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PSY FPX 6840 Assessment 3 Ethics In Sport Psychology

PSY FPX 6840 Assessment 3 Ethics In Sport Psychology


Capella university

PSY FPX 6840 Current Issues in Sport Psychology

Prof. Name


What is Sport Psychology?

Sport and performance psychology practice involve a blend of individual and group consulting or counseling, depending on the style of the professional conducting the intervention and the needs of the client (Association for Applied Sport Psychology [AASP], 2016).

What Sport Psychologists Do

Sport psychologists assist clients in coping with the pressures of the competitive environment, teach skills to enhance cognition during performance, and ensure ethical codes are met to establish a successful rapport between psychologist and client.

Modes of Modern Communication

Modern communication in sport psychology encompasses various channels such as text messaging, social media, email, video conferences, and biofeedback technology.

Biofeedback Technology

Biofeedback technology enables sport psychologists to monitor an athlete’s performance in real-time, facilitating an understanding of how performance fluctuates. This can be achieved using apps or sensors directly attached to the athlete’s body.

Ethical Concerns with Biofeedback Technology

Ethical considerations in biofeedback technology include patient safety, nonerotic physical contact, and informed consent. The rapid development of technology necessitates ongoing vigilance to ensure ethical standards are upheld (AASP, 2021).

Best Practices to Prevent Ethical Issues

To prevent ethical issues, sport psychologists should work closely with clients, seek supervision, establish clear professional boundaries, and stay updated with ethical standards.

Maintaining Ethical Practices

Maintaining ethical practices involves a commitment to helping individuals, competence in the use of technology, and the ability to recognize and address challenging ethical situations.


Association for Applied Sport Psychology. (2016). Retrieved from

Association for Applied Sport Psychology. (2021). ETHICS CODE: AASP Ethical Principles and Standards. Retrieved from

Aoyagi, M. W., & Portenga, S. T. (2010). The role of positive ethics and virtues in the context of sport and performance psychology service delivery. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 41(3), 253–259.

PSY FPX 6840 Assessment 3 Ethics In Sport Psychology

Connolly, I., Palmer, M., Barton, H., & Kirwan, G. (Eds.). (2016). An introduction to cyberpsychology. Taylor & Francis.

Etzel, D. E. (2022). Ethical considerations. Ethical Considerations. Retrieved February 2, 2022, from

Gross, M. J., Bringer, J. D., Kilduff, L. P., Cook, C. J., Hall, R., & Shearer, D. A. (2018). A multi-modal biofeedback protocol to demonstrate physiological manifestations of psychological stress and introduce heart rate variability biofeedback stress management. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 9(4), 216–226.

Keegan, R. (2015). Being a sport psychologist. Macmillan International Higher Education.

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