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Operations and logistics management

Assessment 2

Module TitleOperations and logistics managementAssessment 2 TitleAssignment (Report) Topic: Analyse the supply chain of a business and identify the core competencies required to be successful in today’s turbulent business environment.Individual/GroupIndividualWeighting70%Latest Hand in Date10/01/2023Learning Outcomes AssessedAll 3 of the learning outcomes

Assessment 2 brief

For assignment 2 students need to analyse the supply chain of a business and identify the core competencies required to be successful in today’s turbulent business environment. The question should consider the following:

Issues in application of forecasting and planning

Analysis of existing Logistics and Distribution strategies

Operational KPI’s required to manage the business

Recommended novel and future strategies that could potentially provide the business with a sustained competitive advantage

Students need to apply relevant concepts and theories to discuss and analyse the above-mentioned issues. Following structure can be used for the report.


Analysis of key performance objectives and competitive priorities

Analysis of operational characteristics based on competitive priorities

Business approach towards planning and controlling

Business approach towards logistics and transportation management

Business approach towards technology application within their operations

Recommendations to the business and conclusion


Student Instructions for Submission of Coursework

This module requires you to submit your work online.

You MUST submit your work through MyBeckett using the link set up by the. Receipt of your work will be recorded.

Your “Turnitin assignments” in MyBeckett can be set up so that you can check your assignment yourself as you submit it. This checking is done by creating an “Originality Report”.  If this report shows that there are some problems with your work, such as un-cited quotations, you should be able to make corrections and re-submit the work again before the due date. More information about Turnitin is available online here:

Please note: Tutors will follow up any suspected unfair practice found after the submission date as per University policy. Late penalties will apply as per University Regulations.

Instructions to Students

•          The ssessment 2 accounts for the 70% of the mark.

•          You must submit your assessment electronically on MyBeckett using the Turnitin icon.

•          The word count for the report is 4000 words is +/- 10%.

•          Words included in the bibliography are not included in the word count.

•          You should only use Harvard referencing.

•          Any websites referred to must be properly referenced.

•          The text of your assessment must be displayed using a 12-point (or larger) Arial or Verdana font and with a line spacing of at least 1.5.

The assessment and marking criteria can be found in the module handbook.

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