Click on the YouTube URL site to watch the video.
A controversial issue in contemporary law enforcement is the cooperation and escalating involvement of local
police with federal immigration officials in enforcing immigration laws. Please watch this video that highlights
many of these issues resulting from the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision on immigration law and local law
enforcement. Click on the YouTube URL site to watch the video.
Homework Assignment 2 -3 page paper:
In a 2 -3 page paper, discuss the issues as outlined in chapter 2 of local law enforcement and illegal
immigration. Please include and discuss four (4) specific examples of local law enforcement and the impact of
illegal immigration to local law enforcement as identified in the above video and in the chapter 2 section of the
textbook entitled, “Local Law Enforcement and Illegal Immigration” on pages 50 and 51. Please include the
overall conclusion of the Police Foundation’s Report: Role of the Local Police: Striking a Balance Between
Immigration Enforcement and Civil Liberties and the Dept. of Homeland Security’s 2010 special report and the
connection to Section 287g of the 1996 Immigration and Nationality Act.
The post Supreme Court Rules on Arizona Immigration Laws first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.