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My assignment requires operating spss and analyzing the data. My university is in Uk so plagiarism needs to be checked via turnitin. I have both spss as well as turnitin. I just need commands, so that i can give the output and i need the written content to be done by the expert. Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this assessment and this module, you will have demonstrated your ability to: 1. Design, explore and evaluate a psychometric scale. 2. Analyse and interpret advanced statistical techniques using appropriate software for statistical analysis (SPSS). Summative Assessment(s) [Graded Assessment(s)] Assessment: Coursework – SPSS Portfolio Assessment Component: Assessment weighting: Length: Assessed module learning outcome(s): 1 100% Q1 – 50% Q2 and Q3 – 50% Q1 = 3,000 words (Not marked after this limit) Q2 & Q3 = 1,000 words (not marked after this limit) No limit for individual questions, but recommend approximately 500 words each 1 & 2 Submission date/time: Provisional feedback released: Completed final work: Thursday 11th August 2022 by 23:59 hrs UK time Completed final work feedback (provisional grade): Monday 5th September 2022, 09:00 UK time. Your work will be marked anonymously: Markers will not be aware of which student has written the work that is being marked. Provisional marks and feedback will have been reviewed by an internal moderator (member of teaching staff who have not been involved with the module). A sample of your marks and feedback will then be reviewed by our external examiner and the ratified mark will be published following the assessment board which will be held in September 2022. Assessment Overview There is one piece of coursework for this module comprising a 4000-word portfolio of statistical tests that address the three questions set below. This portfolio is worth 100% of your module mark. The portfolio must be written in English. You will be presented with three research questions and data sets. For each question you are required to conduct and report the findings of an appropriate analysis of the data provided, in the report style shown during the module. You should screen the data prior to any analyses and routinely report appropriate estimates of effect size and other relevant statistical information where appropriate. You should also include appropriate and clearly expressed predictions. The word limit for the portfolio is 4000 words (maximum) and includes in-text citations, tables and figures. The word could DOES NOT include your title page (including declaration statement), reference list or appendices. There is no 10% variance applied. Words beyond the 4000-word limit will NOT be reviewed for marking. Please note that module staff cannot help you with questions regarding specific exercises in this assessment. This is because a fundamental part of this assessment is for you to be able to identify the statistical analyses that you need to conduct to address the exercise questions, conduct the appropriate analyses, and then write them up in the correct manner. Module staff can support you with more general assessment related questions including general questions about analyses, but not specific questions (e.g., “do I do a regression for question two?”, etc.). ALL of the statistical processes and tests that you are required to conduct have been taught through the individual units on the module. You are not required to learn any additional tests to enable you to complete this portfolio. Portfolio Questions Question 1 You will be provided with a dataset containing responses from women to three quality of life measures. This can be found in the assessment tab on the module pages and is titled “Question 1 – Data set”. Using this dataset, you need to choose the appropriate tests to summarise the scale and then conduct a factor analysis on the data to indicate subscales, which you will name and produce a written report. You should also calculate the reliability and validity of the scale. You should include the following sections: Prediction(s): These should be clearly written and explain what you would predict based upon the description of the research question, including a brief introduction to the topic area. • Results: This section should begin with coverage of data screening. You should then write up the results of the chosen statistical test(s) in the reporting style you will be shown during the relevant unit on the module. • Discussion: There should be a brief (i.e. a few sentences) discussion of the findings of the results in light of the research question. • Appendix (not included in word count): Please include any calculations and all relevant SPSS outputs (e.g. data screening checks, analyses etc.) as appendices. (Please provide an appendix for each question, rather than a single appendix at the end). A researcher wants to measure women’s quality of life. After conducting some focus groups and consultations with experts, the researcher has designed a new measure. They have asked nearly 300 women to complete the new scale along with two established measures: the Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) (Ware & Sherbourne, 1992) and the EQ-5D (EuroQol Group, 1990). Missing values are coded as 99 and 999 in the database. You are asked to help refine the scale by identifying any subscales and by examining its validity and reliability. Using factor analysis, you should provide advice about how many subscales there are and what they appear to measure. Finally, you are asked to recommend any further testing that should be performed in the future to ensure the measure’s psychometric properties. EuroQol Group (1990). EuroQol: a new facility for the measurement of health-related quality of life. Health policy, 16, 199-208. Ware, J.E & Sherbourne, C.D. (1992). The MOS 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36): I. Conceptual framework and item selection. Medical care, 30, 473-483. For Questions 2 and 3, you are presented with research questions and their accompanying data sets. For each question, you are required to conduct and then report the findings of an appropriate analysis of the data provided, in the reporting style shown during the module. You should screen the data prior to any analyses and routinely report appropriate estimates of effect size and other relevant statistical information where appropriate. You should also include appropriate and clearly expressed predictions. For each question, you should include the following sections: • Prediction(s): These should be clearly written and explain what you would predict based upon the description of the research question, including a brief introduction to the research topic. • Results: This section should begin with coverage of data screening (testing assumptions). You should then write up the results of the chosen statistical test(s) in the reporting style you will be shown during the module. • Discussion: There should be a brief (i.e. a few sentences) discussion of the findings of the results in light of the research question. • Appendix (not included in word count): Please include any calculations and all relevant SPSS outputs (e.g. data screening checks, analyses etc.) as appendices. (Please provide an appendix for each question, rather than a single appendix at the end). Question 2 A researcher wanted to examine whether a self-management programme was useful in helping to improve adherence with lipid reduction medication use amongst patients with coronary heart disease. The researcher has asked you to examine: 1) whether the number of training hours on the programme predicts medication adherence, and 2) whether self-efficacy is a significant mediator within this relationship. You have been provided with the following variables: • Adherence score (number of days adhering to medication); • Self-efficacy; • Training hours (number of training hours on the programme); Participant number Gender Adherence score Self-efficacy Training hours 1 Male 9 51 6 2 Female 6 55 6 3 Female 6 56 3 4 Female 4 55 3 5 Male 7 62 5 6 Male 7 63 5 7 Female 8 64 5 8 Male 7 64 4 9 Female 8 73 6 10 Female 9 74 6 11 Male 9 73 5 12 Female 11 76 5 13 Female 12 77 5 14 Male 12 79 6 15 Female 12 88 6 16 Male 13 89 6 17 Female 13 90 6 18 Male 13 93 6 19 Female 13 95 7 20 Female 13 96 7 21 Male 13 98 7 22 Female 13 102 7 23 Female 13 103 7 24 Female 14 111 7 25 Male 14 112 7 26 Male 14 113 7 27 Female 14 114 7 28 Female 15 119 7 29 Female 15 121 7 30 Male 20 85 8 31 Male 22 70 8 32 Female 22 85 8 33 Female 26 74 9 34 Female 25 124 9 35 Female 23 51 9 36 Male 27 124 10 37 Male 21 63 10 38 Male 21 72 10 39 Male 11 79 10 40 Female 4 72 10 41 Male 19 80 10 42 Male 4 84 11 43 Male 13 113 11 44 Female 22 94 14 45 Male 14 123 14 46 Female 25 83 15 47 Male 20 78 11 48 Female 18 90 10 49 Male 23 93 13 50 Male 15 110 12 51 Male 14 114 10 52 Male 10 94 13 53 Male 27 119 14 54 Female 4 79 15 55 Female 5 89 10 56 Male 20 81 12 57 Male 28 117 10 58 Female 22 60 14 59 Female 8 120 14 60 Male 15 111 13 Question 3 Data on the relationship between personality profile and nicotine dependence may help health professionals to design and improve programs for the treatment and prevention of this dependence. A researcher obtains three groups of 20 participants; 1) current smokers; 2) individuals who have given up smoking for more than twelve months; and 3) individuals who have never smoked. In addition to providing their smoking status, participants completed Costa and McCrae’s (1992) NEO Personality Inventory Revised (NEO-PI-R). Do levels of extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism differ amongst these three groups? Participant number Smoking status Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism 1 Current 138 93 85 2 Current 164 120 71 3 Current 142 88 98 4 Current 150 151 94 5 Current 130 86 22 6 Current 146 87 101 7 Current 167 171 25 8 Current 147 111 77 9 Current 168 114 95 10 Current 153 66 104 11 Current 159 85 95 12 Current 142 123 87 13 Current 168 162 94 14 Current 143 135 19 15 Current 139 97 57 16 Current 166 85 100 17 Current 167 68 57 18 Current 134 156 27 19 Current 144 97 75 20 Current 161 65 74 21 Ex-smoker 155 90 105 22 Ex-smoker 138 105 88 23 Ex-smoker 151 108 65 24 Ex-smoker 160 85 120 25 Ex-smoker 132 166 44 26 Ex-smoker 143 94 82 27 Ex-smoker 160 107 52 28 Ex-smoker 124 135 98 29 Ex-smoker 153 93 63 30 Ex-smoker 168 79 106 31 Ex-smoker 123 114 88 32 Ex-smoker 156 75 107 33 Ex-smoker 120 112 89 34 Ex-smoker 102 143 114 35 Ex-smoker 124 56 108 36 Ex-smoker 148 128 112 37 Ex-smoker 107 75 111 38 Ex-smoker 135 57 64 39 Ex-smoker 127 86 59 40 Ex-smoker 129 61 83 41 Never smoked 100 55 109 42 Never smoked 105 83 136 43 Never smoked 117 167 61 44 Never smoked 109 155 120 45 Never smoked 76 108 65 46 Never smoked 114 120 141 47 Never smoked 105 165 116 48 Never smoked 108 111 110 49 Never smoked 98 142 103 50 Never smoked 86 106 67 51 Never smoked 93 129 107 52 Never smoked 100 140 134 53 Never smoked 96 69 51 54 Never smoked 79 89 66 55 Never smoked 72 62 87 56 Never smoked 86 137 52 57 Never smoked 97 134 113 58 Never smoked 118 72 139 59 Never smoked 87 173 116 60 Never smoked 91 75 50 Formative feedback opportunities Formative feedback opportunities are designed to help you with your summative assessment. Formative activities are not assessed and do not contribute to your module mark. These are opportunities for you to apply, practice and make sense of the learning materials and content that you have worked with so that you are competent to apply your learning in your summative assessment. These opportunities will mainly take place during the end of unit activities and in the corresponding discussions on MS Teams. Assessment Rubric Your work will be marked based on the rubric below. Criteria Excellent (70 – 100%) Very Good (60 – 69%) Good/ Satisfactory (50 – 59%) Unsatisfactory (40 – 49%) Poor/Very Poor (1 – 39%) Prediction and analysis Predictions for the questions are clearly written and appropriate and explain what you would predict based upon the description of the research question. Provides predictions for the questions based upon the description of the research question, however there are some minor errors / misunderstandings. Provides predictions for the questions based upon the description of the research question, however there are some errors / misunderstandings. Fails to provide accurate or complete predictions for the questions based upon the description of the research question. Fails to provide predictions for the questions based upon the description of the research question. Data screening Provides insightful descriptions of the data screening process using appropriate psychological terminology. Supported by references where appropriate. Describes the data screening process in detail using appropriate psychological terminology. Describes the data screening process using appropriate psychological terminology. There may be some errors / misunderstandings in reporting. Fails to satisfactorily screen the data for the questions. Fails to screen the data for the questions. Results The correct tests are identified, justified and reported correctly with no errors. All relevant information is included. There is an insightful description of the results using appropriate psychological terminology. Supported by references where appropriate. The correct tests are identified and reported clearly and accurately with minimal errors or missing elements. The results are described in detail using appropriate psychological terminology. The correct tests are identified and reported competently/to a passing standard, but there may be some weaknesses, errors or missing elements. The results are described using appropriate psychological terminology. There may be some errors / misunderstandings in reporting. The correct tests are not identified or expressed to a passing standard and there may be considerable weaknesses, errors or missing elements. The description of the results is unsatisfactory. The correct tests are not identified and the answer is expressed very poorly, with considerable misunderstandings, errors or missing elements. The results are not described. Discussion There is a short discussion of the findings of the results, demonstrating a thorough understanding of what the results can tell us. There is a short discussion of the findings of relevant results. There is a short discussion of the findings of relevant results, however there may be some minor errors or missing information (good). There may also be some evidence of weaknesses, errors or missing elements (satisfactory). The discussion of the findings may be missing most of the information or include many errors. The discussion of the findings is missing. Appendices All relevant calculations and SPSS outputs are included as appendices. Nearly all relevant calculations and SPSS outputs are included as appendices. Most of the relevant calculations and SPSS outputs are included as appendices, but some material may be missing. The relevant calculations and SPSS outputs may be missing from the appendices. The relevant calculations and SPSS outputs are missing from the appendices. Presentation and expression Excellent standard of presentation and expression, with very well structured academic writing. Appropriate psychological language used throughout. Very good standard of presentation and expression, with very well structured academic writing. Consistent use of appropriate psychological language. Good/satisfactory standard of presentation and expression, with generally well-structured/ adequately-structured academic writing. Ability to use appropriate psychological language/terms. Unsatisfactory standard of presentation and expression, with inadequately structured academic writing. Limited ability to use appropriate psychological terms. Poor standard of presentation, expression and academic writing that is not up to postgraduate standard. Inability to use appropriate psychological terms. Useful Links Library: Assessment regulations: (sections F and E). Citing and referencing: Study Skills: Study Advisor Scheme: Essay Writing: Turnitin (video): IT Service Centre: Personal Development Planning: Cite Them Right:


My assignment requires operating spss and analyzing the data. My university is in Uk so plagiarism needs to be checked via turnitin. I have both spss as well as turnitin. I just need commands, so that i can give the output and i need the written content to be done by the expert.

Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this assessment and this module, you will have demonstrated your ability to:
1. Design, explore and evaluate a psychometric scale.
2. Analyse and interpret advanced statistical techniques using appropriate software for statistical analysis (SPSS).
Summative Assessment(s) [Graded Assessment(s)]
Assessment: Coursework – SPSS Portfolio
Assessment Component: Assessment weighting: Length: Assessed module learning outcome(s):
1 100%
Q1 – 50%
Q2 and Q3 – 50%
Q1 = 3,000 words (Not marked after this limit)
Q2 & Q3 = 1,000 words (not marked after this limit)
No limit for individual questions, but recommend approximately 500 words each 1 & 2
Submission date/time: Provisional feedback released:
Completed final work: Thursday 11th August 2022 by 23:59 hrs UK time Completed final work feedback (provisional grade):
Monday 5th September 2022, 09:00 UK time.
Your work will be marked anonymously: Markers will not be aware of which student has written the work that is being marked. Provisional marks and feedback will have been reviewed by an internal moderator (member of teaching staff who have not been involved with the module). A sample of your marks and feedback will then be reviewed by our external examiner and the ratified mark will be published following the assessment board which will be held in September 2022.

Assessment Overview
There is one piece of coursework for this module comprising a 4000-word portfolio of statistical tests that address the three questions set below. This portfolio is worth 100% of your module mark. The portfolio must be written in English.
You will be presented with three research questions and data sets. For each question you are required to conduct and report the findings of an appropriate analysis of the data provided, in the report style shown during the module. You should screen the data prior to any analyses and routinely report appropriate estimates of effect size and other relevant statistical information where appropriate. You should also include appropriate and clearly expressed predictions.
The word limit for the portfolio is 4000 words (maximum) and includes in-text citations, tables and figures. The word could DOES NOT include your title page (including declaration statement), reference list or appendices. There is no 10% variance applied. Words beyond the 4000-word limit will NOT be reviewed for marking.
Please note that module staff cannot help you with questions regarding specific exercises in this assessment. This is because a fundamental part of this assessment is for you to be able to identify the statistical analyses that you need to conduct to address the exercise questions, conduct the appropriate analyses, and then write them up in the correct manner. Module staff can support you with more general assessment related questions including general questions about analyses, but not specific questions (e.g., “do I do a regression for question two?”, etc.).
ALL of the statistical processes and tests that you are required to conduct have been taught through the individual units on the module. You are not required to learn any additional tests to enable you to complete this portfolio.

Portfolio Questions
Question 1
You will be provided with a dataset containing responses from women to three quality of life measures. This can be found in the assessment tab on the module pages and is titled “Question 1 – Data set”. Using this dataset, you need to choose the appropriate tests to summarise the scale and then conduct a factor analysis on the data to indicate subscales, which you will name and produce a written report. You should also calculate the reliability and validity of the scale.
You should include the following sections:
Prediction(s): These should be clearly written and explain what you would predict based upon the description of the research question, including a brief introduction to the topic area.
• Results: This section should begin with coverage of data screening. You should then write up the results of the chosen statistical test(s) in the reporting style you will be shown during the relevant unit on the module.
• Discussion: There should be a brief (i.e. a few sentences) discussion of the findings of the results in light of the research question.
• Appendix (not included in word count): Please include any calculations and all relevant SPSS outputs (e.g. data screening checks, analyses etc.) as appendices. (Please provide an appendix for each question, rather than a single appendix at the end).
A researcher wants to measure women’s quality of life. After conducting some focus groups and consultations with experts, the researcher has designed a new measure. They have asked nearly 300 women to complete the new scale along with two established measures: the Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) (Ware & Sherbourne, 1992) and the EQ-5D (EuroQol Group, 1990). Missing values are coded as 99 and 999 in the database. You are asked to help refine the scale by identifying any subscales and by examining its validity and reliability. Using factor analysis, you should provide advice about how many subscales there are and what they appear to measure. Finally, you are asked to recommend any further testing that should be performed in the future to ensure the measure’s psychometric properties.
EuroQol Group (1990). EuroQol: a new facility for the measurement of health-related quality of life. Health policy, 16, 199-208.
Ware, J.E & Sherbourne, C.D. (1992). The MOS 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36): I. Conceptual framework and item selection. Medical care, 30, 473-483.
For Questions 2 and 3, you are presented with research questions and their accompanying data sets. For each question, you are required to conduct and then report the findings of an appropriate analysis of the data provided, in the reporting style shown during the module. You should screen the data prior to any analyses and routinely report appropriate estimates of effect size and other relevant statistical information where appropriate. You should also include appropriate and clearly expressed predictions.
For each question, you should include the following sections:
• Prediction(s): These should be clearly written and explain what you would predict based upon the description of the research question, including a brief introduction to the research topic.
• Results: This section should begin with coverage of data screening (testing assumptions). You should then write up the results of the chosen statistical test(s) in the reporting style you will be shown during the module.
• Discussion: There should be a brief (i.e. a few sentences) discussion of the findings of the results in light of the research question.
• Appendix (not included in word count): Please include any calculations and all relevant SPSS outputs (e.g. data screening checks, analyses etc.) as appendices. (Please provide an appendix for each question, rather than a single appendix at the end).
Question 2
A researcher wanted to examine whether a self-management programme was useful in helping to improve adherence with lipid reduction medication use amongst patients with coronary heart disease. The researcher has asked you to examine: 1) whether the number of training hours on the programme predicts medication adherence, and 2) whether self-efficacy is a significant mediator within this relationship.
You have been provided with the following variables:
• Adherence score (number of days adhering to medication);
• Self-efficacy;
• Training hours (number of training hours on the programme);
Participant number Gender Adherence score Self-efficacy Training hours
1 Male 9 51 6
2 Female 6 55 6
3 Female 6 56 3
4 Female 4 55 3
5 Male 7 62 5
6 Male 7 63 5
7 Female 8 64 5
8 Male 7 64 4
9 Female 8 73 6
10 Female 9 74 6
11 Male 9 73 5
12 Female 11 76 5
13 Female 12 77 5
14 Male 12 79 6
15 Female 12 88 6
16 Male 13 89 6
17 Female 13 90 6
18 Male 13 93 6
19 Female 13 95 7
20 Female 13 96 7
21 Male 13 98 7
22 Female 13 102 7
23 Female 13 103 7
24 Female 14 111 7
25 Male 14 112 7
26 Male 14 113 7
27 Female 14 114 7
28 Female 15 119 7
29 Female 15 121 7
30 Male 20 85 8
31 Male 22 70 8
32 Female 22 85 8
33 Female 26 74 9
34 Female 25 124 9
35 Female 23 51 9
36 Male 27 124 10
37 Male 21 63 10
38 Male 21 72 10
39 Male 11 79 10
40 Female 4 72 10
41 Male 19 80 10
42 Male 4 84 11
43 Male 13 113 11
44 Female 22 94 14
45 Male 14 123 14
46 Female 25 83 15
47 Male 20 78 11
48 Female 18 90 10
49 Male 23 93 13
50 Male 15 110 12
51 Male 14 114 10
52 Male 10 94 13
53 Male 27 119 14
54 Female 4 79 15
55 Female 5 89 10
56 Male 20 81 12
57 Male 28 117 10
58 Female 22 60 14
59 Female 8 120 14
60 Male 15 111 13
Question 3
Data on the relationship between personality profile and nicotine dependence may help health professionals to design and improve programs for the treatment and prevention of this dependence. A researcher obtains three groups of 20 participants; 1) current smokers; 2) individuals who have given up smoking for more than twelve months; and 3) individuals who have never smoked. In addition to providing their smoking status, participants completed Costa and McCrae’s (1992) NEO Personality Inventory Revised (NEO-PI-R).
Do levels of extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism differ amongst these three groups?
Participant number Smoking status Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism
1 Current 138 93 85
2 Current 164 120 71
3 Current 142 88 98
4 Current 150 151 94
5 Current 130 86 22
6 Current 146 87 101
7 Current 167 171 25
8 Current 147 111 77
9 Current 168 114 95
10 Current 153 66 104
11 Current 159 85 95
12 Current 142 123 87
13 Current 168 162 94
14 Current 143 135 19
15 Current 139 97 57
16 Current 166 85 100
17 Current 167 68 57
18 Current 134 156 27
19 Current 144 97 75
20 Current 161 65 74
21 Ex-smoker 155 90 105
22 Ex-smoker 138 105 88
23 Ex-smoker 151 108 65
24 Ex-smoker 160 85 120
25 Ex-smoker 132 166 44
26 Ex-smoker 143 94 82
27 Ex-smoker 160 107 52
28 Ex-smoker 124 135 98
29 Ex-smoker 153 93 63
30 Ex-smoker 168 79 106
31 Ex-smoker 123 114 88
32 Ex-smoker 156 75 107
33 Ex-smoker 120 112 89
34 Ex-smoker 102 143 114
35 Ex-smoker 124 56 108
36 Ex-smoker 148 128 112
37 Ex-smoker 107 75 111
38 Ex-smoker 135 57 64
39 Ex-smoker 127 86 59
40 Ex-smoker 129 61 83
41 Never smoked 100 55 109
42 Never smoked 105 83 136
43 Never smoked 117 167 61
44 Never smoked 109 155 120
45 Never smoked 76 108 65
46 Never smoked 114 120 141
47 Never smoked 105 165 116
48 Never smoked 108 111 110
49 Never smoked 98 142 103
50 Never smoked 86 106 67
51 Never smoked 93 129 107
52 Never smoked 100 140 134
53 Never smoked 96 69 51
54 Never smoked 79 89 66
55 Never smoked 72 62 87
56 Never smoked 86 137 52
57 Never smoked 97 134 113
58 Never smoked 118 72 139
59 Never smoked 87 173 116
60 Never smoked 91 75 50
Formative feedback opportunities
Formative feedback opportunities are designed to help you with your summative assessment. Formative activities are not assessed and do not contribute to your module mark. These are opportunities for you to apply, practice and make sense of the learning materials and content that you have worked with so that you are competent to apply your learning in your summative assessment. These opportunities will mainly take place during the end of unit activities and in the corresponding discussions on MS Teams.

Assessment Rubric
Your work will be marked based on the rubric below.
Criteria Excellent
(70 – 100%) Very Good
(60 – 69%) Good/
(50 – 59%) Unsatisfactory
(40 – 49%) Poor/Very Poor
(1 – 39%)
Prediction and analysis Predictions for the questions are clearly written and appropriate and explain what you would predict based upon the description of the research question. Provides predictions for the questions based upon the description of the research question, however there are some minor errors / misunderstandings. Provides predictions for the questions based upon the description of the research question, however there are some errors / misunderstandings. Fails to provide accurate or complete predictions for the questions based upon the description of the research question. Fails to provide predictions for the questions based upon the description of the research question.
Data screening Provides insightful descriptions of the data screening process using appropriate psychological terminology. Supported by references where appropriate. Describes the data screening process in detail using appropriate psychological terminology. Describes the data screening process using appropriate psychological terminology. There may be some errors / misunderstandings in reporting.
Fails to satisfactorily screen the data for the questions. Fails to screen the data for the questions.
Results The correct tests are identified, justified and reported correctly with no errors. All relevant information is included. There is an insightful description of the results using appropriate psychological terminology. Supported by references where appropriate. The correct tests are identified and reported clearly and accurately with minimal errors or missing elements. The results are described in detail using appropriate psychological terminology. The correct tests are identified and reported competently/to a passing standard, but there may be some weaknesses, errors or missing elements. The results are described using appropriate psychological terminology. There may be some errors / misunderstandings in reporting.
The correct tests are not identified or expressed to a passing standard and there may be considerable weaknesses, errors or missing elements. The description of the results is unsatisfactory. The correct tests are not identified and the answer is expressed very poorly, with considerable misunderstandings, errors or missing elements. The results are not described.
Discussion There is a short discussion of the findings of the results, demonstrating a thorough understanding of what the results can tell us. There is a short discussion of the findings of relevant results. There is a short discussion of the findings of relevant results, however there may be some minor errors or missing information (good). There may also be some evidence of weaknesses, errors or missing elements (satisfactory). The discussion of the findings may be missing most of the information or include many errors. The discussion of the findings is missing.
Appendices All relevant calculations and SPSS outputs are included as appendices. Nearly all relevant calculations and SPSS outputs are included as appendices. Most of the relevant calculations and SPSS outputs are included as appendices, but some material may be missing. The relevant calculations and SPSS outputs may be missing from the appendices. The relevant calculations and SPSS outputs are missing from the appendices.
Presentation and expression Excellent standard of presentation and expression, with very well structured academic writing. Appropriate psychological language used throughout. Very good standard of presentation and expression, with very well structured academic writing. Consistent use of appropriate psychological language. Good/satisfactory standard of presentation and expression, with generally well-structured/ adequately-structured academic writing. Ability to use appropriate psychological language/terms. Unsatisfactory standard of presentation and expression, with inadequately structured academic writing. Limited ability to use appropriate psychological terms. Poor standard of presentation, expression and academic writing that is not up to postgraduate standard. Inability to use appropriate psychological terms.

Useful Links
Assessment regulations: (sections F and E).
Citing and referencing:
Study Skills:
Study Advisor Scheme:
Essay Writing:
Turnitin (video):
IT Service Centre:
Personal Development Planning:
Cite Them Right:


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