NOTE: At postgraduate level, you are expected to substantiate your answers with evidence from independent research.
• This assignment consists of FOUR compulsory questions. Please answer all of them.
• When you answer, preferably use information from your own workplace, or, alternatively, from a workplace with which you are familiar. This is referred to as “your company” in the questions that follow.
• When you make statements or recommendations concerning “your company”, then be sure to use actual practical examples from your company in support thereof.
• Good luck!
In the context of your own company, critically summarise the key points of the Delta Change Model and the Resource-Based View. Then, highlight the key elements in your company’s business model and evaluate whether the Delta Change Model’s focus on ‘customer bonding’, or the Resource-Based View’s focus on ‘rare and valuable internal resources’, is more relevant to your company, and which one would give you the best chance of growth in the future.
SCORING CRITERIATOPIC(S)POORDEVELOPINGPROFICIENTMASTERLYSummarize andLittle or no attemptBasic attempt madeSatisfactory attemptOutstanding attemptcritically evaluate themade to summarizeto summarize andmade to summarizemade to summarizerelevance of the Deltaand critically evaluatecritically evaluate theand critically evaluateand critically evaluateChange Model andthe relevance of therelevance of the Deltathe relevance of thethe relevance of thethe Resource-BasedDelta Change ModelChange Model andDelta Change ModelDelta Change ModelView with regards toand the Resource-the Resource-Basedand the Resource-and the Resource-own companyBased View withView with regards toBased View withBased View with regards to ownown companyregards to ownregards to own company companycompany
Critically evaluate your organisation with regard to its vision, mission, and value statements, and assess how these are aligned to the organisation’s strategy and culture. Your answer should consider whether there are areas of improvement regarding its vision, mission, and value statement. Finally, recommend key stakeholders who may be consulted in this process, and justify your recommendations.
TOPICPOORROOM TO DEVELOPPROFICIENTMASTERLYCRITERIACriticallyLittle or no attemptBasic attempt made toSatisfactory attemptOutstanding attemptevaluatemade to criticallycritically evaluatemade to criticallymade to criticallyelements of ownevaluate elements ofelements of ownevaluate elements ofevaluate elements ofcompany’sown company’s missioncompany’s missionown company’sown company’smissionstatementstatementmission statementmission statementstatement. Consider areasLittle or no attemptBasic attempt made toSatisfactory attemptOutstanding attemptof improvementmade to consider areasconsider areas ofmade to considermade to considerand evaluate itsor improvement, orimprovement, and toareas ofareas ofimpact onevaluate its impact onevaluate itsimprovement, and toimprovement, and tostakeholders,stakeholders, andstakeholders andevaluate itsevaluate itsand recommendrecommendrecommendstakeholders andstakeholders andimprovementsimprovementsimprovementsrecommendrecommend improvementsimprovements
Within the context of your company’s organisational strategies, extract several of its most important long-term objectives and critically analyse how these coincide with – or deviate from – the proposed annual objectives for several functional divisions within the company.
Then, critically evaluate the extent to which:
The annual objectives can be considered in alignment with long-term objectives and offer a reasonable chance of contributing towards their achievement; and
The annual objectives between each of the functional divisions within your company are logically and symbiotically aligned with one another.
Finally, propose recommendations, with practical examples, for improving the alignment and synergy between the long-term and annual objectives and/or between the annual objectives of various functional divisions within your company.
TOPICPOORROOM TO DEVELOPPROFICIENTMASTERLYCRITERIAAnalyse, and criticallyLittle or no attemptBasic attempt made toSatisfactory attemptOutstanding attemptevaluate, themade to analyse, andanalyse, and criticallymade to analyse, andmade to summarize,relationships betweencritically evaluate, theevaluate, thecritically evaluate, theand critically evaluate,the long-term andrelationships betweenrelationships betweenrelationships betweenthe relationshipsannual objectives, andthe long-term andthe long-term andthe long-term andbetween the long-termbetween the functionalannual objectives, andannual objectives, andannual objectives, andand annual objectives,divisions within ownbetween the functionalbetween the functionalbetween the functionaland between thecompany, withdivisions within owndivisions within owndivisions within ownfunctional divisionsrecommendations forcompanycompanycompanywithin own companyimprovement ProposeNo attempt has beenStudent has attemptedStudent largelyAn outstandingrecommendations formade to proposeto proposeproposedresponse in which theimproving therecommendations forrecommendations forrecommendations forstudent has largelyalignment and synergyimproving theimproving theimproving theproposedbetween the long-termalignment and synergyalignment and synergyalignment and synergyrecommendations forand annual objectivesbetween the long-termbetween the long-termbetween the long-termimproving the and annual objectivesand annual objectives.and annual objectives.alignment and synergy However, the studentsHowever, a fewbetween the long-term answer is largely off-mistakes can be noted.and annual objectives trackThese include steering off topic or spelling/grammatical errors
Conduct an evaluation of your own company’s strategy from about 3 – 5 years ago, following the usual three steps of the strategy evaluation process:
Examine the underlying bases of your company’s strategy;
Compare your actual results with your expected results; and
Take corrective actions to ensure that performance conforms to plans.
Make your “yes / no” decisions clear after each step of the process, as per the flow diagram in your study guide and prescribed text book illustrating strategy review.
If you answer “yes, significant changes have occurred” after either Step 1 (the underlying bases of your company’s strategy) or Step 2 (a comparison between actual and expected results), then make recommendations, with examples, of where and how your company needs to take corrective action(s).
SCORING CRITERIATOPIC(S)POORDEVELOPINGPROFICIENTMASTERLYReview ownLittle or no attemptBasic attempt madeSatisfactory attemptOutstanding attemptcompany’s 3 – 5-made to review ownto review ownmade to review ownmade to review ownyear-old strategiccompany’s 3 – 5-company’s 3 – 5-company’s 3 – 5-company’s 3 – 5-plan in terms of (a)year-old strategicyear-old strategicyear-old strategicyear-old strategicbases of strategy andplan in terms of (a)plan in terms of (a)plan in terms of (a)plan in terms of (a)(b) actual versusbases of strategy andbases of strategy andbases of strategy andbases of strategy andexpected results, then(b) actual versus(b) actual versus(b) actual versus(b) actual versus(c) recommendexpected results, andexpected results, andexpected results, andexpected results, andcorrective actions if(c) recommendations(c) recommendations(c) recommendations(c) recommendationsand where necessaryfor corrective actionsfor corrective actionsfor corrective actionsfor corrective actions if and whereif and whereif and whereif and where necessary.necessary.necessary.necessary.
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