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Roles & responsibilities of each team member

u Marks Lecturer Marks co Marks2SectionsDescriptionComments • Summary of the updates according to the assignment I updates feedback/comments that are provided by supervisors/unit lecturer in Appendix III. 5. Project plan and • Table of weekly activities preliminary • Roles & responsibilities of each team member (in detail) design • Gantt chart appropriate to the project• High level Project D.ign with diagram • Projcct Individual Design Approach.: Project with block diagrams step by step (you can use UML/Use cases/flow charts). Negative marks will be given for inclusion of any software engineering or projcct management methodologies such as waterfall. agile. scrum. SDLC etc. Design approaches should be technical specific including techniques / technology / algorithms etc. • Budget with references (detailed budget with specifications) — include hardware. software. human reSOUrCeS, etC.Assignment 3: MarkingSectionsStudents’ commentsMax Marks Unit Supervisor Supervisor Students’ Lecturer Marks comments comments MarksTotal Marks 30Description Max Marks Unit Supervisor Supervisor Students’ Lecturer Marks comments comments MarksComments • Appendix IV: Summary of the updates to the Assignment-uPdsIes 2 based on the feedback and comments provided by the supervisors and the unit lee,: 6. Res.trch • Roles & r.ponsibilities °leach team tnember in n.t part

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