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NiluferGole’s chapter Islamic visibility and the public sphere: how did it change and when? Clash of civilization thesis – Is Turkey a torn country? (explained in Gole) Catho-laicite Assertive secularism/Passive secularism

Key terms

  • Public Sphere and post-secularism (Habermas, and also in Göle)
  • Secularization theories– three approaches
  • Latent secularization
  • Religious marketplace(study to explain US vs. Europe by using religious marketplace, give two examples from Europe in terms of how the state approaches religion)


NiluferGole’s chapter

  • Islamic visibility and the public sphere: how did it change and when?
  • Clash of civilization thesis – Is Turkey a torn country? (explained in Gole)
  • Catho-laicite
  • Assertive secularism/Passive secularism



  • Nostalgic Kemalism and Kemalism went private



  • Third Way (in Europe) and ‘Erdogan’s third way’
  • Neoliberalism vs. Communitarianism
  • The difference between AKP and Welfare Party (RefahPartisi) (Or the difference between Milli Gorus and AKP) (442-443)
  • Ozal’s policies vs. AKP policies- both implemented neoliberal policies but they were indifferent in…. (page 444)

Patton’s question (446)- why a neoliberal third way is articulated by a religio-conservative party rather than a social democratic one?


Islamic feminism- Susanne Schroter

What do Islamic feminists argue? Where did Islamic feminism emerge? How does it relate to second wave feminism? In other words, what do they argue against/for second wave feminism? Is it possible that Islamic feminist emerge in non-western countries?How?

  • Gender-jihad
  • Westoxification– specifically: why is this relavant to the subject of Islamic feminism? (hint: think about modernization of Islam and the reactions to it)


Zana Citak

  • Main characteristics of French secularism or Laicite
  • French Islam
  • Religion as a foreign policy instrument


Study Questions for the Essays

  • What does Gole say about the public sphere in Europe and Islam?
  • What does EsraOzyurek mean when she says ‘Kemalism went private after 1990s’?
  • Write synthesis essay that connects, compares and contrasts Ozyurek andGole in terms of they explain the rise of religion in Europe and other parts of the world.
  • What does the Patton article tell us about the question ‘why did poor support AKP/Islamic politics?’
  • How is the argument of Navaro-Yashin in her chanter on Ataturk? How does she support that argument?
  • How are neoliberalism and Islam integrated in Turkey according to Navaro-Yashin ((think about, for example, commercialization of modest clothing), Ozyurek(think about what she means explains privatization) and Patton?
  • Study to learn the role of the Diyanet and its transformations. Be prepared to discuss ‘Is the state secular in Turkey?’ How is the role of the Diyanet in Europe explained by Citak? Explain with examples.
  • How is Alevism different from Sunni Islam? How are Alevis discriminated socially, culturally, and legally? What are the demands of Alevis in Turkey and Europe?
  • Discuss Turkish secularism by referring to the claims of Alevis as a case. What are their claims? Why do they want it?
  • DeryaOzkul’s Chapter: How has Alevi movement evolved in Europe in time (hint: from being a part of left to a faith-based movement)? What are the social and political reasons for these changes? In other words, how does Ozkul explain the transformation of Alevi movement in Europe?
  • Study the characteristics and regulations ofFrench laicite(how does it work?)– what is the 1905 law about? Why is the Alsace-Moselle region distinct in France in terms of secularism in the country?  Compare and contrast Turkish secularism and French laicite by using Fernando and Citak’s article. (you can think about other articles too)

What does Scott mean when she argues that the meaning of secularism changes over time? Explain by explaining what Old Laicite vs New laicite mean in Scott’s article

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