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Siebel Question Bank

Siebel Question Bank – based on Eaton Interviews

  1. Configuration
  1. MVG
  2. Run Time Events
  3. Data Validation Manager
  4. Hierarchical picklist and dynamic picklist.
  5. Workflow policies
  6. Constrained Picklist
  7. Methods used to invoke a workflow? Syntax?
  8. How to configure MVG
  9. Difference between Join and Link
  10. Status Model
  11. Working of Auto, Primary and None types in link
  12. How Primary key is set for MVF records.
  13. How multilingual applications handled with Symbolic Strings/LOV.
  14. Working of bilingual applications.
  15. How to restrict transition based on Organisation in state models?
  16. MVL with search expr scenario
  1. Scripting
  1. Scripting Best Practice.
  2. Why do we use try catch error
  3. Difference between Return cancellation & return continue operation.
  4. Looping through the records scenarios based.
  5. What are the variables to be nullified at the end of script?
  6. Can there be 2 ‘Finally’ in Error exception?
  7. Order of execution of Runtime Events and Script Methods.
  8. Difference between setadminmode and setviewmode BC Methods
  9. VBC – how it works? – Custom BS and its methods?
  1. Workflows
  1. How to run a WF in Asynchronous manner?
  2. A requirement for the usage of asynchronous WF.
  3. How to debug if the Asynchronous WF hasn’t started.
  4. What is Object Id? Is it possible to run a WF without Object Id?
  5. How can you implement try catch in WFs?
  6. How can you query on a BC that’s not present in BO?
  7. How to debug a WF?
  8. How to query non primary bc in Bo?
  9. What is the license for using the “Inbound email operations”?
  10. How to handle error exception within WFs?
  11. How is assignment manager implemented? Explain a scenario in which it is used.
  12. Load distribution in Assignment manager.
  13. Difference between Siebel Operation and Inbound Email Operation in a WF with/without BO
  14. Example of workflow without object Id? – Email Response
  1. Non srf changes
  1. Assignment Manager
  2. Email Communication
  3. Web template changes?
  4. Data Maps
  5. Value Maps
  6. State Model
  7. How to Restrict User from Transition from one state to another?
  8. How to pop up a message when user tries to change the Status field from ‘Open to ‘Closed’ without saving the value ‘Closed’?
  9. How to restrict a User from closing the SR if there are any ‘Open’ Activities beneath it?
  10. RCR : How to send notification before activity expire ?
  11. Impact of WF without bo, workflow with Bo
  12. Organisation and Division differences
  13. Business Requirement on Assignment Manager
  14. What is the need of Dynamic candidate in Assignment Manager
  15. TBUI business requirement and how did we implement?
  1. EAI
  1. How to configure Outbound Web Service?
  2. How to create a VBC?
  3. Pros and cons of both Outbound WS and VBC
  4. EAI Siebel Adapter
  5. EBC
  6. How will you create an IO, Explain the system generated objects in an IO?
  7. External names and BC/BO/XML tag correspondences
  8. XML tags- Can there be IC field without XML tags?
  9. XML tag system generated format?
  10. Types of IC fields generated by Wizard?
  11. User keys- Status Key/User key
  12. PICKLIST, MVG related user properties
  13. How to test an inbound web service in Siebel Ip18? (Testing using DISA- Automation)
  14. DISA – Significance?
  15. Business services used in integration
  16. EAI Siebel adapter method Upsert and Insert difference?
  17. Datamap BS and methods
  18. DataValue Map. How precondition/search specification works in Value map?
  19. Inbound and Outbound communication implementations
  20. How to use Value map lookup in data map expression for replacing picklist value?
  21. BIP integration – how it is done, Siebel Inbox Integration – basics
  22. Common BS that is used in integration
  1. EIM
  2. EIM basic implementation
  1. Open UI
  1. Basics
  2. Open UI Architecture
  3. How to debug the code.
  4. How to make use of 3rd party scripts
  5. Changing the colour of record based on status – Open UI
  1. Architecture
  1. Scenarios
  1. There is a query script for a record. The record can be seen in UI but not able to retrieve using the script code. What could be the reason?
  2. What are the visibility types?
  3. How and where all can we make the changes for visibility.
  4. Parent BC is Account. The child applet should display the details which are coming from an External system. How can this be achieved?
  5. Parent BC is Account. Child BC is Account Credit. This BC can have two types of records – Credit and Cumulative. There can be more than one credit record and only one cumulative. The Cumulative will display the sum of the rates from all the credit records under that Account. How?
  6. How can you optimize performance?
  7. Any previous project implementation.
  8. Given a new value to be added in picklist what will be the procedure?
  9. If the input request contains a Parent contact and child record. How to get the value from child attribute? What’s the limitation of the BS used if there are multiple child records in the request?
  10. If there is an Address entity to be accommodated in the input request, what are things need to be taken care when creating an IO?
  11. If the external request has some set of values where the internal values expected are different. How will this be handled in an Integration based on certain conditions?
  12. Can any part of the MVL be used in a Join?
  13. Knowledge in EIM
  14. Experience in BIP Integration
  15. Working experience in Siebel IP 17/18
  16. What are the methods to analyse performance issues?
  17. Script less solution to show popup when status of a record is changed from A to B?
  18. Loopless solution to restrict transition from A to B if there are activities still having in-progress status.

Merge Operation


Userkey attribute combination

Foreign key

MVL Primary field

Required column

S-Party entities

Predefault value

LOV_TYPE in column level

The post Siebel Question Bank appeared first on My Assignment Online.

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