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N520 Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare Module 1 Assignment Assignment: For this assignment, create a PowerPoint presentation based on the following case studies. Read the case studies and answer the following questions: Apply Guido’s MORAL model to resolve the dilemma presented in the case study described in Ethical Scenario 4-3 on p. 48 which is titled, “When Care Appears Medically Inappropriate,” (Guido textbook 7th edition). How might the nurses in this scenario respond to the physician’s request?

N520 Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare

Module 1 Assignment


For this assignment, create a PowerPoint presentation based on the following case studies.

Read the case studies and answer the following questions:

Apply Guido’s MORAL model to resolve the dilemma presented in the case study described in Ethical Scenario 4-3 on p. 48 which is titled, “When Care Appears Medically Inappropriate,” (Guido textbook 7th edition).

How might the nurses in this scenario respond to the physician’s request?

How would this scenario begin to cause moral distress among the nursing staff, and what are the positive actions that the nurses might begin to take to prevent moral distress?

Read the following case study and answer the following questions: “You be the Ethicist”, presented at the end of Chapter 3, p. 41, which starts, “Helga Wanglie…” (Guido textbook).

What are the compelling ethical rights that this case addresses?

Whose rights should take precedence?

How might the institutions’ organizational ethics policies have impacted the outcome of this case?

Leaving any legal issues aside, how would you have used ethical principles to decide the outcome of this case, if Helga Wanglie had continued to survive relying on life-sustaining measures?

Now, examine the same Helga Wanglie scenario from the perspective of health care policy.

How would you begin to evaluate the need for the policy and the possible support or lack of support for the policy from your peers, nursing management, and others who might be affected by the policy?

Do the 10 framework questions outlined by Malone in chapter 4 (Guido textbook, p. 50) assist in this process?

Create a proposal for the organization with possible guidelines, procedures, and policies to address the issues you have identified.

Your presentation should be at least 10 slides (not including title, objectives, and references slides) with detailed notes for each slide that addresses each of the points/questions, including audio for each slide. Be sure to handle all the points thoroughly. Use clear headings that allow your professor to know which section you are addressing on the slides in your presentation. Support your content with citations throughout your presentation. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the presentation. Include a slide for your references at the end.

Assignment Expectations

Length: 10 slides minimum; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner. Be sure to include audio to each slide.


Title: 1 slide

Objectives: 1 slide

Guido’s MORAL model: at least 2 slides

You be the Ethicist: at least 2 slides

The perspective of health care policy: at least 2 slides

Conclusion: 1 slide

References: 1 slide

Additionally, because a good presentation has few words on the slides include a script with the verbiage you would say when presenting; the script should be a minimum of 50 words per slide.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least two (2) scholarly sources to support your claims.

Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft PowerPoint document and a Word document (.pptx) and (.doc or .docx) or Open Office Impress.

Filename: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the module number (for example, “RHall Module1.pptx”).

M1 Assignment UMBO – 4

M1 Assignment PLG – 4, 6

M1 Assignment CLO – 3, 4, 5

N520 Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare

Module 2 Assignment


For this week assignment, write a 1500-word essay addressing each of the following points/questions.

Describe why there is such a struggle when addressing end-of-life issues

What are the differences between allowing a patient to die and physician-assisted suicide?

Discuss the controversy that can occur when considering a patient’s right to know whether a caregiver has AIDS and the caregiver’s right to privacy and confidentiality.

Describe the distinctions among wrongful birth, wrongful life, and wrongful conception. Discuss the moral dilemmas of these concepts

Discuss the arguments for and against partial birth abortions

Discuss why there is controversy over genetic markers and stem cell research

Please combine all of these responses into a single Microsoft Word document for submission. Submit only completed assignments (not partial or “draft” assignments). Be thorough in your responses to adequately address all aspects of each question.

Submit only the assignments corresponding to the module in this section.

Assignment Expectations

Length: 1500 words; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner.

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least six (6) scholarly sources to support your claims, one for each of the six questions.

Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx).

File name: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the assignment number (for example, “RHall Assignment 1.docx”)

M2 Assignment UMBO – 4

M2 Assignment PLG – 4, 6

M2 Assignment CLO – 3, 5, 6

N520 Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare

Module 3 Assignment


For this assignment, create a PowerPoint presentation based on the following case studies.

Read You Be the Judge presented at the end of Chapter 5 (Guido, p. 65-66) which begins, “The patient had an apparent cardiac event at home… and answer the following questions:

What evidence would you collect from the clinic to determine what standard of care was delivered to this patient both before he was seen and at the time he was seen in the clinic?

What might the family’s attorney allege in a supplemental report?

How would one decide the standard of care for this patient?

How would you decide the outcome of this case?

Read the case study You be the Judge, presented at the end of Chapter 6 (Guido, p. 94) which begins, “The day after surgery the nurse removed a drainage tube…” and answer these questions:

Do the facts of the case support the plaintiff’s reliance on res ipsa loquitur?

Does the fact that the defense did produce expert witness testimony negate a successful res ipsa loquitur outcome?

What other facts would you need to determine if the nurse’s actions were negligent?

If applicable, should damages be assessed?

How would you decide the case?

Read the case study You be the Judge, presented at the end of Chapter 7 (Guido, p. 112) which begins, “The patient was in surgery to remove moles from her back…” and answer the following questions:

Were there damages that should be paid to this patient for negligence?

Who should be the individuals responsible for these damages? For example, is the surgeon the individual most liable for the damages owed to the patient?

Are there any defenses that the defendants could cite that would mitigate their liability to this patient?

How should the court decide the damage awards in this instance?

Assignment Expectations

Length: 16 slides minimum; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner. Be sure to include audio for each slide.


Title: 1 slide

Objective: 1 slide

Chapter 5 case study: at least 4 slides

Chapter 6 case study: at least 4 slides

Chapter 7 case study: at least 4 slides

Conclusion: 1 slide

References: 1 slide

Additionally, because a good presentation has few words on the slides include a script with the verbiage you would say when presenting; script should be a minimum of 50 words per slide.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3) scholarly sources to support your claims, at least one per case study

Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft PowerPoint document and a Word document (.pptx) and (.doc or .docx) or Open Office Impress.

File name: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the module number (for example, “RHall Module1.pptx”).

M3 Assignment UMBO – 4

M3 Assignment PLG – 4, 6

M3 Assignment CLO – 2, 3

N520 Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare

Module 4 Assignment


For this week assignment, write a 1500-word essay addressing each of the following points/questions.

Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 10, which begins “The elderly patient resided at the nursing home for almost a year before she died at the hospital.” (Guido, p. 183)

Did the lack of documentation in the admitting nurse’s assessment and notes affect the ultimate outcome of this case?

Was there negligence on the part of the nursing staff in the care of this patient?

What could the nurse have done differently to facilitate a different outcome in this case?

How would you decide this case?

Using the sample professional liability insurance policy (Chapter 11 p. 191-192 Figure 11-1) locate the various provisions:

Limits of liability




Reservation of rights

Covered injuries

Defense costs

Coverage conditions and supplementary payments

Did you have difficulty finding some of the sections? Would this be a policy that you would consider purchasing for your own liability coverage? Why or why not?

Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 11, You Be the Judge, which begins, “During an unexpected heat wave,…” (Guido, p. 195):

What provisions of an insurance policy would you consult to determine if an insurance company should pay such a claim, and what would the limits of the liability be?

Is the nursing home insurance company correct in saying that this is a professional judgment issue?

Which insurance company (the nursing home’s or that of the administrator of the nursing home, assuming she has coverage) should pay the court-ordered judgment?

How would you decide the case?

Please combine all of these responses into a single Microsoft Word document for submission. Submit only completed assignments (not partial or “draft” assignments). Be thorough in your responses to adequately address all aspects of each question.

Submit only the assignments corresponding to the module in this section.

Assignment Expectations

Length: 1500 words; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner.

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3) scholarly sources to support your claims.

Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx).

File name: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the assignment number (for example, “RHall Assignment 1.docx”)

M4 Assignment UMBO – 4

M4 Assignment PLG – 4, 6

M4 Assignment CLO – 2, 3, 4, 7

N520 Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare

Module 5 Assignment


For this week assignment, create a PowerPoint presentation based on the following case studies.

Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 12 (Guido, p. 218) and answer the following questions:

Did the facility have sufficient evidence to suspend the nurse?

How should the testimony of the other nurses in the unit affect the outcome of this case?

What additional questions should the institution address before the court rules in this case?

How would you have ruled in this case?

Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 13 (Guido, p. 234) which begins, “The patient was seen by the NP in an outpatient clinic for persistent diarrhea,…” and answer the following questions:

How should the expert witness for the defense offer testimony that the NP and the consulting physician had met the standards of care for this individual patient?

Did not having a full autopsy impact the outcome of the case either for or against the NP and the clinic?

Would the care of this patient have been positively impacted by a more thorough examination of the patient’s gastrointestinal problems?

How should the court decide on the issue of negligence?

Read Chapters 16 and 17 in Guido (7th ed). Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 17 (Guido, p. 328-329) beginning with, “A licensed practical nurse…” and answer the following questions found on p. 329:

Did the nurse manager have a responsibility to supervise the care of the patient?

Was the care of this patient appropriately assigned to the LPN by the charge nurse, or could the charge nurse have delegated this patient’s care more appropriately?

If the charge nurse assigned the care of the patient to the LPN, did she retain any supervisory responsibility that would result in her liability in this case?

How do the principles associated with delegation and supervision figure into this case?

How would you decide this case?

Assignment Expectations

Length: 16 slides minimum; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner. Be sure to include audio for each slide.


Title: 1 slide

Objectives: 1 slide

Chapter 12 case study: at least 4 slides

Chapter 13 case study: at least 4 slides

Chapter 17 case study: at least 4 slides

Conclusion: 1 slide

References: 1 slide

Additionally, because a good presentation has few words on the slides include a script with the verbiage you would say when presenting; script should be a minimum of 50 words per slide.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3) scholarly sources to support your claims, at least one per case study.

Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft PowerPoint document and a Word document (.pptx) and (.doc or .docx) or Open Office Impress.

File name: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the module number (for example, “RHall Module1.pptx”).

M5 Assignment UMBO – 4

M5 Assignment PLG – 4, 6

M5 Assignment CLO – 2, 3,

N520 Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare

Module 7 Assignment


For this assignment, create a PowerPoint presentation based on any three of the following four case studies.

Read the case study You be the Judge presented at the end of Chapter 18 which begins, “The older adult male patient was admitted…” (Guido, p. 363) and answer the following questions:

Was the nurse negligent for not questioning the use of morphine for a patient with blunt abdominal pain before administering the dose of morphine?

Would knowing that the patient’s blood pressure was 148/94 when the morphine was administered impact the finding of the trial court?

What evidence would you argue in the nurse’s defense regarding the care of this patient?

How would you decide this case?

Read the case study You be the Judge presented at the end of Chapter 19 that begins, “An 82-year-old patient…” (Guido, p. 394) and answer the following questions:

What initial care should the patient have received in the emergency center?

Did the emergency department staff meet the standards of care for a patient with these presenting signs and symptoms?

Was the admission to the intensive care area a violation of the EMTALA law?

How would you decide this case and what provisions of the EMTALA law would you anticipate the court enumerated in its holding?

Read the case study You be the Judge presented at the end of Chapter 20 (Guido, p. 415) beginning with, “The patient was a detainee,…” and answer the following questions:

Should the nurses have followed the physician’s orders and continued the ordered medications, which varied significantly from his pre-jail medications, specifically his medications for pain?

Was it deliberate indifference to the patient’s medical needs to change his pain medications in the belief that he needed to withdraw from narcotics?

What more could the nurse have done to prevent a lawsuit from being filed for an Eighth Amendment violation?

How would you expect the court decided this case?

Read the case study You be the Judge presented at the end of Chapter 21 (Guido, p. 440-441) beginning with, “An elderly woman was admitted to the hospital…” and answer the following questions:

What types of questions should be asked of the social worker and the other individual who witnessed her signature on the will?

What other evidence should be requested of the nursing staff to best ascertain her cognitive ability at the time she dictated how she wanted the will drafted and at the time she signed the document?

Does the fact that she had been estranged for many years from the sibling whose children are now suing factor into the final decision of the court?

How would you decide this case?

Assignment Expectations

Length: 16 slides minimum; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner. Be sure to include audio for each slide.


Title: 1 slide

Objective: 1 slide

(Note: Choose any three of the following case studies to present, not all four)

Chapter 18 case study: at least 4 slides

Chapter 19 case study: at least 4 slides

Chapter 20 case study: at least 4 slides

Chapter 21 case study: at least 4 slides

Conclusion: 1 slide

References: 1 slide

Additionally, because a good presentation has few words on the slides include a script with the verbiage you would say when presenting; script should be a minimum of 50 words per slide.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3) scholarly sources to support your claims, one for each case study in addition to any texts.

Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft PowerPoint document and a Word document (.pptx) and (.doc or .docx) or Open Office Impress.

File name: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the module number (for example, “RHall Module1.pptx”).

M7 Assignment UMBO – 4

M7 Assignment PLG – 4, 6

M7 Assignment CLO – 2, 6, 7

N520 Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare

Module 8 Assignment


Signature Assignment: Legal and Ethical Considerations in Healthcare

For your Signature Assignment, create a PowerPoint presentation, with audio, that discusses any five legal issues or ethical concepts of your choice that you feel are particularly important to the improvement of healthcare. Explain the impact of these five concepts on nursing practice, the healthcare institution, and on the quality of patient care.

For your presentation:

Select at least five (5) legal issues or ethical concepts that you feel influence or hinder nursing practice, healthcare institutions or quality patient outcomes.

Explain how the selected legal issues or ethical concepts impact nursing practice, the healthcare institution, and the quality of patient outcomes.

Develop a policy proposal with measures and recommendations that could positively impact nursing practice, allow healthcare institutions to thrive, and improve the quality of patient outcomes.

Detail how nursing could act or advocate to incorporate the policy proposal into practice.

Review the Signature Assignment Rubric before starting your presentation.

Assignment Expectations

Length: 16-20 slides minimum, with audio; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner. Be sure to include audio for each slide.


Title: 1 slide

Objectives: 1 slide

List legal issues or ethical concepts: 1 slide

Explain the issues or concepts: at least 4 – 5 slides

Present a policy proposal incorporating the issues and concepts with measures and recommendations: at least 5 slides

Explain how nursing can act or advocate to incorporate the policy proposal into practice: 1-5 slides

Conclusion: 1 slide

References: 1 slide

Additionally, because a good presentation has few words on the slides include a script with the verbiage you are using when presenting; script should be a minimum of 50 words per slide.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least five (5) scholarly sources to support your claims, at least one (1) per legal issue or ethical concept in addition to required texts.

Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft PowerPoint document and a Word document (.pptx) and (.doc or .docx) or Open Office Impress.

File name: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the module number (for example, “RHall Module1.pptx”).

Total Point Value of Signature Assignment: 400 points

M8 Assignment UMBO – 4

M8 Assignment PLG – 4, 6

M8 Assignment CLO – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

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