Air Canada
Strategic Goal Brainstorming
Choose top 3-5 from this list by highlighting the rows. H
No. Brainstorm Goals Value to Company Effort to execute Risk Brainstorm goals and list here L, M, or H L, M, or H L, M, or H 2 Introduce flightsior gaming and adven MH L Add more destinations H H M Offer hea. lb t Introduce sustainability in their fleet Ofer coupons Increase fleet flexibility Increase customer by 25% Purchase new jets 2.11 Improve customer service 2.lMore onboard choices for menu and 22 Im.rove to al ro ntertammen 2.3Collec and analyze custome feed. Implement cost controls . Search new markets Crest partnerships with hotels Create partenerships with car rentals Increase promotion through better advertis.. g Provide employees with competitive .lari — to increas- retention no
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