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MHA FPX 5028 Assessment 4 Water Quality Improvement Action Plan

MHA FPX 5028 Assessment 4 Water Quality Improvement Action Plan


Capella university

MHA-FPX 5028 Comparative Models of Global Health Systems

Prof. Name


The WASH Program and Global Water and Sanitation Standards

The WASH program advocates for the advancement and sustainability of robust essential processes among stakeholders to emphasize the importance of a definitive, reliable habitat of drinking water and hygiene. It aims to incorporate preventive measures, design, and procedures with effective guidance at each suitable level, promoting new scholastic methods for the community, including participation and awareness-raising, particularly among vulnerable groups. Furthermore, the program supports collaborations to develop, implement, and maintain quality systems for inspecting water quality, conveying comprehending data, and addressing any water quality issues (Reid & Carlos, 2024).

Requirements and Standards for a Camp

Establishing a WASH camp for a group of 5,000 requires careful consideration of various factors, including camp size, internal and external capacity, and cultural preferences. Site planning should involve assessing individual family needs, cultural factors, and providing access to healthy water sources and sanitation stations. To ensure the community’s lifelong health, WASH interventions will focus on improving sanitation quality among refugees, addressing waterborne illnesses, and ensuring access to safe water supply, especially during menstruation cycles (UNHCR, n.d.).

Scope of Costs Associated with the WASH Quality Improvement Action Plan

The estimated cost for the WASH quality enhancement plan over an inclusive span exceeds $200 million, with the most significant intervention being on water services. Long-term costs will require commitment from both federal and local governments, including capital pricing of material, employment, and system development for water quality (Tseng, 2020).

Potential Funding Sources for Quality Improvement Project

Prospective funding sources include government, private sectors, and NGOs, with government subsidies being the most common and effective. Collaboration with NGOs and private sectors can provide much-needed support to local plans and reduce the burden on government budgets (McGinnis et al., 2017).

MHA FPX 5028 Assessment 4 Water Quality Improvement Action Plan

Performance Measures to Assess the Quality Initiative Performance

Quantitative measures such as program contribution, aid effectiveness, and data trends among marginalized groups can be utilized to evaluate the initiative’s execution. Qualitative assessment through conclusive depiction will aid in observing project objectives and addressing issues, facilitating the development of reliable WASH services (Motolinia, 2021).


Ensuring access to clean water and sanitation remains a global challenge, with significant implications for public health and economic development. Investing in WASH initiatives yields substantial returns, including cost savings and improved global health outcomes (United Nations, n.d.).


Reid, C., & Carlos, R. (2024). Assessing the WASH Program for Water Quality Improvement. Retrieved from CourseHero: [URL]

McGinnis, S. M., McKeon, T., Desai, R., Ejelonu, A., Laskowski, S., & Murphy, H. M. (2017). A Systematic Review: Costing and Financing of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) in Schools. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(4), 442.

MHA FPX 5028 Assessment 4 Water Quality Improvement Action Plan

Motolinia, E. (2021). Nuance and Numbers: Monitoring Incremental Change for Sustainable WASH Systems. Environmental Incentives. Retrieved from [URL]

Tseng, K. K. (2020). Estimating the cost of interventions to improve water, sanitation, and hygiene in healthcare facilities across India. BMJ Global Health.

UNHCR. (n.d.). UNHCR|Emergency Handbook. Retrieved from [URL]

United Nations. (n.d.). Water. Retrieved from

World Health Organization. (2019). Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). Retrieved from

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