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Select an audience of nurses working in one of the following practice settings: community organization, acute care setting, or long-term care facility.

Persuasive Theory-Based Practice

Practice: Presentation: (25%)
The purpose of the Persuasive Theory-Based Practice: Presentation is to motivate and convince an audience of staff nurses why theory-based practice is important to their role as nurses.

You are to select an audience of nurses working in one of the following practice settings: community organization, acute care setting, or long-term care facility. The presentation is expected to be a deliberate approach to move the audience to support theory-based practice.
Content Criteria includes:
• Description of practice setting and theory including the rationale for selection. • Logical evidence in support of the need for theory-based practice. (PO I ) • Untoward challenges from inaction on the quality of care and professional commitment to the individual’s right to self-directed healthcare. (P0 2, 3) • Integration of sources to reassure the validity of its importance. (P0 I ) • Creative solutions with theory and evidence-based nursing that will impact the center of all practice, education and leadership decisions. (PO 1, 2, 3)
Presentation Criteria
• Present clear, articulate presentations of all key areas in a logical sequence within 3-5 minutes (PO 1, 2, 3)
Counter-Perspective Presentations The purpose of the peer-response Persuasive Theory-Based Practice: Presentations is to respectfully present counter perspectives in response to two peers’ initial presentations. This counter perspective may be focused on the selected theory, selected practice setting, or logic flaws in the persuasive argument.
• Offer a counter perspective to at least two peers in response to their unttal presentations within a 3-5 minute time period. (PO 3) • The presentations should be considered formal, consistent with what you would present to collogues in a clinical setting. (PO 3)

Name Persuasive Theory Based Practice: Voice Thread Presentationpy4., rtv vAAbot Description Name: NUR 500 Rubric: Persuasive Theory-Based Practice: Presentation 125%) Description:

Review the descriptors for each major category so you will know how you will be evaluated; they describe indicators of performance expectations at varying levels. The expectations described under each performance level also has varying credits based on whole numbers.

There is flexibility between ranges to allow for differentiation of performance levels. Please note the following: Mastery is considered the expected level of performance whereby exemplary indicates performance beyond expectations. Performance levels are within the ranges of Exemplary 100%-97; Mastery 96-90; Developing 89-80: Beginning 79-75: and Incomplete 74 and below.

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