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PSYC 3590 Grief and Bereavement Paper: Movie Analysis and Application of Concepts from Reading* Select a movie or video that depicts loss and grief within a specific cultural context. (Below is a list of suggested movies, although you may know of others.) Read the following questions before you watch the movie and be prepared to write your answers. Make sure that your answ

PSYC 3590 Grief and Bereavement

Paper: Movie Analysis and Application of Concepts from Reading*

Select a movie or video that depicts loss and grief within a specific cultural context. (Below is a list of suggested movies, although you may know of others.) Read the following questions before you watch the movie and be prepared to write your answers. Make sure that your answers are thorough and reflect the concepts and material covered in the reading.

  1. Identify the types of losses (symbolic and tangible) the characters have experienced. Be sure to define and describe the difference between the symbolic and tangible losses, using the definitions in the textbook.
  2. Discuss your observations of the behavior of the main characters who have experienced loss. How do these behaviors fit or not fit with the age group the characters are in? Be sure to refer to specific information from the material in Chapter 4, 5 & 6 (Loss and Grief Across the Lifespan: Childhood & Adolescence, Young & Middle Adulthood, Older Adults) to explain your answers.
  3. What aspects of the characters’ experiences and behaviors were similar to the views and practices of your own cultural or religious group? What aspects were different? (Be sure to refer to specific information from Chapter 8 Cultural and Spiritual Influences to explain your answers.)
  4. Did the main character(s) show evidence of normal grief reactions or complicated grief reactions? Explain how the presence or absence of risk factors may have contributed to their grief reactions. Be sure to use the information from the Chapter 7 Normal and Complicated grief reactions to inform your answers.

Your paper should be a minimum of three (3) pages and no more than 4 pages (12 point font). It is due through the D2L Assignments portal by the due date posted on the D2L Calendar. Late papers will not be accepted.

Suggested movies:

Soul Food (African American) My Girl (Christian Caucasian)

Ordinary People (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) Smoke Signals (Native American)

Steel Magnolias (Christian, Southern) To Live! (Chinese)

The Kids are Alright (LGBT)

Note: The movies on this list have been chosen for their themes of loss. However, some of the material may elicit unanticipated emotional reactions or may be objectionable to some viewers. You may want to read reviews before making a selection and remember to exercise discretion and self-care in making choices and completing this exercise.

*Adapted from Walsh, K. (2012) Instructor’s Manual to Accompany Grief and Loss:

Theories and skills for the helping professions. Pearson.

Other Movies with Themes of Loss and Grief

A Woman under the Influence

Antwone Fisher


Corrinna, Corrinna

Crazy Heart



Death at a Funeral


Fried Green Tomatoes


Garden State


Imaginary Heroes

In America

Life as a House


Lorenzo’s Oil

My Girl


My Life

Never Let Me Go




One True Thing

Rabbit Hole

Reign Over Me

Simon Birch

Stand By Me

Spitfire Grill


Terms of Endearment

The Descendants


The Hurt Locker

The Other Woman (Natalie Portman)

Things We Lost in the Fire


This is Where I Leave You


Wristcutters: A Love Story


Grading Rubric


Section Excellent Good Poor Points
  (23-25 points) (15-22 points) (0-14 points)  
Symbolic and Detailed Description lacked Did not correctly  
tangible losses description some detail in identify symbolic  
  differentiating correctly versus tangible  
  symbolic versus explaining losses for several  
  tangible losses for symbolic versus main characters.  
  several main tangible losses    
  characters. and/or only    
    described losses    
    for one main    
(25 points)   character.    
Developmental Used specific Did not cite Did not show  
reactions to information from adequate evidence of  
loss the reading to information from application of  
  explain several the reading and/or information from the  
  characters’ described one only reading.  
  reactions to the one character’s    
  loss and how reactions.    
  these were typical      
  or not for their      
(25 points) age.      
Cultural and Used information Provided a limited No real discussion,  
spiritual from the reading description of how thought, or  
analysis and showed the characters’ information from the  
  insight into the culture and reading was applied  
  cultural and spiritual to the characters’  
  spiritual background reactions.  
  influences and influenced the    
  how they were loss; used limited    
  similar and information from    
  different from the reading; did    
  your own. not provide an    
    comparison to    
    your own cultural    
(25 points)   background.    
Normal versus Gave a clear Provided a limited Examples were not  
complicated explanation and rationale for specific and lacked  
grief and risk rationale for normal versus evidence of using  
factors. normal versus complicated grief information from the  
  complicated grief; and risk factors reading.  
  provided an and/or used    
  insightful limited information    
  discussion of the from the reading.    
  risk factors, using      
  information from      
(25 points) the reading.      


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