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Please respone to peer Define Insomnia Disorder Insomnia, difficultly falling or

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Define Insomnia Disorder

Insomnia, difficultly falling or staying asleep i the hallmark of this disorder. The resulting lack of sleep results in daytime sleepiness for 10%to 15% of adults of which 6% to 10% meet the criteria for insomnia disorder. Complaints of not being able to fall asleep, stay asleep, or fall asleep, or fall back to sleep are common and make insomnia disorder the most prevalent of the sleep-wake disorder. Symptoms must include at least one of the following three problems (difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep, as evidenced by frequent awakening, or early-morning awakening without being able to return to sleep. symptoms must be presented at least 3 nights a week for a minimum of 3 months. As with all of the sleep disorders, the symptoms cause clinically significant impairment in the ability to work, drive a car, or other important areas of functioning.

Define Erectile Disorder-

Difficulty obtaining or maintaining an erection during sexual activity, or a decrease in erectile rigidity are considered a DSM-5 disorder, the dysfunction must occur in more than 75% of partnered sexual activity over a 6 month period and cause the person significant distress. Severity level and subtypes mentioned earlier must be specified. Erectile disorder is almost always of the acquired type rather than lifelong.

Discuss the client’s characteristics of gender identity disorder in chapter 15.

Gender identity is a fluid concept that may be questions many times over the course of a lifetimes. The concept encompasses feeling about the body, social roles, gender identification and sexuality. Gender identity disorder was considered to be a pejorative term, and was a controversial diagnosis in DSM-V. Important criteria have been changed and gender dysphoria is no longer considered to be sexual dysfunction but relates to dysphoric feelings surrounding identification as another gender not of one’s birth.


Reichenberg, L.W., & Seligman, L. (2016). Selecting effective treatments: A comprehensive systematic guide to treating mental disorders (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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