1 Written Assessment
Task Description
This is an assignment which must be completed by students individually. It has two parts.
Students must write an essay and then explain their essay’s main arguments via a short video presentation. The essay should be a minimum of 1,500 words and no longer than 2,500 words, not including references and appendices. The video presentation should be a minimum of 3 minutes in duration and no longer than 5 minutes. Your video submission should be accompanied by a (Word document) transcript of what was said in the video.
THE ESSAY (30% of the total mark for this subject)
The objective of this essay is to develop your understanding of the business model as a concept and how a theoretical
understanding of business models can be used to explain the exploitation of innovations by organisations in real-life.
To successfully complete this part of the assessment, you are required to explore the academic literature on business
models and write an essay addressing the following statement based on your exploration of the relevant literature:
There has been a perceptible trend in the last twenty years for firms to experiment with new models of
organisation and governance, in effect eschewing Fordism in favour of models inspired by the “Silicon Valley
model” and other flexible business model systems, demonstrating there is no longer one kind of business model
that can be equated with success and efficiency across all sectors and in all countries.
What do you think was meant by this statement?
When answering this question make sure you adequately define the terms “business model” and “Fordism,” and explain why it has been argued successful Silicon Valley business models have forever changed how we all think about how businesses should be designed and operated.
In addition, identify three elements of a successful Silicon Valley business model (or other such flexible business model) and provide one good examples of an organisation that you believe possesses all three of those
Explain how these elements contribute to your example organisation’s success.
Discuss the significance of your finding in terms of the future of business models.
You should include at least 5 references and no more than 20 references.The sources used must be highly credible.
The video is based on your essay’s findings, that is, what you argued in the essay. The video submission should be
accompanied by a (Word document) transcript of what was said in the video.
The objective of this video is to develop your (practical) video production skills and ability to explain difficult theoretical concepts to laypeople.
To successfully complete this part of the assessment, you are required to produce a short video that summarises the key arguments of your essay. However, your video should not just be a verbatim repeat of what was said in your essay. It should be uniquely descriptive and explanative, and focus on explaining the impact flexible business models have had on businesses around the world.
To maximise your marks, you should provide an example of a successful firm with a Silicon Valley (or flexible) business model. You should make sure your video is easy for someone with little business training to understand. Students will be rewarded for using the video medium effectively and creatively.
You should ensure your transcript makes sense without the accompanying video, that is, it makes sense even if someone reading it does not have the opportunity to view and listen to your video submission first.
Hint: It is a good idea to put together your transcript for the video before starting work on the video. You will be able to work faster and more efficiently if you do so.
2 Written Assessment
Task Description
This is a group assignment that involves two components: a written report and a presentation via Powerpoint.
To successfully complete these two assessment components you are required to join a group. As part of a group you will be developing a business case document. Your group will also be presenting your business case via a Powerpoint
presentation. (N.B. Students will be required to self-select into and form groups of 3 to 4 students, maximum 5 students.)
The business case document should be a minimum of 1,500 words and no longer than 2,500 words. The Powerpoint
presentation should be roughly 15 minutes in duration.That is, everyone in the group speaks for roughly 5 minutes each.
THE BUSINESS CASE REPORT (25% of the total mark for this course)
The objective of the business case report is to develop your ability to convincingly argue a business case, which is a key function of business development.
To successfully complete the business case document your group is required to undertake the following activities:
Identify for whom and/or for which organisation you will be writing the business case document. (For instance, you might be pitching to an investor or the management of a firm, such as the management team at a group
member’s current employer.)
Identify an innovation that your group believes could be reasonably discussed as the subject of the business
case. The innovation you choose should have the potential to be developed sustainably over a commercially
viable period of time. (It can be an innovation your group came up with yourselves or something you learned
about by reading or watching TV, etc.)
Consider and evaluate the possible business models that could be used to realise the opportunities inherent in
the innovation.
Develop the business case document based on the business template provided in class. This will require you to
write a business case with five separate sections: 1) The problem the innovation can solve; 2) Benefits of the
innovation; 3) Strategic response or plan; 4) Project options analysis; and 5) Delivery of recommended solution.
Students will have the opportunity to work on the business case document in class from Week 6. Each group is required to demonstrate both scholarly independence and academic integrity in undertaking all steps of the business case development process. Students are required to base their analyses on data that is reasonably and ethically sourced, and to use assumptions that can be justified in a commercial setting.
Responsibility for structuring, coordinating, and managing processes to finalise the business case lies with each team. Student groups are encouraged to work with content beyond Tidd & Bessant (2013) and Osterwalder & Pigneur (2013). Teams must take charge and deliver a business case capable of convincing key or principal stakeholders that a return is assured.
You should have at least 10 refereed journal articles, appropriate justification or mathematical models (such as, NPV
analysis, Wolfram alpha), and business development issues specific to the problem or need expressed.
“THE BID” AND BUSINESS CASE POWERPOINT PRESENTATION (25% of the total mark for this course)
The final assessment culminates in a group presentation of “The Bid” and the Business Case. Each team is to present a Powerpoint presentation that summaries the key points and arguments of the business case. Each group is required to contribute to the presentation (roughly) equally.
Each presentation should begin with a 2 minute pitch of why the business case should be approved. The pitch will give you the opportunity to practise making a case pithily, just in case you do get the opportunity to talk alone with a
decision-maker for a short period of time prior to a more formal presentation of your ideas. You should nominate one person to present the 2 minute pitch. The more formal Powerpoint presentation should follow and involve everyone in your group.
In business, solid presentations comprise crucial social occasions where key stakeholders are given compelling reasons why they ought to accept, endorse, and finance the risk component of the business case. The upside gains versus the downside risks are addressed in full, and detail associated with payback (ROI) forms part of the recommendation to action.
On-campus students present in the final seminar on campus.
Online/flexible students have a different set of challenges. They must work in virtual groups using email, video
conference, etc. They should make sure they have at least one video conference with their lecturer prior to finalising the presentation. This simulates real-life since in a real-life scenario you would normally consult with an investor or your manager before finalising your pitch and presentation. This assessment allows your team to gain a strong appreciation of what must be covered in your presentation to maximise the chances of getting the funding being sought. Online/flexible students should prepare a video of each student in the group presenting their part of the presentation. It is highly recommended that students use a software such as Camtasia, which allows students to present via video and use Powerpoint slides to illustrate points, including edit all presentations into the one video submission.
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