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Code: MSWPG7213

School/Faculty: School of Arts

TeachingPeriod: 2020/20

Author: Rob Townsend

Program Level:

AQF Level of Program




Pre-requisites: (MSWPG7101 and MSWPG7102 and MSWPG7108)

Co-requisites: Nil

Exclusions: Nil

CreditPoints: 15.00

ASCEDCode: 090501

Description of the course for handbook entry:

This course seeks to address the range of contemporary issues in Australian and global politics, economics and societies. It will draw on the long conceptual history of thinking through ‘the rights of the human’, it will focus on the practice history and development of both Australian and international human rights regimes. Students will become familiar with the substantive and procedural elements of international and local human rights laws and gain practical experience debating the applicability of human rights instruments. Students will engage with a range of case studies which will include consideration of human rights issues raised by the Northern Territory Intervention, mandatory detention of refugees, torture and ill-treatment during ‘the war on terror’ and the issue of human rights and corporations.

GradeScheme: Graded (HD, D, C, etc.)

Placement Component: No

Supplementary Assessment: Yes

Where supplementary assessment is available a student must have failed overall in the course but gained a final mark of 45 per cent or above and submitted all major assessment tasks.


Delivery Mode:

Online via Adobe Connect


Workshops/seminars on 25 September, 9 October and 23 October, 2020


Course CoordinatorRob TownsendOnline
TutorMichelle HoodOnline


TypeDayTimeRoomStaff / Comment
Workshop 1Friday 25/910-12 & 1-3OnlineRob Townsend
Workshop 2Friday 09/1010-12 & 1-3OnlineRob Townsend
Workshop 3Friday 23/1010-12 & 1-3OnlineRob Townsend

Additional consultation time can be booked by contacting the staff member concerned directly.

Learning Outcomes:


K1. Appraise and critique the historical development of current Australian and international human rights regimes

K2. Determine the institutions, substantive protections and procedural mechanism for enforcing human rights

K3. Evaluate the human right based social movements for First Nations’ people, mental health consumers and refugees

K4. Determine and critique the challenges associated with various human rights systems and processes

K5. Assess and predict the increasing role of human rights as a practice framework in Social Work globally and in Australia


S1. Engage in a critical analysis about human rights issues

S2. Evaluate the role of human rights in the contemporary world

S3. Evaluate some of the philosophical bases of conundrums with human rights law and processes

S4. Debate issues in society which give rise to human rights cases being raised and determined

S5. Debate human rights practice as it relates to Social Work as a profession and to practitioners in a range of contexts

Application of knowledge and skills:

A1. Capacity to communicate oral and written arguments effectively

A2. Ability to conduct rigorous academic and practice research relevant to studying and practicing human rights law

A3. Ability to apply standards, ethics and values of Social Work in human rights contexts

A4. Apply skills for practice in government and/or non-government sectors

Values and Graduate Attributes:


V1. Work respectfully and effectively with individuals, groups and communities

V2. Appreciate the role of capacity building, participatory practice and social inclusion in enhancing the social and cultural lives of individuals, groups and communities

V3. Work toward community and individual rights of self-determination

V4. Explore and respond to personal and professional ethical issues within processes of human rights law and practice



This course seeks to address the range of contemporary issues in Australian and global politics, economics and societies. It will draw on the long conceptual history of thinking through ‘the rights of the human’, it will focus on the practice history and development of both Australian and international human rights regimes. Students will become familiar with the substantive and procedural elements of international and local human rights laws and gain practical experience debating the applicability of human rights instruments. Students will engage with a range of case studies which will include consideration of human rights issues raised by the Northern Territory Intervention, mandatory detention of refugees, torture and ill-treatment during ‘the war on terror’ and the issue of human rights and corporations.


The following is an approximate guide to the sequence of topics in this course.

Topic 1: Conceptualising Human Rights
This topic provides a brief introduction to debates in human rights and their application to social work practice. It will introduce you to the philosophical underpinnings of human rights from pre-enlightenment to contemporary post-enlightenment debates. Aside from considering critiques of the enlightenment inspired human rights from a number of standpoints, such as post-colonialism and post-modernism, cultural and minority rights, it will also explore how the public/private divide within modernity affects social work practice.
Topic 1A: Philosophical traditions in Human rights approachPrescribed Reading (s): Ife, J. (2012.) Human rights beyond traditional formulations- chapter 2. Ackerly, B. (2008). Universal Human Rights in a world of difference, Chapter 1 & 2. Reichert, E. (2006). Building the foundation: Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In Reichert, E Understanding Human Rights:an exercise book. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications. Additional Reading (s): Ackerly, B. (2008). Universal Human Rights in a difference world of difference, Chapter 3. Brown, C (199) Universal Human Rights: a critique, N & Dunne (eds.) Human Rights in global practice, New York: Cambridge University Press. Cushman,T. (2012). Philosophical foundations of human rights. In T. Cushman (ed.), Handbook of Human Rights (pp.9-22). London: Routledge. Ife, J. (2012). Human rights in a globalized world- Chapter 1. Wornka, J. (2011). Overview of Human Rights: The UN Conventions and Machinery. In Lynne M. Healy and Rosemary J. Link (eds.). Handbook of International Social Work: Human Rights, Development, and the Global Profession. Oxford:

Oxford University Press.

Topic 1 B: Human rights approaches and social work practice

Prescribed Reading (s): Ife, J. (2012). Public and private human rights’- chapter 3 Staub-Bernasconi, S. (2011). Human Rights and Their Relevance for Social Work as Theory and Practice. In Lynne M. Healy and Rosemary J. Link (eds.) Handbook of International Social Work: Human Rights, Development, and the Global Profession, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Additional Reading (s): Radacic, I. (2007). Human rights of women and the public/private divide in international human rights law. Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy, 3, 415-442.
Topic 1 C: Culture and Human RightsPrescribed Reading (s): Kurasawa, F. (2012). Human rights as cultural practice. In T. Cushman (Ed.), Handbook of Human Rights (pp.155-63). London: Routledge. Additional Reading (s): Ife, J (2012). Culture and human rights -chapter 4. Brown, C (1999). Universal Human Rights: a critique. In Wheeler, N & Dunne, T (eds.) (1999). Human rights in global practice, New York: Cambridge University Press.
Topic 2: Human Rights approaches for social work practice
This section provides an overview of the debates on how human rights can be embedded in social work. It analyses the tensions between rights, needs and obligations that underpin social work practice. Furthermore, it also considers the challenges for social work practice embedded with human rights focus.
Topic 2 A: Human Rights, needs and obligationsPrescribed Reading (s): Ife, J (2012). Human rights and human needs- chapter 5 Ife, J (2012). Human rights and obligations-chapter 6 Additional Reading (s): Ackerly, B (2008). Universal Human Rights in a world of difference, Chapter 8. Fukuda-Parr, S (2006). Millennium Development Goal 8: Indicators for international human rights obligations?. Human Rights Quarterly, 28, 966-997.
Topic 2 B: Social workers as human rights workersPrescribed Reading (s): Ife, J (2012). Participation in the human rights discourse’ chapter 8. Healy, L (2008). Exploring the history of social work as a human rights profession. International Social Work, 51, 735-748.

Reichert, E (2011). Social Work and Human Rights: a foundation for policy and practice, (Introduction chapter). Additional Reading (s): Dominelli, L (2007). Human rights in social work practice: an invisible part of the social work curriculum. In E.Reichert (Ed.), Challenges in human rights: a social work perspective (pp.1-16). New York: Columbia University Press. Hawkins, C & Knox, K (2014). Educating for international social work: human rights leadership. International Social Work, 57, 248- 57.
Topic 3: Ethics, human rights and social work practice
It provides a brief overview of the philosophical foundations of ethics in social work practice. It also outlines the connections between social work ethics as demonstrated through the Code of Ethics and human rights. Furthermore, it draws attention to how practice principles can be achieved within a human rights framework.
Topic 3A: Code of ethics and human rights in the social work contextPrescribed Reading (s): Congress, E (2012). Global ethical principles and dilemmas. In Healy, L & Link, R (eds.) Handbook of international social work: human rights, development, and the global profession (pp.297- 304). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ife, J. (2012). Ethics and human rights- chapter 7. Additional Reading (s): Healy, L (2007). Universalism and cultural relativism in social work ethics. International Social Work, 50, 11-26. Steen, J (2006). The roots of human rights advocacy and a call to action. Social Work, 51, 101-05.
Topic 3B: Human rights and implications for the process of Social work practicePrescribed Reading (s): Ife, J. (2012). Achieving human rights though social work practice Chapter 10. Additional Reading (s): Ife, J. (2012). Respecting human rights in social work practice chapter 11. Briskman, L. (2008). Recasting social work: human rights and political activism Eileen. Younghusband Lecture, Durban, South Africa, Work.pdf.
Topic 4: Prospects, Issues and challenges for Human rights practice
This section analyses the prospects for human rights centered social work practice. It will also discusses the issues and challenges human rights discourses face in a neo-liberal and rapidly globalizing world.
Topic 4A: Challenges for Human rights DiscoursePrescribed Reading (s): Ife, J. (2012). Conclusion: prospects for human rights practice Chapter 12. Additional Reading (s): Lundy, C. & van Wormer, K. (2006). Social and economic justice, human rights and peace: the challenge for social work in Canada and the USA. International Social Work, 50, 727-39. Reichert, E (2006).The international side of human rights and social work. In Reichert, E Understanding Human Rights: an exercise book. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.

Recommended Text (s):

Ife, J. (2012). Human Rights and Social Work: Towards Rights-Based Practice. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.

Learning Tasks and Assessments:

Learning Outcomes AssessedAssessment TaskAssessment Type

K2, K3, K4 S1, S4, S5 A1
Students will form pairs develop an online presentation to argue a case study for one of a range of human rights issues.Presentation
K1, K2, K3, K4 S3, S4, S5 A1, A2Students will write up their case-study from the presentation as individual pieces of work linking the case study to literature and case law.
Case study
K3, K4, K5 S1, S2, S3 A2, A3, A4Critical essay on one issue of national and international human rights, linking law, literature, case examples and critical analysis.
Research essay
Assessment 1 : Group PresentationWeek 1Thursday 8th October 11pm25.0%
Assessment 2: Case Study (Real)Week 1Sunday 25th October 11pm30.0%
Assessement 3 Research EssayWeek 1Friday 6th November 11pm45.0%

The following tasks will be graded.

Assessment Task 1: Presentation Due Date: October 8, 11pm, 2020

Value: 25%

Details of task: This task requires students to form pairs and research a chosen topic (see below list of topics available) which has international, national, and local relevance. Students are required to analyse, evaluate and then present a clear and consistent argument by examining how international human rights and national legislative frameworks interact by contextualising them within the human rights discourse. Students will prepare a PowerPoint presentation to be submitted on Moodle (ie not presented live) with text, audio and video embedded.

List of Topics:

  1. Mandatory detention of asylum seekers
  2. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) self-determination
  3. International rights of refugees
  4. Rights of citizens during COVID-19 state of emergency
  5. A submission to the UN on a specific issue, e.g. gender rights

Students will envisage themselves as leading a team of social workers working in a non-governmental agency required to present a case to the United National Human Rights Council. The presentation needs to address the following areas (please note this is a guide only):

  1. Brief background to the chosen topic.
  2. An analysis of the current trends and issues related to the chosen topic.
  3. A critical evaluation of the legislative frameworks, the institutional, and procedural mechanism for enforcing human rights as related to the chosen topic.
  4. How it impacts on social work as a profession and its attempt to advocate for social justice and human rights of individuals, families, and communities.

Check out this website:

Format: Your presentation will take a form that is chosen by the group (use of PowerPoint, video, you- tube, maps etc) and will take 15 minutes. The presentation will then be uploaded onto Moodle to be marked. We will ask for pairs of students to volunteer to discuss their topic/presentation during the online seminar on October 9.

Word limit: 15 minutes

Marking Criteria:

Non Pass 0-49Pass 50-59Credit 60-69Distinction 70-79High Distinction 80-100
Structure ofDoesn’t demonstrateExhibits basic logicCompetentVery soundDemonstrates very
thea logical andbut doesn’t havedemonstration ofdemonstrationhigh level of logic
presentationcoherent focus incoherency in thelogic and coherencyof logic andand coherency in
(ie. A clearanalysing thefocus of thein the focus of thecoherency inthe focus of the
argument,chosen topicchosen topicchosen topicthe focus of thechosen topic

chosen topic




etc) (25%)

ContentDoesn’t demonstrateExhibits basicCompetentVery soundDemonstrates high
(quality ofcriticalunderstanding ofdemonstration ofcritical analysislevel of critical
arguments,analysis/evaluationthe issue, mainlycritical/evaluation ofanalysis/evaluation
the quality ofof issues, supporteddescriptive andanalysis/evaluationissues andof issues and ability
research etc.)by evidence and thesupported by someof issues supportedability toto critique

absence of a clearevidence butby evidence but acritiquealternative positions
(40%)consistentdoesn’tclear and consistentalternativeand a strong

argument.demonstrateargument is notpositions with aconsistent and clear

critical/evaluationdeveloped.consistentargument embedded

or consistent
argumentright through the

Delivery &Doesn’t demonstrateDemonstratesCompetentlyVery soundDemonstrates very
Ability toan ability to explainbasic ability toexplains the content,explanation ofhigh ability to
communicatecontent clear andexplain theengages thecontent, mostlyexplain content,

succinctly and notcontent but is notlisteners sometimesengages theengage the listeners
(35%)engage theable tobut is not able andlisteners andat all times and

listeners.consistentlydevelop in depthdevelop someconsistently develop

develop in depthfrom the content ondepth from thein depth from the

from the contentthe slides.content on thecontent on the

on the slides. Or

engage the

listeners at all


Assessment Task 2: Case Study Due Date: October 25, 2020 by 11pm

Details of task: This task requires students to write up their case-study from the presentation as individual pieces of work linking the case study to literature, international, national and state legislative frameworks and legal cases wherever applicable. Please note, a clear position/argument must be stated on the issue.

Some of the areas that the case study needs to cover are (please note: this is a guide only do not use

this structure to organise your paras):

  1. Brief background to the chosen topic and summary of the current issues
  2. Appraise and critique the historical development of current Australian and international human rights regimes.
  3. A critical evaluation of the legislative frameworks, the institutional, and procedural mechanism for enforcing human rights as related to the chosen topic.
  4. How it impacts on social work as a profession and its attempt to advocate for social justice and human rights of individuals, families, and communities.

Word limit: 1200 words (A variation of plus or minus ten percent only is permitted)

Value: 30%

Marking Criteria:

Non Pass 0-49Pass 50-59Credit 60-69Distinction 70-79High Distinction 80-100
Analysis/arguDoesn’t identify,Summarises theIdentifies andClearly identifiesCleary identifies the
mentsummarise the issue,issue though somesummarises thethe issue and theissues and the

consider theaspects incorrect,issue clearly,embeddedembedded challenges.
(40%)international,presents theanalyses thechallenges.Identifies influence of

national context,context in a limitedcontext byAnalyses thecontext and questions

critique existingway, descriptive inrelying oncontext andassumptions.

literature andanalysis andestablishedacknowledges theIntegrates different

develop a clearposition isliterature,complexity butdisciplinary

argument/positionsimplistic or notengagesdoesn’t engage instandpoints.

clear or consistent.tentatively ingreat depth. FullyOwn position

discussion ofintegratesdemonstrates

other positionsperspectives fromsophisticated,

and ownvariety of sourcesintegrative thought

position isand anomaliesand is developed

generally clearare usedclearly throughout.

but gaps exist.effectively but

gaps remain in

terms of accuracy and nuance. Clearly presents and justifies own view while qualifying contrary views.

structure andDoesn’t havedemonstrateDemonstratesOrganisation ofDemonstratesDemonstrates a very
depth ofclear and logicalbasic level ofideas, linking ofvery sound logic,high level of para
researchdevelopment ofstructure and logicparas is at aclear flow andorganisation, clear
(20%) (e.g.ideas/ the organisationreasonable levellinking betweenstructure in the flow
flow, linking
of ideas with flowbut is notparas but fewand transition
betweenLittle or noand paraconsistent andgaps remain inbetween ideas.
sections, gooddemonstratedorganisation eithersometerms ofDemonstrated very
paragraphresearch and reliantabrupt or not wellinformationconsistency ofhigh level research
structure.)on non-academicdeveloped. Lowneeds moreideas.with mostly academic

sources (e.g.level researchwork.
peer reviewed

extensive use ofskills, relying onEvidence ofDemonstratedacademic sources;
(20%) Depth ofWikipedia and web-only few academicsome relevantvery goodevidence based on
research (e.g.based opinionsources;academicresearch skills,appropriate
Peer reviewedpieces)
reading, usingusinginterpretation of


academicquality academic
critical and




research intoevidence


Clarity ofWriting &/orWriting, structure,PresentsIndicatesPresents a high level
Expressionstructure &/orsyntax &moderate leveladvancedof skill in articulating

presentation is/arepresentation isof writing skill.recognition ofand presenting ideas
(15%)poor. No evaluationinconsistent.An obviousacademic register/ issues in a clear and

or discussion.Mostly descriptionattempt atin writing (e.g.concise way.

There is descriptionrather thanformaldiction) and

or personal opinionevaluation &academicanalysis of

only with nodiscussion or notexpression, butmaterial

supporting logic orwell supported byis lacking

evidence; noevidence; limitedanalysis

integration ofintegration of

research. The papermaterial.

is hard to read due

to consistent syntax

and/or language


ReferencingNon-adherence toInaccuracy withGeneralNear perfectPerfect adherence to
styleprescribed style (ie.prescribed format;adherence toadherence to allall prescribed essay
(5%)APA)pervasive citationessay writingprescribed essaywriting conventions

and referencingconventionswriting


Assessment Task 3: Research Essay Due Date: November 6 by 11pm

Details of task: Critical essay on ONE issue of national and international human rights, linking law, literature, case examples and critical analysis. For example, topics could include, Syrian refugee crisis, war on terror and the rights of detainees, poverty, hunger and child exploitation and womens rights.

Pleasenote: you cant choose the same case study that you completed in Assessment 1 and Assessment

Word limit: 2500 words (A variation of plus or minus ten percent only is permitted).

Value: 45% percent of total marks

Marking Criteria:

Non Pass 0-49Pass 50-59Credit 60-69Distinction 70-79High Distinction 80-100
Analysis/arguDoesnt identify,Summarises theIdentifies andClearly identifiesCleary identifies the
mentsummarise the issue,issue though somesummarises thethe issue and theissues and the
(60%)consider theaspects incorrect,issue clearly,embeddedembedded challenges.

international,presents theanalyses thechallenges.Identifies influence of

national context,context in a limitedcontext byAnalyses thecontext and questions

critique existingway, descriptive inrelying oncontext andassumptions.

literature andanalysis andestablishedacknowledges theIntegrates different

develop a clearposition isliterature,complexity butdisciplinary and

theoreticalsimplistic and theengagesdoesn’t engage inepistemological ways

standpoint.theoreticaltentatively ingreat depth. Fullyof knowing.

standpoint isdiscussion ofintegrates

simplistic or doesn’tother positionsperspectives fromOwn position

consider otherand thevariety of sourcesdemonstrates

viewpoints.theoreticaland anomaliessophisticated,

standpoint isare usedintegrative thought

generally cleareffectively butand is developed

but gaps exist.gaps remain inclearly throughout.

terms of accuracy and nuance. Clearly presents and justifies own theoretical standpoint while qualifying contrary views
Structure andDoesn’t demonstrateDemonstratesOrganisation ofDemonstratesDemonstrates a very
depth ofclear and logicalbasic level ofideas, linking ofvery sound logic,high level of para
researchdevelopment ofstructure and logicparas is at aclear flow andorganisation, clear

ideas/ the organisationreasonable levellinking betweenstructure in the flow
(25%)(e.g.Little or noof ideas with flowbut is notparas but fewand transition
flow, linkingdemonstratedand paraconsistent andgaps remain inbetween ideas.
betweenresearch and reliantorganisation eithersometerms ofDemonstrated very
sections, goodon non-academicabrupt or not wellinformationconsistency ofhigh level research
paragraphsources (e.g.developed. Lowneeds moreideas.with mostly academic
structure.)extensive use oflevel researchwork.
peer reviewed

Wikipedia and web-skills, relying onEvidence ofDemonstratedacademic sources;

based opiniononly few academicsome relevantvery goodevidence based on

pieces)sources;academicresearch skills,appropriate

reading, usingusinginterpretation of


academicquality academic




research intoevidence


Clarity ofWriting &/orWriting, structure,PresentsIndicatesPresents a high level
Expressionstructure &/orsyntax &moderate leveladvancedof skill in articulating
(10%)presentation is/arepresentation isof writing skill.recognition ofand presenting ideas

poor. No evaluationinconsistent.An obviousacademic register/ issues in a clear and

or discussion.Mostly descriptionattempt atin writing (egconcise way.

There is descriptionrather thanformaldiction) and

or personal opinionevaluation &academicanalysis of

only with nodiscussion or notexpression, butmaterial

supporting logic orwell supported byis lacking

evidence; noevidence; limitedanalysis

integration ofintegration of

research. The papermaterial.

is hard to read due

to consistent syntax

and/or language


ReferencingNon-adherence toInaccuracy withGeneralNear perfectPerfect adherence to
styleprescribed style (i.e.prescribed format;adherence toadherence to allall prescribed essay
(5 %)APA)pervasive citationessay writingprescribed essaywriting conventions

and referencingconventionswriting


Assistance with Online Submission

Students are often asked to submit assessments online. Here are a few useful links that introduce students to the Turnitin software:

About Turnitin

Student Guidance on Turnitin

Student Turnitin Access 2013 (Moodle Support Shell)

Closing the Loop / Student Feedback:

No major issues raised by previous cohort. Students in the 2019 cohort to be encouraged to provide more detailed feedback.

Assessment Criteria:

In order to receive a passing grade in this course, students must receive an overall passing mark in the combined result of all assessment tasks.

Topics Assessed :

All topics covered during this course are subject to assessment.

`Turnitin` Submission:

In order to verify the originality of assessment tasks, students may be required to use Turnitin plagiarism software to check their assignment before submission. Full details of requirements and how to use Turnitin will be provided by the Course Coordinator.

Special Consideration:

If students are adversely affected by life circumstances a discretionary assessment extension of up to five University working days for one assessment task may be granted at the discretion of the tutor, lecturer, or course coordinator (dependent on faculty process) upon a direct request by the student via the Discretionary Assessment Extension form.

However if a student has experienced or encountered some form of disadvantage or impediment (medical reasons; hardship/trauma; compassionate grounds; other significant cause) in more than one course and requires more than five working days extension, then they may apply for Special Consideration.

For further information on Discretionary Assessment Extensions and Special Consideration, including access to the policy, procedures or associated forms, see

Available Grades:

A list of the available grades, a description of the corresponding required student performance and the required percentages for the Course is given in the University Handbook. The Course Coordinator may standardise raw marks before allocating grades.


It is important to learn from the work of others and you are encouraged to explore the library, World Wide Web resources and have discussions with other students. However work for assessment must be entirely the student’s own work. Plagiarism is the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though it is one’s own without properly acknowledging that person. You must not allow other students to copy your work and must take care to safeguard against this happening. In cases of copying, normally all students involved will be penalised equally; an exception will be if you can demonstrate the work is your own and you took reasonable care to safeguard against copying. Plagiarism is a serious offence. As set out in the University Regulation 6.1.1 students who are caught plagiarising will, for a first offence, be given a zero mark for that task. A second offence will result in a failing grade for the Course(s) involved and any subsequent offence will be referred to the Student Discipline Committee. More

information about the plagiarism policy and procedure for the university can be found at

Academic Regulations:

Supplementary information concerning teaching, learning, and assessment may be provided from time to time in response to unforeseen circumstances. This may include changes in times or location of classes, order of the schedule or due dates for assignments. Announcement of these matters in classes and placement of a notice on the course Moodle page shall be deemed to be official notification. FedUni has a range of educational policies, procedures and guidelines, which you can find at

Student Support:

The University provides many different kinds of services to help you gain the most from your studies. You can see the list of Student Services contacts at Students who have a disability or medical condition are welcome to contact the Disability Liaison Unit to discuss academic support services. The role of the DLU is to support the development of a learning and working environment that maximise participation in University life by students with a disability

Learning Management System:

This course makes use of Moodle to support your learning. You can access Moodle from the FedUni home page or at you do not have access for this course you should notify your course co-ordinator immediately

Presentation of Academic Work:

General Guide to Writing and Study Skills

Materials (Readings):

SeminarsTopics readings
Seminar 1Topic 1 (A, B, C), and Topic 2 (A) are covered in Seminar 1. Read these resources to prepare yourself for the seminar: Prescribed Reading (s): Ife, J. (2012). Human rights beyond traditional formulations- chapter 2. Ackerly, B (2008). Universal Human Rights in a difference world of difference, Chapter 1. Ackerly, B (2008). Universal Human Rights in a difference world of difference, Chapter 1 & 2. Reichert, E (2006). Building the foundation: Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In Reichert, E Understanding Human Rights: an exercise book. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications. Prescribed Reading (s): Ife, J (2012). Public and private human rights’- chapter 3 Staub-Bernasconi, S (2011). Human Rights and Their Relevance for Social Work as Theory and Practice. In Lynne M. Healy and Rosemary J. Link (eds.) Handbook of International Social Work: Human Rights, Development, and the Global Profession, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Prescribed Reading (s): Kurasawa, F (2012). Human rights as cultural practice. In T. Cushman (ed.), Handbook of Human Rights (pp.155-63). London: Routledge. Prescribed Reading (s): Ife, J (2012). Human rights and human needs- chapter 5 Ife, J (2012). Human rights and obligations-chapter 6 The lecture content will be followed by some seminar activities
Seminar 2Topic 2 (B), Topic 3 (A), B) and Topic 4 Prescribed Reading (s): Ife, J (2012). Human rights and human needs- chapter 5 Ife, J (2012). Human rights and obligations-chapter 6 Prescribed Reading (s): Ife, J (2012). Participation in the human rights discourse’ chapter 8. Healy, L (2008). Exploring the history of social work as a human rights profession. International Social Work, 51, 735-748. Prescribed Reading (s): Congress, E (2012). Global ethical principles and dilemmas. In Healy, L & Link, R (eds.) Handbook of international social work:

human rights, development, and the global profession (pp.297- 304). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ife, J (2012). Ethics and human rights- chapter 7. Prescribed Reading (s): Ife, J (2012). Achieving human rights though social work practice Chapter 10. Prescribed Reading (s): Ife, J (2012). Conclusion: prospects for human rights practice Chapter 12.
Seminar 3Presentations followed up by questions/queries related to assessments

Note that some material in lectures, assignments and other resources provided to students may

contain direct quotations from the text book(s) and references listed.

Adopted Reference Style:


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