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NURS FPX 6025 Assessment 4 Practicum and Technological Changes

NURS FPX 6025 Assessment 4 Practicum and Technological Changes sample:

This reflection paper will address my practicum experience and the chance to work as a nurse, with an emphasis on improving the health outcomes of overweight autistic teens. Throughout this journey, I have actively used new technologies such as electronic health records (EHRs), mobile applications, wearable devices, and telemedicine to improve care delivery for this category of people. This reflection paper will look at my practicum experience, highlighting the influence of new technologies as well as the successes and problems I had in improving health outcomes for overweight autistic teenagers.

Effect of Evolving Technology and Trends

As a nurse dealing with overweight autistic teenagers, new developments and technologies have had a huge influence on the clinical setting. The adoption of technology like as EHRs, mobile apps, wearable devices, and telemedicine has improved patient safety and treatment results.

The growing technologies and trends in healthcare have demonstrated promising results for overweight autistic youngsters. For example, electronic health records (EHRs) have been shown to improve care coordination and outcomes. According to a research published in the Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, using EHRs in pediatric settings enhanced documentation accuracy, boosted communication among healthcare practitioners, and reduced medical errors (Koh & Ahmed, 2021). This shows that adopting EHRs can have comparable benefits in the treatment of overweight autistic teens, leading to better control of their health conditions.

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Furthermore, integrating mobile applications and wearable technologies in weight management interventions has had favorable results in a variety of demographics. A comprehensive study published in the Journal of Current Obesity Reports discovered that mobile health treatments, such as applications and wearable devices, have shown the potential to encourage physical activity, healthy eating, and weight loss (Ghelani et al., 2020). While detailed information on the efficacy of these therapies in overweight autistic teens is scarce, these findings indicate that adopting technology-based interventions could enhance their weight management.

Moreover, the proliferation of telemedicine services has created new avenues for healthcare delivery in rural or underserved locations. Research published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine found that telemedicine treatments were helpful in providing specialized care to people with autism spectrum disorders, including weight management support (Gabellone et al., 2022). The capacity to communicate with healthcare practitioners remotely via video consultations and digital platforms can assist overcome geographical constraints and enhance access to care for overweight autistic teens.

While developing technologies and trends have the potential to considerably assist overweight autistic teens, their adoption raises concerns that must be addressed. One problem is protecting the privacy and security of patient data in the digital age. As more data is captured and communicated via electronic health records and mobile applications, the danger of data breaches and unauthorized access grows (Paul et al., 2023). To secure sensitive information and comply with privacy standards such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), robust rules and protections are required. Furthermore, as technology advances quickly, healthcare personnel must keep current and be taught how to use new technologies effectively and efficiently.

 It is imperative that healthcare professionals receive sufficient training and continuous support to optimize the potential advantages of these tools while reducing the likelihood of errors or inefficiencies (Rodziewicz et al., 2023). Additionally, it is critical for nurses to remain up-to-date on emerging trends and technologies and to offer healthcare providers education and training to ensure their effective utilization. 

Reflection on Practicum Experience Including Accomplishments and Challenges

During my practicum as a nurse dealing with overweight autistic teens, I accomplished substantial goals while facing some hurdles in using technology to enhance health outcomes for this group.

One major milestone was the effective integration and use of electronic health records (EHRs) designed specifically for the requirements of overweight autistic teens. The deployment of EHR systems increased care coordination and communication among healthcare providers involved in these youngsters’ health management. EHRs provide a comprehensive picture of a patient’s health information, enabling better-informed decision-making and tailored treatment planning (Fennelly et al., 2020). However, one disadvantage of EHRs was the early adjustment period for healthcare professionals to adapt to the new system. Some employees had difficulty understanding the EHR interface and entering data properly, which momentarily hampered workflow and productivity.

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Another achievement in mobile applications and wearable devices was the successful integration of these technologies to assist weight control programs. Using mobile applications and wearable technology, overweight autistic teens and their caregivers can actively monitor and track their physical activity, eating habits, and sleep patterns (Sabry et al., 2022).

Nonetheless, one issue with these devices was maintaining constant interest and commitment to their use. Some overweight autistic teens struggle to use mobile applications or wear gadgets regularly due to sensory sensitivity or behavioral issues linked with autism (Alrahili et al., 2021). Individualized evaluations were required to solve these problems, such as offering tailored assistance, simplifying the user interface, and including visual timetables and reminders to encourage regular engagement with the system.

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Another success in telehealth was the effective adoption of virtual consultations to give specialized treatment and assistance to overweight autistic teens. Telehealth offers remote access to healthcare specialists, enabling continuous monitoring, counseling, and guidance on weight control measures (Haleem et al., 2021). This technique was especially useful for reaching those who live in remote areas or have limited access to specialized treatment. Telehealth faced the difficulty of requiring a solid internet connection and access to technology devices in order to conduct successful virtual consultations. Some people had difficulty acquiring reliable internet connections or lacked the essential gadgets to engage in virtual visits (Haimi, 2023).

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My practicum experience as a nurse working with overweight autistic kids and leveraging technology resulted in dramatically better health results. While problems arose, such as adapting to new systems, assuring constant involvement, and dealing with connection limits, they were resolved via continual training, assistance, and tailored methods. The successful integration and application of technology has improved care coordination, empowered patients, and increased access to specialist care, resulting in better health outcomes for overweight autistic teens.

Completion of Hours

Throughout my practicum, I spent many hours dealing with overweight autistic teens. These hours were spent actively interacting with the population, working with multidisciplinary teams, and employing a variety of tools and resources to enhance their health outcomes. I have continuously documented my actions, reflections, and accomplishments in a meticulous journal, demonstrating the breadth and depth of my participation throughout the practicum. By completing these hours, I have met the practical experience criteria, demonstrating my commitment to expanding my knowledge and abilities as a nurse informaticist in the setting of overweight autistic teens.


 My practicum experience as a nurse informaticist dealing with overweight autistic kids has been both helpful and satisfying. I have enhanced care coordination, empowered patients, and increased access to specialist care by embracing emerging technologies and trends including EHRs, mobile applications, wearable devices, and telehealth. While facing adversities, I displayed resilience, adaptability, and a dedication to ongoing professional growth.

This experience has given me significant insights into the role of technology in healthcare and how it may improve health outcomes for this demographic. I am grateful for my preceptor’s mentoring and work with multidisciplinary teams, which have expanded my learning and helped me grow as a nurse informaticist. I am delighted to use the knowledge and skills I received from this practicum to continue positively improving the lives of overweight autistic teenagers and their families.

NURS FPX 6025 Assessment 4 Practicum and Technological Changes

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Alrahili, N., Almarshad, N. A., Alturki, R. Y., Alothaim, J. S., Altameem, R. M., Alghufaili, M. A., Alghamdi, A. A., & Alageel, A. A. (2021). The Association Between Screen Time Exposure and Autism Spectrum Disorder-Like Symptoms in Children. Cureus13(10).

Fennelly, O., Cunningham, C., Grogan, L., Cronin, H., O’Shea, C., Roche, M., Lawlor, F., & O’Hare, N. (2020). Successfully implementing a national electronic health record: A rapid umbrella review. International Journal of Medical Informatics144(PMC7510429).

Gabellone, A., Marzulli, L., Matera, E., Petruzzelli, M. G., Margari, A., Giannico, O. V., & Margari, L. (2022). Expectations and Concerns about the Use of Telemedicine for Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Parents and Healthcare Professionals. Journal of Clinical Medicine11(12), 3294.

Ghelani, D. P., Moran, L. J., Johnson, C., Mousa, A., & Naderpoor, N. (2020). Mobile Apps for Weight Management: A Review of the Latest Evidence to Inform Practice. Frontiers in Endocrinology11(412).

Haimi, M. (2023). The tragic paradoxical effect of telemedicine on healthcare disparities- a time for redemption: a narrative review. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making23(1), 95.

Haleem, A., Javaid, M., Singh, R. P., & Suman, R. (2021). Telemedicine for healthcare: Capabilities, features, barriers, and applications. Sensors International2(2), 100117. NCBI.

Koh, J., & Ahmed, M. (2021). Improving clinical documentation: introduction of electronic health records in paediatrics. BMJ Open Quality10(1), e000918.

Paul, M., Maglaras, L., Ferrag, M. A., & Almomani, I. (2023). Digitization of Healthcare sector: A Study on Privacy and Security Concerns. ICT Express9(4), 571–588.

Rodziewicz, T. L., Hipskind, J. E., & Houseman, B. (2023, May 2). Medical error reduction and prevention. National Library of Medicine; StatPearls Publishing.

Sabry, F., Eltaras, T., Labda, W., Alzoubi, K., & Malluhi, Q. (2022). Machine Learning for Healthcare Wearable Devices: The Big Picture. Journal of Healthcare Engineering2022(PMC9038375), 1–25.

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