Project Description to accompany – 5 pages max.
- Literature review
- Rationale/Justification (i.e. how the research will fill any gaps, contribute to the field of research or contribute to existing or improved practice)
- Research questions/aims/objectives/hypothesis
- Expected outcomes
Project Design
- Methodological approach
- Rationale for choices of method/s (tied to project aims/objectives)
- Participants
- Description and number
- Inclusion and exclusion criteria
- Justification of sample size (if relevant)
- Description of participant recruitment strategies and timeframes, including measures to be used to ensure informed consent
- Data Collection/Gathering: What information are you going to collect/gather?
- Data collection/gathering techniques: How will you collect/gather the information?
- Impact of and response to participant withdrawal
- Description of the data analysis process/es
Results, Outcomes and Future Plans
- Plans for return of results of research to participants
- Plans for dissemination and publication of project outcomes
- Other potential uses of the data at the end of the project
- Plans for sharing and/or future use of data and/or follow-up research

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