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ntroduction and motivation, Literature Review

2.5.2 Final reportWeight:80%Type of Collaboration:IndividualDue:Monday, May 31Submission:Turnitin via vUWSFormat:The report is organised following a standard research reporting format (Cover page,Abstract, Table of Content (List of Figures, Tables, and Abbreviations if appropriate)Introduction and motivation, Literature Review, Methods, Results, Analysis,Conclusions, References, Appendix (when necessary)).The recommended referencing style is Harvard WesternSydu Referencing Style. Thestudents may use a different referencing style in consultation with the project supervisors.Length:10000 wordsCurriculum Mode:ReportThe final report is to present in your own words the research undertaken during Master Project 1 and Master Project The report may incorporate contents from the progress report completed in Master Project 1 with the researchresults and analysis obtained from the current study. It is to assess your ability to express the findings in a professionalway at a high standard. Students need to demonstrate skills in writing technical documents and presenting researchresultsPlease refer to the Report Template for 300598 Master Project 2 on VUWS for the format and requirements ofthe final report. The final report should contain the following Sections: Cover Page, Abstract, Table of Contents,nd/or Recommendations, References, Appendix (if necessary).12Marking Criteria:CriteriaHigh DistinctionDistinctionCreditPassUnsatisfactoryStructure andclarity of writing(10 marks)Clear and logicalpresentation,articulate proseinteresting to read.In general, wellstructured and wellwrittenSatisfactorystructure to report,prose conveysinformationsuccessfullyoccasionallyconfusingPoorly structuredconfusing proseinformation can beextracted withLittle or no logicalstructure, poorsentenceconstructiondifficult to extractinformationperseverance.Literature review(10 marks)Little or noevidence of aSatisfactory review,concise review ofrelevant papers,limited criticalappraisalA good, concisereview of relevantpapers, somecritical appraisalset into the contextof the projectPatchy review, anoverview of a fewrelevant paperswith no criticalappraisalliterature reviewExcellent review,concise criticalreview, set into thecontext of theproject, identifyinggaps in knowledgeA creative andhighly appropriatemethodology isclearly articulatedand justifiedMethodology (10marks)The methodology iswell-argued andjustifiedThe methodology isexplained andappropriate for theproject.An appropriatemethodology isbroadly outlinedbut the details arenot always clearThe methodology iseither notappropriate for theproject or is poorlyarticulatedsuggesting deficitsin understandingLittle or no results,Results and analysis(40 marks)Excellent results,achieved moredemanding projectaims and advancedbeyond theseExcellent analysis.evidence of originalcontribution to ordevelopment in thefielddid not meet basicproject aims. Littleor no analysis ofdataCommendableresults, achievedbasic and most ofmore demandingproject aims.Commendableanalysis, able to setconclusions in thecontext of currentunderstanding inthe fieldSatisfactory results, Patchy results, .achieved most ofachieved some ofthe basic project the basic projectaims. Satisfactory aims. Patchyanalysis, reliable analysis,conclusionsquestionablereliabilityConclusions and/orrecommendations(10 marks)Clear presentationof fully justifiedfindings. Logicalconclusions basedon researchevidence. CriticaletenceConclusion notincluded and/or norecommendationsLogical conclusions Clear presentationpredominantly of conclusionsbased on evidence related to evidenceEvidence of critical Results mostlyevaluation Results linked to thelinked consistently objectives of theto objectives.studyRelatively deficientand unsupportedconclusionsevidential or logicalor both

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