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Pick a topic of interest to you within psychology. Within that topic, ask a research question and hypothesis. Use your questions! and the provided simulated (not real) data to determine which variables code what variables (hint: descriptive analysis can help you determine this!). Then, determine an appropriate analogy plan and use SPSS to conduct the appropriate analyzes. You are expected to conduct at least three different descriptive analyzes and at least two different inferential analyzes. Finally, write up your research questions, hypotheses, and describe one

Description: Students will be asked to carry out a plan, analyze data for, and write up results to demonstrate how to organize, summarize data, interpret. At the same time, communicate their findings. The project emphasis will be on four issues: (1) generalizing a question answered using statistics, (2) deciding on the appropriate statistical technique to be used, (3) using SPSS to conduct the statistical analyses, and (4) writing up and interpreting the results using correct APA style.


Directions: Pick a topic of interest to you within psychology. Within that topic, ask a research question and hypothesis. Use your questions! and the provided simulated (not real) data to determine which variables code what variables (hint: descriptive analysis can help you determine this!). Then, determine an appropriate analogy plan and use SPSS to conduct the appropriate analyzes. You are expected to conduct at least three different descriptive analyzes and at least two different inferential analyzes. Finally, write up your research questions, hypotheses, and describe one of the used variables. Analyze, plan and interpret your results (what the numbers mean) using APA style. Include (and describe) all relevant tables and at least two graphs.


Simulated Data: See the SPSS Project Module (.sav is for SPSS; other formats provided in case it does not work)


Additional Resources: See SPSS Project Module


APA Style: h#ps://


Your final submission must be a Microso# Word file (.doc or .docx). Other file formats (including, but not limited to: photographs, screenshots, Apple Pages documents, and other file formats) will not be accepted and will result in a zero (0) on this assignment with no opportunity to make it up. If you do not have access to Microso$ Word, Google Drive allows documents prepared in it to be downloaded in the proper format. However, I strongly recommend obtaining Microso$ Office for your use in other classes.



 SPSS Project Rubric


Criteria Ratings Pts
Research Ques!on & Hypothesis 10 pts 7 pts 3 pts 0 pts
Research ques!on and research hypothesis are appropriate, relevant to Excellent Good Fair Missing   10 pts
psychology, and properly wri#en.





List of Variables


Variables from the simulated data set are renamed as relevant variables for the project. A list of them is provided including (1) the original variable name,


  • the new variable name, (3) a descrip!on of what the variable now represents, (4) how the variable is theore!cally scored / measured, and (5) a descrip!on of the scale of measurement of the variable.



10 pts 7 pts 3 pts 0 pts


Excellent Good Fair Missing



10 pts




Analy!c Plan


A paragraph describing the planned analyses and ra!onale for them is provided. Analyses include at least three descrip!ve analyses and at least two inferen!al analyses, appropriately chosen. Sta!s!cal hypotheses are provided.



25 pts 17 pts 8 pts 0 pts


Excellent Good Fair Missing


25 pts




Interpreta!on of Results


At least one paragraph repor!ng and interpre!ng the results is provided. All relevant results must be reported and interpreted to describe what the number means in terms of the topic examined.



25 pts 17 pts 8 pts 0 pts


Excellent Good Fair Missing


25 pts




Tables & Graphs


All relevant tables are included along with at least two graphs. Each table and graph is accompanied by a cap!on at least one full sentence in length interpre!ng what the figure means and why it is useful.



20 pts 14 pts 6 pts 0 pts


Excellent Good Fair Missing


20 pts




Grammar & Forma&ng 10 pts 7 pts 3 pts 0 pts
Proper grammar and forma&ng is used. APA Style is followed for how the Excellent Good Fair Missing   10 pts
paper is forma#ed and reported.




Total Points: 100

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