Now that we have had an introduction to security protocols that will help reduce the risk of a security incident we are going to study security incidents.Select a recent security incident that had their data stolen by an outside attack, insider threat, or some other mechanism. There are multiple examples that can be used, i.e., Target, Capital One, Home Depot, OPM, etc. As you evaluate the incident you evaluate several components throughout the remainder of the course.
1. select a security incident, there are examples above
2. create a 1-page introduction of the security incident
3. Your response must be properly APA formatted with every sentence that comes from another source cited or quoted.
4. The submission will go through safe-assign to check for plagiarism. If a high level of plagiarism is detected this will result in a zero for the assignment and the school will be notified.
5. There are no makeup attempts on any assignments
Below are some examples of security incidents that have occurred. You may choose any security incident that has occurred and impacted the user’s data.
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