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Much work has been done on supporting children

Extra Information for Module 6


Much work has been done on supporting children from refugee backgrounds in schools, in particular, the work of the Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation’s Refugee Action Support (RAS) Program. The RAS Program, along with a number of other educational programs have been successful in supporting children from refugee backgrounds for a number of years. Indeed, a recent report ‘Stoic, resilient, committed’ highlights that refugee children, given the right support from teachers and schools, develop into resilient and hard-working adults.

This Focus Study draws upon the approaches taken in the ALNF’s Refugee Action Support Program and invites further investigation of skills, knowledge and practices that will prepare future teachers to work effectively with refugee students in Greater Western Sydney. In addition, the Focus Study invites participants to examine their existing views of the social and contextual influences on the refugee learner, what it means to be an effective teacher of refugee children, and to explore approaches for supporting the refugee learner as an English as an Additional Language & Dialect (EALD) and Culturally & Linguistically Diverse (CALD) learner.

Extra references

If you would like to include other relevant readings, they can be accessed directly through the Library home page. For example, if you are searching for the following article, copy the name of the article into the Library Search box and press ENTER

Sidhu, R. K., (2019) Reclaiming schools as spaces of hope, Ethos (27)1, pp 14-16


A refugee is a person who is living outside their country of origin due to fears of persecution based on race, religion, nationality, membership of a social groups or political party, and is unable to receive protection is their own country.

An asylum seeker is someone who is seeking international protection but whose claim for refugee status has not yet been determined.

Enquiry-based learning (EBL) or Inquiry-based learning (IBL) is a student-centred approach where students follow the research process to investigate a question, gaining the knowledge and investigative skills to enable them to become more independent learners. The inquiry process can be scaffolded at various levels to meet the needs of the students, for example, a structured inquiry process occurs when students are guided and the process is modelled. Western Sydney University (2020) Inquiry-based learning, Retrieved April, 16, 2020 from

English as Additional Language and Dialect learners (EALD) are students whose first language is a language or dialect other than English and who require additional support to assist them to develop proficiency in English.

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse learners (CALD) are those whose English is not their main language and/or cultural norms and values differ. CALD has superseded the term “non-English speaking background” (NESB) or EALD because of its reference to culture as an explanation for why differences between CALD and mainstream communities may occur, and so goes beyond linguistic factors.

The Zone of Proximal Development is …”the distance between the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem-solving under adult guidance, or in collaboration with more capable peers” , Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. P. 86 Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

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