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Solution: Case Study – HR Activities

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Case Study – HR Activities

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Executive Summary

The research suggests two main HR initiatives to help Actualise Health deal with its workforce issues: acquiring and developing talent, and managing the company’s reputation and online presence. It gives appropriate key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the effectiveness of these initiatives and proposes measures for their implementation, such as the use of HRIS, a social media strategy, worker surveys, analysis of data, and contact with stakeholders. These suggestions are meant to make Actualise Health more competitive in the healthcare business by improving its talent acquisition, development of skills, and brand reputation.

Table of contents

2.      Introduction  4

3. Workforce Challenges Analysis  4

4. HR Activities Recommendations  5

Application of theories and literature  5

Implementation Approach  5

Justification and explanation for why these activities. 7

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 7

5. Recommendations on HR Analytics  8

6. Conclusion  9

7. References  11

2.    Introduction

Actualise Health is one of Australia’s leading allied health service providers, with 20 clinics located around the country. The purpose of this research is to give strategic HR advice to help Actualise Health deal with some of the most pressing workforce concerns they’ve encountered. The company is facing stiff competition for talent, a damaged public image (especially in regards to customer service), and an imminent need to expand into unsaved rural areas. On order to overcome these obstacles, an all encompassing HR strategy grounded on HR/SHRM philosophy and current research is required. The study will present two essential HR tasks, with an emphasis on talent acquisition and reputation management, and provide actionable strategies for implementing both. It will also provide Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that may be used to evaluate the success of various HR projects.

3. Workforce Challenges Analysis

3.1 Increased Competition for Talent

Actualise Health is facing a wide range of essential personnel concerns, including difficulties in the areas of recruiting, retention, and employee satisfaction. There is a need for more allied health professionals, but there is a scarcity of them, and there is also a lot of staff turnover and a bad atmosphere at work. The company’s image and clientele have taken a hit as a result of the unfavourable press around its customer service. The future of the business depends on fixing these problems in the face of rising costs and more competition. Human resources are ill-equipped to deal with these issues due, in part, to a lack of employee surveys and useful data (Qadir and John, 2019). Australia’s allied health workforce is in high demand after immigration limits were lifted in 2023. Attracting, keeping, and developing top talent are stressed in the HRM philosophy. When it comes to hiring talented medical professionals, Actualise Health must compete with other healthcare companies.

3.2 Employee dis-satisfaction

Actualise Health’s image has taken a hit due to recent unfavourable press and client concerns about the company’s customer service. Employee output, contentment, and enthusiasm, according to HR/SHRM theory, are strongly correlated with service quality provided to customers (Uysal, 2020). Previous studies have shown that enhancing customer service via staff training, development, and engagement is essential (Ismail et al., 2021).

4. HR Activities Recommendations

4.1. Talent Acquisition

The HRM concept stresses the significance of recruiting, developing, and keeping high-quality people to ensure organizational success, and talent acquisition and development are consistent with this view. Strategic workforce planning and other HR strategies are at the heart of this method. In order to attract and keep the best employees, businesses need to provide more than just a competitive salary and benefits package, according to Mukhuty, Upadhyay, and Rothwell’s (2022) research. Actualise Health’s goals are in line with those of Ismail et al. (2021), who highlight the importance of training and education for improving service quality and client happiness.

4.2. Reputation Management and Online Presence to attract suitable Candidates

Theoretically, the HRM ethos is synonyms with reputation management. Thus a strong online presence because they promote a healthy workplace culture has a favourable effect on employee behaviour and the company’s public image. Brand awareness, consumer trust, and brand loyalty all increases when PR efforts are well-managed.

The value of proactively connecting with clients via social media to develop a good image is backed up by research by Bates, Reeve, and Trevena (2023). This strategy is consistent with what is seen more of these days in the allied health industry: companies using online reviews and social media to shape their clients’ opinions. This inturn helps the company have a good brand name and reputation which helps in attracting skillful employees and have strong hold the competitive market of recruitment.

Application of theories and literature

Implementation Approach

HR Activity 1: Talent Acquisition

Several critical processes are required in strategic human resource management (SHRM) to properly align a company’s staff with its strategic objectives. Identifying the essential positions and skills needed to achieve the organization’s goals is the first stage in conducting a requirements assessment. Human resource theory provides inspiration for this phase by stressing the need of workforce planning to align talent with business objectives.

Recruiting top personnel is the next objective on this strategy path. This entails coming up with alluring salary and benefits packages, as well as ads for open positions. According to human resources theory, offering competitive salaries is essential for recruiting and retaining top people. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has shown that pay packages are an increasingly important factor for companies to consider when trying filling open positions with qualified candidates. After talent has been attracted, the recruiting phase may begin. This is where initiatives like mentoring programmes and partnerships with educational institutions come into play. Human resource theorists stress the need of establishing ties with educational institutions in order to generate a talent pipeline. Furthermore, studies have shown that mentoring programmes are an effective means of both on-boarding and retaining talent.

The focus shifts to cultivating talent in the fourth stage. This includes establishing systems for regularly assessing and delivering feedback on employee performance, as well as providing chances for on-going training and development. Human resource management and theory place a premium on employee training and education since it improves workers’ employability and loyalty to the company. Studies have shown that these types of training and education programmes improve the productivity and longevity of an organisation as a whole (Sepahvand, and Bagherzadeh Khodashahri, 2021). Organisations may achieve their strategic goals and prosper in a competitive environment by using these methods of human resource management.

HR Strategy 2

Actualise Health should implement a holistic strategy that prioritizes cultivating a pleasant workplace culture and developing a strong online presence to utilize reputation management and online presence as a strategic Human Resource Management (HRM) method for recruiting qualified applicants. This method is consistent with HR/SHRM concepts and incorporates the research of Bates, Reeve, and Trevena (2023) to stress the need of interacting with customers on social media to shape their opinions and improve the company’s reputation.

Training and development should include courses that teach employees how to resolve conflicts, be empathetic to their patients’ perspectives, and provide excellent customer service. Workers who are invested in their profession and have received enough training are more likely to provide excellent service to clients. Actualise must take initiatives that foster a culture of participation, cooperation, and shared identity among employees. Employees that are invested in their job and their company are more inclined to promote it online and in the workplace.Actualise Health is able to successfully manage its internet reputation, recruit qualified people, and build a positive brand image with the help of the aforementioned tactics without resorting to more conventional forms of advertising. This strategy is consistent with human resource management concepts, which highlight HR’s part in creating an environment where workers feel valued and respected and where the company’s reputation stands to benefit from the efforts of current and future employees.

Justification and explanation for why these activities.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

HR Strategy 1

Talent shortages and higher overhead expenses might result from a drawn out hiring process. A computerized applicant monitoring system will keep track of the time it takes to fill each post.

A key performance indicator (KPI) worth tracking is the percentage of job candidates that accept an employer’s offer of employment. If the acceptance rate is high, it shows that the pay is competitive, whereas if it’s low, it might indicate that the packages need work. This KPI may be monitored by the HR department by comparing the number of accepted job offers to the total number of offers made.

Loss of productivity and added expense due to finding and re educating replacement workers is a direct outcome of high staff turnover. This key performance indicator may be tracked to evaluate HR’s retention efforts (Traeger and Alfes, 2019). Human resources documents and departure interviews will keep tabs on it. Skill Improvement Measuring the extent to which a business invests in its workers by tracking how many of them programs participate in training and development is useful. Human Resources will keep an eye on this KPI by reviewing survey results and training attendance logs. This key performance indicator (KPI) measures how efficiently employees are able to move up the ranks within an organization. A strong internal talent pipeline is reflected in a high promotion rate. Human Resources will keep an eye on this by keeping tally of all promotions and how many are given to current employees (Malik, et al., 2022). The Importance of Conducting Satisfaction Surveys for Staff. An enthusiastic workforce and happy clients go hand in hand. Regular surveys will be administered, and the results analyzed for patterns and room for improvement.


Online participation and recognition may be gauged by keeping an eye on metrics like the number of likes, shares, comments, and followers on social media. Engaged users are a sign of a busy and interesting online presence. HR will keep an eye on this by routinely reviewing data gleaned from various social media platforms. This metric is important since it gauges the opinions of customers who have interacted with the company online. Human resources may gauge client satisfaction and pinpoint problem areas by perusing feedback posted on sites like Google and Yelp. Indicators of responsiveness and customer service excellence include the average time it takes to react to online consumer questions or complaints. Online complaint and inquiry response times will be monitored (Khan et al. 2022).

The success of a company’s online content and presence may be measured by keeping tabs on the volume of traffic to its website. Human resources may monitor site traffic with the use of analytics software. The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is an important metric since it reveals how satisfied and loyal a company’s customers are. In order to measure customer loyalty and monitor changes over time, Human Resources will periodically administer NPS questionnaires. Brand Perception is an important Key Performance Indicator since it reveals how consumers evaluate the company’s brand (Hristov, and Chirico, 2019). Human Resources will periodically poll employees to see how they feel about the company’s brand.

5. Recommendations on HR Analytics

Streamlining the hiring process, luring in the best candidates, and investing in the professional growth of existing staff are all goals of talent acquisition. Time to Fill, Offer Acceptance Rate, Employee Turnover, Skill Development, Promotion Rate, and Employee Satisfaction are just few of the key performance indicators (KPIs) that should be tracked.  Activities geared at controlling the company’s brand reputation and expanding its online presence are referred to here. The activity’s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) include things like Social Media Engagement, Online Reviews, Response Time, Website Traffic, NPS, and Brand Perception.

Implementing a Robust HR Information System: Actualise Health should implement a robust HR Information System (HRIS) in order to successfully monitor the key performance indicators (KPIs) for talent acquisition, such as the time it takes to fill a position, the number of applicants, the percentage of successful hires, and the number of employees who complete training (Goyal and Patwardhan, 2021). The data gathered by this system will be current and ready for analysis. In order to better manage its online reputation and maintain a strong online presence, Actualise Health needs to develop a solid social media strategy. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to provide interesting material, react quickly to customer concerns, and solicit positive feedback from customers over the web. Analytics of social media activity may be scheduled periodically to track development.

Implementing a data driven strategy requires constant data analysis. Human resources should routinely analyze the data pertaining to the chosen KPIs in order to spot patterns, strengths, and shortcomings. This will aid in making strategic judgments and adjusting course as appropriate. Communication with Stakeholders is Crucial. When it comes to managing the company’s online image, Human Resources have to work closely with other divisions like Marketing and IT to make sure their efforts contribute to the company’s overarching objectives (Kooij et al., 2022).

Actualise Health has to implement strategic training and development programs to ensure that its employees have the knowledge and abilities necessary to achieve its objectives. The effectiveness of these initiatives in improving skill sets needs constant monitoring. Actualise Health may better compete in the healthcare market by implementing these measures to improve its personnel, expand its talent pool, and fortify its brand. By keeping an eye on the suggested KPIs, the company will be able to evaluate the efficacy of these HR initiatives and make data driven improvements moving forward.

6. Conclusion

Two of Actualise Health’s most important Human Resources responsibilities are detailed in this report: recruiting and development, as well as managing its image and online visibility. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are used to evaluate the success of these initiatives. An developed HR Information System, a social networking strategy, continuous data analysis, periodic staff surveys, efficient interaction with stakeholders, and broad development and training initiatives are all necessary for successful implementation of these activities. By implementing these changes, Actualise Health will be better equipped to handle workforce issues and strengthen its position as an industry leader.

7. References

Bates, S., Reeve, B. and Trevena, H., 2023. A narrative review of online food delivery in Australia: Challenges and opportunities for public health nutrition policy. Public Health Nutrition, 26(1), pp.262-272.

Cho, H., Lee, P. and Shin, C.H., 2019. Becoming a sustainable organization: focusing on process, administrative innovation and human resource practices. Sustainability, 11(13), p.3554.

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