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Question In their article “Masculinity, Whiteness, and the Warrior Hero: Perpetu

In their article “Masculinity, Whiteness, and the Warrior Hero: Perpetuating the Strategic Rhetoric of US Nationalism and the Marginalization of Women” Laura C. Prividera and John W. Howard III, argue that “the continued ideological essentializing of soldiers as “masculine men” calls into question the very legitimacy of the female soldier” (Prividera and Howard, 2006, 2).
Why is intersectionality important for military forces operating in the future operating environment?  How does the inclusion of women in the military benefit the military?  To address these two larger questions, answer all of the questions in bold.  What intersecting factors were at play with the three military women of the 507th Ordinance Maintenance Company during Operation Iraqi Freedom-Jessica Lynch (Caucasian) Shoshona Johnson (African American) and Lori Piestewa (Native American)?  How does this article support or contradict concepts about the role of women in nation building?  How is military service by women connected (or not) to sex and gendered roles in society?  Does military service make women less vulnerable during conflict?  Does the “women as victim” concept diminish the role women in conflict?
At the time of Operation Iraqi Freedom, women were excluded from combat.  But, in March 2016, then Secretary of Defense Ash Carter approved final plans from military service branches and the U.S. Special Operations Command to open all combat jobs to women, and authorized the military to begin integrating female combat soldiers.  In April 2016, Tammy Barnett became the first woman to enlist in the infantry in the U.S. Army.  Using at least one method of practicing intersectionality (recognize difference; check your privilege; listen and learn; make space; watch your language; analyze the space you occupy and show up) how can the military better integrate women in the military in the future operating environment?  You do not have to have military experience to answer this question.  These are people issues.  Think about diversity and inclusion in general.
Use ALL of the required materials-reading, slides and videos provided.  When citing the readings, use APA style.  List references at the end of your text.  Your response should be at least 250 words. 

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In their article “Masculinity, Whiteness, and the Warrior Hero: Perpetu
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