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S1 Marketing Audit Feedforward Advice

S1 Marketing Audit Feedforward Advice pre-assessment submission

  • First check the AS1 Brief, Marking Rubric.
  • The purpose of this assessment is to produce a marketing audit that would support a marketing plan. The audit should be produced for a company (or business unit) of your choice in one industry sector and one country only. Ensure you have checked your selection with your Tutor.
  • This is the suggested Contents Page – use this to structure your report:

Front Page

Contents Page

  1. Macro analysis  
  2. Micro analysis 
    2.1 Market
    2.2 Customers
    2.3 Competitors
  3. Internal analysis 
    3.1 Strategy review
    3.2 Functions review
    3.3 Productivity review
  4. Summary – TOWS matrix and key strategic challenges  
  5. References 
  6. Appendices
    Appendix 1: One-page Company Overview 
    Appendix 2: supporting Macro model/frameworks 
    Appendix 3: supporting Micro model/frameworks
    Appendix 4: supporting Internal model/frameworks
  • Check you have the style correct i.e. model application in the appendices (like the Example pass reports provided in session 2) and commentary on key T and Os, S and Ws identified from the analysis in the main body. Those T,O,W,S s then summarised in the TOWS matrix with Key Strategic Challenges as the final section.
  • Word count per section only being as follows:

Macro 10% around 200 words (plus appendix 2)

Micro 30% around 600 words (plus appendix 3)

Internal 20% around 400 words (plus appendix 4)

TOWS and KSCs 20% around 400 words 

Plus Appendix 1 Company Overview, Contents Page and Reference Page not in the word count.

First read the example pass plans provided – C and B grades and ensure you can understand why one achieved a higher grade than the other.

  • Macro analysis – follow PEEST and use Table format shown in the session slides. Table should be 1 page and be Appendix 2. Key Opportunities and Threats and Insights generated from this analysis should go into the main body.
  • The next part is Customer then Competitor analysis.

Follow the slides in the sessions for guidance on this.  Apply at least 1 customer analysis model – how does the market in your selected country segment?  Mintel has information on customers/consumers and do a Google search. Develop a profile of the company’s key target market – what are customers key needs/purchase criteria, pain and gain points? You could check out their Social Media pages for customer comments/reviews.  You could complete either Dibb and Simkin’s Customer Proforma or the Customer Journey Map to highlight customer buyer behaviour, influences and experience – these models go in Appendix 3. Key Opportunities and Threats and Insights generated from this analysis should go into the main body.

Then do competitor analysis – who are all the key competitors, select two/three for a deeper review – apply at least 1 model i.e. Strategy Canvas, 5 Force Analysis, Positioning Map etc. Again key Opportunities and Threats and Insights generated from this analysis should go into the main body.

  • Internal Analysis is next.

Follow the slides in the session for guidance on this. Apply at least 2 models here including a strategy and functions (tactics) model/table. So perhaps a Portfolio model, the Marketing Mix table with strengths and weaknesses highlighted, a brand model such as the CBBE framework, a service quality assessment, graphs on sales, profit financial performance (productivity audit), the Resource Portfolio etc. Whatever you apply include in appendix 4 with key Strengths and Weaknesses and Insights generated from this analysis going into the main body.

  • TOWS and Key Strategic Challenges summary.

The T, O, W, S s identified in the main body should then be summarised in the TOWS matrix (don’t include any here that are not in your External or Internal analysis) with Key Strategic Challenges as the final paragraph. See session slides for guidance here.

  • Use Harvard referencing – the links to the Guides are on Nile under Assessment Information. Reference list should come before the 4 appendices.
  • Read through to check you use of English and presentation.
  • Upload on Nile under Submit your work in WORD format. Keep the receipt for your submission to ensure it has uploaded correctly.

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