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SITHKOP002_Assessment Tasks and Instructions

ABN 28 615 702 335

ACN 615 702

ABN 28 615 702 335

ACN 615 702 335

CRICOS Provider Code: 03647C

RTO Provider Code: 45272

ABN 28 615 702 335

ACN 615 702 335

CRICOS Provider Code: 03647C

RTO Provider Code 45272


: 03647C

Assessment Tool

SITHKOP002_Assessment Tasks and Instructions

Blue Bay College

89 Marsden Street Parramatta NSW 2150

T: (02) 8897 3814


ABN 28 615 702 335

ACN 615 702 335

CRICOS Provider Code: 03647C

RTO Provider Code 45272

Your Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) at Blue Bay College
It is your duty to inform staff at Blue Bay College if you see, hear or come across any incident, situation or hazard that might require immediate attention In case of an emergency evacuation, you are required to follow the instructions provided by your trainer. While exiting the building, keep calm and walk alongside the hand rails.

The Assessment Process

Why are assessment tasks important?

To complete your qualification, you are required to apply the ideas you have been learning from this unit of competence.

The assessment activities are an important part of your training program as they provide an opportunity to apply what you have been learning and they give both you and your trainer feedback on your progress.

How will you be assessed?

You will be required to complete a variety of written and practical exercises. Instructions for how to complete the assessments are provided within each assessment task in this booklet.

What is required for successful completion?

Please read this section carefully before commencing the assessment tasks. You must carefully complete EVERY task in this booklet. You must achieve a ‘Satisfactory’ mark for all assessment tasks to be deemed Competent for the unit. If you are assessed as Not Competent, you will be given some suggestions for improvement and asked to redo your assessment.

At the successful completion of the assessment tasks, you will have demonstrated your competence against all of the requirements of the unit.

Submission of assessments

Your trainer will advise you when to commence the assessments in this booklet.

You are required to complete the written assessments on a separate document. You have access to computers which are equipped with 2010 Microsoft suite of products. You will also have access to the internet at the College to assist with research and resources. Assessment responses should be typed; however, handwritten submissions will be accepted if they are clear and legible.

On the document please include:

  • Your name
  • The date
  • The Assessment Number and Task Number.

For example:

  • Will Smith
  • 10 August 2015
  • Assessment 1 – Question 1 (Record your answer).

Please note that some assessments require additional documentation, such as a form or a procedure, which must be included with your submission.

Make sure you check your material before submission. You must keep a copy of all work submitted.

Access and equity

A student’s access to the assessment process should not be affected by restrictions placed on the location or context of assessment beyond the requirements specified in the training package. Reasonable adjustments can be made to ensure equity in assessment for people with disabilities, including language and literacy. Adjustments include any changes to the assessment process or context that meet the individual needs of the person with a disability, but do not change competency outcomes. If you believe you have a disability that may affect the completion of these assessment tasks please speak to your trainer.

Assessment outcomes

Your assessment submission will be assessed and you will be given feedback. Each assessment task will be marked as either Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory and once all assessments have been marked you will be given an outcome of Competent or Not Competent for the unit of competence.

What can you do if you don’t agree with the assessment result?

If you do not think the assessment process is valid, disagree with the assessment outcome, or believe that you have been treated unfairly, you can appeal.

The first step is to discuss the matter with your trainer. If you still do not agree, you are able to request a re-assessment. It is possible to have your assessment submission assessed by a different assessor.

If you remain dissatisfied after the re-assessment, you should contact your trainer. Full details of the appeals process are contained in your Student Handbook.

Declaration of Authenticity

You are required to sign a Declaration of Authenticity for every written assessment submission. The Declaration is a signed statement from you stating that the assessment submission is your own work.

Declaration of Authenticity

Student Name
Student ID
I declare that all work completed in this assessment is my own
Student Signature
Trainer/Assessor Name

Assessment Tasks and Instructions

Student Name
Student Number
Course and Code
Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITHKOP002 Plan and cost basic menus
Assessment for this Unit of Competency/Cluster Details
Assessment 1 Assignment
Assessment 2 Project
Assessment 3
Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1 2 3
Reasonable Adjustment
Has reasonable adjustment been applied to this assessment?
No No further information required
Yes Complete 2.
Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment:

Student to complete
My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me
I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment

2nd Assessor to complete
I agree the adjustments applied to this assessment are reasonable



Assessment Guidelines

What will be assessed
The purpose of this assessment is to assess your knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit:
organisation-specific information: sources of information on current customer profile and food preferences service style and cuisine costs of supply for ingredients methods and formulas for calculating portion yields and costs from raw ingredients: butcher’s test standard measures standard yield tests hospitality and catering industry desired profit margins, mark-up procedures and rates different types and styles of menus for dishes or food production ranges for different types of food outlets range of food preferences relating to: contemporary eating habits cultural and ethnic influences popular menu items quick service foods seasonal dishes variety of food products differing characteristics of customer groups: age range buying power gender income level social and cultural background influence of seasonal products and commodities on menu content naming conventions and culinary terms for a variety of cuisines formats for and inclusion of menus presented to customers methods of assessing the popularity of menu items: customer surveys popularity index sales data.
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted
RTO to complete

Resource Requirements
Pen, paper, Computer, internet access.

Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements
You are required to address each question in this assessment. Once you have completed all questions, check all responses. Your trainer will be providing you with feedback.
Statement of Authenticity
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks
The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained to me and I understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this assessment
Student Signature: Date: / /201
This assessment: First Attempt 2nd Attempt Extension Date:    /    /   
RESULT OF ASSESSMENT Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
Feedback to Student:

Assessor(s) Signature(s):
Date:    /    /     
Student Signature
Date:    /    /     

Assessment 1

Your task

You are required to complete all questions and tasks for assessment.

Q1.List 3 sources of information you can use in your workplace to obtain information on customer profile and food preferences:

Source of information

Q2.What are the service style(s) and cuisine(s) used in your workplace? List all that apply and list menu examples which are used for each service style or type of cuisine used:

Cuisine Service Style Menu examples

Q3.Complete the following yield tests, calculating the Net yield per Kg and the net portion cost for each commodity based on the net cost per Kg and the portion size per kg provided.

Commodity $ / kg Trimmings Net Yield/ kg Net cost/kg Portions /kg Net Portion Cost/ $

Beans 2.95 16%
3.51 0.100
Broccoli 4.85 24%
6.38 0.100
Carrots 1.40 16%
1.67 0.100
Cauliflower 5.75 22%
7.37 0.100
Kohlrabi 4.28 32%
6.29 0.100
Spinach 10.60 18%
12.93 0.100
Onions 2.45 14%
2.85 0.050

Sirloin 16.80 26%
22.70 0.280
Loin of Pork 14.80 14%
17.21 0.250
Leg of Lamb 8.90 27%
12.19 0.250

Q4.How would the profit margins and menu type differ in a fine dining establishment compared to a bistro or pub?

What would be cost factors you would need to consider for each of these operations?

Bistro , Pub Fine dining establishment
Menu type and Margins Menu type and Margins

Cost Factors Cost Factors

Q5.Go to the Sydney markets website and provide an overview of the fruit and vegetables in season relevant to the month you are undertaking this assessment. Select 3 seasonal recipes from the recipe section on that site which could be used for a seasonal 3-course menu:

Fruit and Vegetables in Season


Q6.Go to the Australia Tourism website, select 3 restaurants from 2 different states (then click in each on “view more information”) and create 3 different ethnic menus from the different dishes offered by restaurants which provide a link.

Restaurant 1 Restaurant 2 Restaurant 3
Menu 1 Menu 2 Menu 3

Q7.Go to the following 2 websites and identify 6 different trends for food and beverages in Australia for 2016:

Top global food and drink trends for 2016

Clean Eating to be the major Food and Beverage trend in 2016

Q8.Customer characteristics vary according to a wide range of factors. Give general examples of how each of the following characteristics will impact on your planning of menus and menu styles in an establishment:

Customer Characteristic Impact on menu planning and menu style
age range
buying power
income level
social and cultural background

Q9.Design a customer questionnaire which you can use to evaluate the following types of menus for your practical assessment.

The questions need to be clear and objective. The questions must be rated from e.g. 1-5 (1 is poor/5 is excellent). Allow a space at the end to permit customers to comment.

Remember, the aim of your questions is to obtain valid feedback and to enable you to make improvements to your menus.

  • à la carte
  • buffet
  • cyclical
  • degustation
  • ethnic
  • set
  • table d’hôte
  • seasonal

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