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NETWORKS– Case Study

Assessment InformationModule Title: PROFESSIONAL SECURE NETWORKS  Module Code: COCS71196Submission Deadline: 10th May 2024 by 3:30pm

Instructions to candidates

This assignment is one of two parts of the formal assessment for COCS71196 and is therefore compulsory. The assignment is weighted at 50% of the course grade. You will be required to work individually, so time management is very important.

When reading this assignment please read all elements fully and understand what is being asked of you, DO NOT rely on your friend to explain what is expected, if you have any issues, please ask the teaching team.

Your task

You have applied for a job as a cloud security engineer. You have just passed the first stage of the interview. The second stage will test your research skills within the field of cloud / network security. Your employer is offering could services to Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs). There are a lot of reasons why customers are benefiting from migrating to the cloud. Your task is to investigate the current cloud infrastructure network attacks and mitigation techniques. You also need to discuss legal and ethical issues related to data privacy and security, as SMEs typically will have databases hosting sensitive data.

It is not expected that your paper will be at the same level of depth as the papers published in research journals. However, your investigation should not be a general overview. Your written discussion should include critical evaluation and recommendations or conclusions from your findings.

Your potential employer is also expecting from candidates the ability to publish research papers and therefore would like you to follow a specific format. You are required to follow the IEEE formatting style for conference proceedings:

Manuscript templates for conference proceedings can be found here:

A typical structure of a paper will include:

Abstract – this should be a briefly representation of your paper, you should also summarise the findings.

Introduction – where you introduce the reader to the selected topic, provide brief details of the importance of your research, present the aim/objectives of your paper and describe profiles of forthcoming sections.

Main Body – where you develop your arguments, examine and discuss related works, standards and best industry practices. This could be divided into a number of sub- sections.

Legal and ethical issues.

Conclusions – where you will critically discuss your findings.

References – you should aim for approx. 15 references. All references should meet IEEE style.

There is neither a minimum nor maximum word limit. You are limited to a maximum of 6 sides of A4 paper (three double-sided pages). The word count will vary depending on how many illustrations you use.

Your paper must be written in your own words and must include a reference section indicating all your sources of information. Remember your sources of information should be authoritative (not Wikipedia, for example). You should also consider the use of illustrations to exemplify your discussion. You must be very careful not to plagiarise material. Plagiarism can result in a mark of 0 for the assignment, or even failure of the entire module.

Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty

Please do NOT copy any other student’s work (or lend other students your work) or copy directly sentences and paragraphs from the Internet unless attributing the section correctly to the author in quotation marks.

In general try only to quote short sentences and not full paragraphs. Instead you should as much as possible try to use your own words. As a guide you should try to limit your usage of direct quotes to around 5 or 7 occurrences within the report. Remember also to put in the full reference in an appropriate style at the end of the report.

Please also note that the content written in the report must be original in relation to your other modules, i.e. you must not copy and reuse content directly from your other modules as this will breach the university’s rules on academic dishonesty. If you are unsure of these rules please access the following web site:

Submission Guidelines

You need to submit your research paper before the deadline.

Your documentation should be submitted in electronic format to the Turnitin plagiarism-checking service via the link on the university VLE, Blackboard. This will be set up near to the deadline to allow you to submit your work. Please submit DOC or PDF version of the research paper otherwise it might NOT be recognised by the Turnitin system. If you have any questions/queries, please contact your tutor.


Read the relevant literature, which is extensive, in this area. It is an absolute pre-condition for being able to understand and justify conclusions or recommendations that you make. It is important that you start your preparation early.

Proof read your work before hand-in; check for any grammatical or spelling errors.

If you have any questions or need further clarification on this assignment, please email the tutor or make an appointment to see them.

Marking criteria

CriteriaMaximum mark allocationAbstract section – brief representation of paper with findings.5Introduction section – setting of context, brief details of the importance of your research , purpose, personal challenges, terminologies, clear aims and objectives, profiles of forthcoming sections.10Literature Review section (Research / Investigation section) – quality of examination of existing works, clear setting of context, discussion of related works, display of critical understanding, proper referencing, quality of up to date referencing.50Legal and ethical issues – Ethical and Legal Issues Related to Data Privacy / Security.15Conclusions / Recommendations section – Reflection of all the work done, quality of shown critical thought and reflection10References section – correct show of IEEE referencing within the report and at the end of it, quality of peer–review references.5Paper meets IEEE requirements5Total out of 100 

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