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Personal Leadership Philosophy Meets BSN Program Student Learning Outcome # 5 In

Personal Leadership Philosophy Meets BSN Program Student Learning Outcome # 5 Incorporate effective communication strategies with individuals, families, and/or communities in the role of professional nurse. You are a nurse leader every day, in every situation, and an unsung hero. You work long hours, you neglect self-care, and you show compassion for humanity. You heal, you inspire, you comfort, and you are amazing! In this paper you are asked to create your own personal leadership philosophy. A one page summation of how you envision your leadership style. Oftentimes employers will ask nurses for their personal leadership philosophy therefore, consider this a valuable exercise which you can share as you advance your career. In addition, revise it as you grow in knowledge, experience, and understanding. You will continue to evolve, grow, advance, and empower others to do the same. Be a beacon of hope, light, and caring in our profession. Decide to make a difference, to take risks, to stand up for what you believe in, and to inspire others. This paper will reflect your highest scholarship, your passion, your future, and nursing’s hope. Take the time to create and inspire a one page synopsis of all that you have learned and the knowledge gained from this course. Include new terminology, leadership concepts, and content learned from this course that resonate with you. Your philosophy is ideal for sharing on your CV and with your employer when seeking new leadership opportunities within your organization Rubric Leadership Philosophy A personal philosophy is an individual’s belief in themselves as leaders, sourcing evidence, giving credit, and acknowledging your value as a leader. This is a summation of the knowledge of leadership that you have to date, self-reflection, knowledge, and commitment for life-long learning and continuous growth, respect, compassion and caring 50pts Evidence Paper is written in a scholarly manner, with reference to current leadership best practices, and self awareness. Spell checked, and edited to exemplify your excellence as nurse leader. Demonstrates knowledge gleamed from course assignments, and readings.50pts

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