/borehole information must be detailed. The “proposal” must include aims and objectives, a summary of the information to be collected as a result of the proposed investigation along with suitable justification of “why” the information is required.

Suggestions of suitable sampling methods, suitable tests and data analysis, preliminary loading calculations from the building (informed estimations using appropriate references are acceptable) on the columns and foundations and stress analysis to find the depth to which the ground investigation must be done, discussion and conclusions, and references list must also be included.


Soil Mechanics laboratory report Prepare a complete and structured laboratory report for the consolidation test. Use the data provided to complete the analysis and answer the questions on the data sheet and include your answers in your report.

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