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NURS4001: Nursing and Midwifery Capstone Each student must individually complete a critical review of the literature focused on one of the following cases studies: 1. NSQHS Standards: Preventing and Controlling Infections Standard. You are working on a surgical ward at Curtin Hospital as a graduate RN. In the past 4 weeks, your ward The manager has received 6 complaints from consumers. The complaints indicate that nurses are not adhering to the 5 moments of hand hygiene. The ward manager has asked you to ass

NURS4001: Nursing and Midwifery Capstone

Each student must individually complete a critical review of the literature focused on one of the following cases studies:

1. NSQHS Standards: Preventing and Controlling Infections Standard.

You are working on a surgical ward at Curtin Hospital as a graduate RN. In the past 4 weeks, your ward The manager has received 6 complaints from consumers. The complaints indicate that nurses are not adhering to the 5 moments of hand hygiene. The ward manager has asked you to assembly a team of Clinical Nurses and Registered Nurses to do a critical review of the literature on this subject.


2. NSQHS Standards: Medication Safety Standard.

You are working in a medical ward at Curtin Hospital as a graduate RN. In the past 12 weeks, your ward Manager has received 6 clinical incidents where interruptions of nursing staff during medication administration have resulted in clinical incidents/near misses. The ward manager has asked you to assembly a
team of Clinical Nurses and Registered Nurses to do a critical review of the literature on this subject.

Your paper must provide a critical review of the literature on the chosen focus area including a discussion on how the chosen area relates to the Registered Nurse role, clinical performance, and the evaluation of health care delivery
in an acute care setting.

The chosen topic (either topic 1 or 2 above) must be included in the title. Your paper should present high-quality credible evidence justifying and supporting your discussion (largely using peer-reviewed journal articles and research studies).

As a senior student succinct writing is an important aspect of your professional writing skills, taking this into account this assessment has a maximum word limit of 1000 words (+/- 10%) excluding your reference list, headings, in-text
citations and title. We will stop reading at 1100 words. Any content words you include after this point will not be read or included in marking, although your reference list will still be read and assessed.

The marks come from how well you discuss and evaluate the subject. Your paper must have a clear discussion and not just be a description or
summary of relevant literature. Remember to include the thesis statement at the beginning of your work. How do I submit the assessment?

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