Remember to use spell check, as that will also check for grammar.
Organize your paper in this way:
Introduction paragraph—What will the paper be about? What is your goal in writing the paper?
This section will be 3 to 5 sentences.
Body paragraph 1—Look at the design perspective section from your Week 1 reflection for chapter 1, 2, and 3. Rewrite that section into a cohesive paragraph—DO NOT COPY AND PASTE!!! This section will be 4-5 sentences.
Body paragraph 2–Look at the design perspective section from your Week 2 reflection for chapter 4, 9, and 11. Rewrite that section into a cohesive paragraph—DO NOT COPY AND PASTE!!! This section will be 4-5 sentences.
Body paragraph 3–Look at the design perspective section from your Week 3 reflection for chapter 12 and 14. Rewrite that section into a cohesive paragraph—DO NOT COPY AND PASTE!!! This section will be 4-5 sentences.
Body paragraph 4–Look at the design perspective section from your Week 4 reflection for chapter 15 and 16. Rewrite that section into a cohesive paragraph—DO NOT COPY AND PASTE!!! This section will be 4-5 sentences.
Body paragraph 5–Look at the design perspective section from your Week 5 reflection for chapter 19 and 22. Rewrite that section into a cohesive paragraph—DO NOT COPY AND PASTE!!! This section will be 4-5 sentences.
Body paragraph 6–Look at the design perspective section from your Week 6 reflection for chapter 24 and 25. Rewrite that section into a cohesive paragraph—DO NOT COPY AND PASTE!!! This section will be 4-5 sentences.
Body paragraph 7–Look at the design perspective section from your Week 7 reflection for chapter 28 and 29. Rewrite that section into a cohesive paragraph—DO NOT COPY AND PASTE!!! This section will be 4-5 sentences.
Conclusion paragraph—Look at your Week 8 course reflection. Rewrite the best evidence for design and the overall design impact sections into a cohesive paragraph—DO NOT COPY AND PASTE!!! This section will be 5-6 sentences.
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Organize your appeared first on Skilled Papers.