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Programme Title: BA in Social Care Academic Year: 2023-24

Year 1

ASSESSMENT GUIDELINESModule Title:Creative Approaches in Social Care SettingsLearner Group Code:L7MBASCG26OC


You are required to complete the following assessments for this module:

1. Online Activities and Discussion20%2. Session Plan20%3. 2-D art piece40%4. Reflection20%

Prepare by reading this brief several times, reading the rubric, using your tutorial support and the course material.

Please read the Assessment Submission section of this document, which details the submission requirements for this module. The Assessment Checklist is at the end of this document.


You can email your Tutor anytime during your studies if you have any questions or queries. Your

Tutor will reply within 48 hours on weekdays. You strongly encourage using your tutorial support as you work through your module.


The e-learning department will provide any technical support you require throughout this module. Please note that the E-learning Department will provide you with support around your study’s technical elements, such as library

access, using Google Drive and Google Docs, uploading assignments, and accessing resources on MyOTC Learning Centre. Any questions relating to the content of your module and assignment or your study’s academic side must be directed to your Tutor.


 DeadlinesCompleted:1st submissionMonday 4-Mar-2024Two online activities with discussions will be completed by this date.2nd submissionMonday 29-Apr-2024Creative Activity Session Plan3rd submissionMonday 24-June-20242-D piece and Reflection


You must create and complete your assignments in Google Docs (please refer to your Online Module for instructions).

Once your documents are completed, you must upload each submission to Turnitin. Please note you need to upload your submission without the cover page/declaration form and images and photographs to Turnitin, as there is a limit on the file size you can upload.

Please ensure that you follow the College’s assignment naming scheme: Surname, First Name, Module, and Learner Group Code.

This refers to the file name in the top left corner of the document. Your Learner Group Code is on the previous page (below the module title).

Your submission is complete when you have shared your completed document before the relevant submission dates, which are noon on

1.      Monday 4th March 2024 for two online activities with discussions

Monday, 29th April 2024, for the Creative Activity Session Plan

3.      Monday, 24th June 2024, for 2-D Art Piece and Reflection

The Assessment Department will not accept assignments not named correctly. You will be required to resubmit, which may incur a late submission penalty (see Student Handbook for further detail on penalties).

Please also note that no changes will be accepted after the submission date once you submit your assignment. Late submissions will require an approved extension, or else they might incur a late submission penalty. You must ensure that you name and submit your assignment correctly. Please remember to enable editing when you share your completed work.

There will be two online activities for this module. You will be notified when each activity starts and their timeframe, with both completed by the first submission deadline of the 4th of March 2024. All guidance will be provided on MyOTC.

Each student’s contributions should demonstrate an ability to:

Engaged with the assessment activity and posted well-thought-out and original postings.

Comment on the contributions of fellow students.

Provide specific practice-based examples.

Provide a minimum of three references.

Word count 350 – 500 for the original post.

Text Box: Creative Activity Session Plan 20%

You are required to devise a creative or recreational activity and write a session plan for it that is structured using the following headings:

Title, Purpose, Objectives, Target Group, Relevance of activity for group, Adaptations to suit various disabilities/needs, Materials Needed, Visual Aids, Task, Introduction/demonstration, Duration, Conclusion, Evaluation. You can use the template in Paul Timoney’s chapter- see MyOTC here.

Consider an activity that is based on your strengths, on an area of interest for you such as a hobby or talent. This activity does not have to be art based.

In your account, please explain how you would approach facilitating this activity by demonstrating the principles of the FREDA (fairness, respect, equity, dignity and autonomy) framework (HIQA 2019)

Word Count: 1300

You must create a 2-D art piece that visually conveys a message based on a social care topic of interest.

Choose a topic that is significant to you, whether it’s related to your education, work to date, or personal life. This topic should highlight a social care principle, value, issue, problem, or best practice. Your piece will concentrate on one specific aspect of this topic and convey a message that you believe your peers should be aware of. Two-dimensional (2-D) design involves working on paper and using techniques such as drawing, stencilling, colouring, printmaking, painting, cartoons, collage, or photography.

A1 is the maximum size with a minimum of A3 (2 A4 taped together, if necessary).

Here’s a guide on how to present your 2-D art piece

When submitting your art piece, include a report describing your process. Use the following headings to structure your report:

Description of my art piece

What is the title of your piece?

What is the topic you are basing your piece on?

Include a Mind Map illustrating how you explored and researched your topic.Your Mind Map will show that you understand how to use this thinking tool. It will illustrate how you generated ideas, explored your topic, to get to the underlying message and theme of your piece.

What do you want your audience to perceive, feel, and contemplate when viewing your work? What message are you hoping to convey?

How I created my art piece

What technique(s) did you use to create your piece and why?

Choose your preferred technique, which might be more than one (drawing and collage, for example).

Please provide an explanation of how you designed your piece to convey your message. Here you will be referring to some of the visual elements that are evident in your piece, such as line, shape, form, colour, tone, pattern, texture, and composition.

Lastly, please include 3-5 photos of your artwork in progress and 3-5 photos of the finished piece, placing them appropriately within the main body to support your description.

My final thoughts

What part of your work do you consider to be the most successful?

Did you face any challenges while creating your artwork? If so, how did you overcome them?

Do you think there is anything you could have done differently in your work? If yes, please elaborate on what and why.

Word Count: 1600

Reflection allows you to honestly identify your learning and its significance to your personal development and professional practice.

Using Gibb’s Reflective Cycle, you must explore one learning experience from participating in this module. Word Count: 600 words.

This experience could be based on the workshops, MyOTC participation or your experience of ‘flow’ for instance. On the next page is an explanation of Gibb’s Reflective Cycle.

Top Tip: Keep a journal throughout this module, noting thoughts, musings, challenges and personal triumphs.


ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST  Assessment Method  Task completed

  ONLINE DISCUSSIONS  Have you made original postings for each discussion and responded to at least three other students’ posts?   Have you included references in the online discussions? CREATIVE ACTIVITY SESSION PLAN   Have you followed the template headings as per guidelines?   Cover Page and Declaration of Own Work present?   Have you completed your work as a Google Document on Google Drive? Have you named your document correctly? Surname, First Name, Module, Learner Group Code 

  ART PIECE  Cover Page and Declaration of Own Work present?   Have you completed your work as a Google Document on Google Drive? Have you named your document correctly? Surname, First Name, Module, Learner Group Code   Have you uploaded your assessment to Turnitin – do not include the photos in this upload.   Have you submitted your assignment by sharing it with one email address only:   Have you included your final version of the Mind Map?   Are photographs included of the work in the draft and as a finished piece?   Have you included evidence of the research undertaken and referenced?   REFLECTION   Have you reflected on one experience using the Gibb’s Reflective Cycle? 

  Standards of Proficiency Assessed in this Module  Domain 1: Professional Autonomy and Accountability   22) Be able to evaluate the effect of their own characteristics, values and practice on interactions with service users and be able to critically reflect on this to improve practice  Domain 2: Communication, Collaborative Practice and Teamworking   16) Understand the principles and dynamics of group work in a range of settings and be aware of the role of different facilitation techniques to improve outcomes and enhance the participation of service users in care  Domain 3: Safety and Quality   5) Be able to demonstrate sound logical reasoning and problem-solving skills to determine appropriate problem lists, action plans and goals   14) Be able to establish safe environments for practice which minimises risks to service users, those treating them and others, including the use of infection prevention and control strategies  Domain 5: Professional Knowledge and Skills   8) Understand the role and purpose of building and maintaining relationships as a tool in the delivery of social care across the lifespan in a variety of contexts   11) Be able to analyse activity and adapt environments to enhance participation and engagement in meaningful life experiences and positively influence the health, well-being and function of individuals, families, groups and communities in their everyday activities, roles and lives   16) Understand the role of, and be able to demonstrate skills in the use of creative and recreational interventions in social care work to meet the needs of the service user in a variety of contexts

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