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PSY FPX 6840 Assessment 2 Diversity In Sport Psychology

PSY FPX 6840 Assessment 2 Diversity In Sport Psychology


Capella university

PSY FPX 6840 Current Issues in Sport Psychology

Prof. Name


Multicultural Competence in Sport Psychology Practice

To effectively navigate the realm of sport psychology and consultancy, practitioners must possess competence in addressing multicultural issues, particularly when working with athletes. One organization dedicated to fostering such competence is the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP). The AASP aims to equip graduate students in exercise and sport psychology programs with the necessary skills for professional practice, including proficiency in professional ethics, applied sport psychology, and multiculturalism, leading to certification as an AASP Certified Consultant (CC-AASP) (Carter & Prewitt, 2014).

Understanding multicultural diversity is pivotal, as it encompasses differences in nationality, race, and ethnicity among individuals (Godfrey et al., 2020). In the context of sports, teams comprised of athletes from diverse backgrounds come together to achieve common goals, emphasizing the importance of cohesion (Carron et al., 1998). Thus, practitioners who prioritize multicultural diversity in their work contribute to fostering broader understanding and bridging biases that may exist unconsciously.

Diversity in NFL Coaching Staff and Positions

Historically, the NFL has faced criticism for its lack of diversity, particularly among coaching staff. However, initiatives like the Rooney Rule, implemented in 2003, aim to address this disparity by requiring teams to interview minority candidates for head coaching positions (Druckman, 2019). This reflects the interconnectedness of race and sports, evident in historical exclusion, media biases, and underrepresentation of minority coaches.

PSY FPX 6840 Assessment 2 Diversity In Sport Psychology

Coaches play a significant role in shaping athletes’ development and perceptions. Certain positions, such as quarterbacks and cornerbacks, have witnessed a shift towards inclusivity, challenging racial stereotypes and biases (Coleman & Scott, 2018). Despite progress, racial profiling, known as stacking, persists, influencing perceptions of athletes’ abilities based on race (Paule, 2011).

Ethical Considerations and Personal Reflection

As practitioners, adherence to ethical standards is paramount, with a commitment to fair treatment regardless of race, ethnicity, or other factors (Association for Applied Sport Psychology, 2021). Understanding the client’s identity and context guides interventions and ensures culturally sensitive practice (Aoyagi & Portenga, 2010).

Personal experiences shape professional understanding. As an African American navigating predominantly Caucasian spaces in sports, encountering racial biases firsthand informs a nuanced perspective. Reflecting on these experiences underscores the importance of unbiased, client-centered approaches in practice.


In conclusion, promoting multicultural competence in sport psychology practice is essential for fostering inclusivity and addressing biases within the field. By prioritizing cultural diversity, practitioners contribute to a more equitable and supportive environment for athletes of all backgrounds.


American Psychological Association. (2017). Multicultural Guidelines: An Ecological Approach to Context, Identity, and Intersectionality. Retrieved from:

Aoyagi, M. W., & Portenga, S. T. (2010). The role of positive ethics and virtues in the context of sport and performance psychology service delivery. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 41(3), 253–259.

Association for Applied Sport Psychology. (2021). ETHICS CODE: AASP Ethical Principles and Standards.

PSY FPX 6840 Assessment 2 Diversity In Sport Psychology

Coleman, C., & Scott, J. (2018). Sports are not colorblind: The role of race and segregation in NFL positions. Journal of Emerging Investigators. 1-6.

Druckman, J. N., Howat, A. J., & Rothschild, J. E. (2019). Political protesting, race, and college athletics: Why diversity among coaches matters. Social Science Quarterly, 100(4), 1009– 1022.

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