You are in the same role ( Victim Advocate) you chose for Project One: Because you did such fantastic work with the training you held for community members and sworn officers, the Civilian Office of Accountability, a local advisory board, has invited you back to report back with specific potential ideas for the location you chose for Project One. The board would like to hear your thoughts on relevant issues, such as how other cultures view criminal justice professionals, and typical types of misunderstandings between such professionals and civilians.
Suggestions Report
For your report, feel free to take information from any of the module resources, or use outside resources.
Describe different cultures’ or subcultures’ views of criminal justice professionals.
Include at least three of the following (different from your own background) that are relevant to your community:
Native Americans
Asian communities
Hispanic communities
People of color
Undocumented people
Explain the general views that are culturally based.
Describe the reasoning (often historical) behind those views.
Describe incidents of cultural misunderstanding between criminal justice professionals and civilians. Address the following in your assessment:
Religion / beliefs
Describe professional practices that may create cultural sensitivity in criminal justice professionals. Address the following in your assessment:
Understanding the public
Diversity training
Procedural justice
Police legitimacy
Diverse hiring practices
Assess best practices to build trust within cultural communities. Address the following in your assessment:
Creating an understanding of the community
Positive community interactions
The post Role of a victim Advocate first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.