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Task 1 Theory: Short Answer Questions 1. This task requires you to demonstrate that you can understand how certain legislations makes a difference to your organisation. To enable you to do this, you must answer the following theory questions: 1a. What does anti-discrimination legislation mean to your organisation? Answer

Task 1 Theory: Short Answer Questions

This task requires you to demonstrate that you can understand how certain legislations makes a difference to your organisation. To enable you to do this, you must answer the following theory questions:

What does anti-discrimination legislation mean to your organisation?

What does it mean to behave ethically?


What Codes of Practice influence your behavior at work?

What do the Privacy Laws mean?

What is the Work Health & Safety (WHS) responsibilities of employers and employees at work?

Task 2 Practical: Complete a Work Schedule

This task requires you to organise and complete a work schedule in your workplace or during your training day.

Your plan will need to include the following points:
Identify your personal work goals, listed in order of priority with a brief explanation to explain why you prioritised them this way. You must describe how you negotiated these and gained approval for them.

Briefly describe any factors that you believe may impact on your ability to complete the work tasks that you described in 2a. List ways you believe these may be overcome.

Describe how you have used business technology to achieve your priorities. Provide two examples of technology used.

You must select one of the work priorities you discussed in 2c:

-Describe how you monitored your performance when completing that priority, if any adjustments were made to your performance to meet the expectations of the organisation.

-Describe how you gained feedback on your performance and how you incorporated this into your improvement plans.

You must identify the signs that would indicate to you that you were stressed and how this affects you.

List the ways in which you deal with stress and discuss how effective you believe these are in relieving stress.


Task 3 Practical: Coordinate Personal Skills Development and Learning

3 This task requires you to coordinate your personal skill development and learning. You must write a plan that outlines your current skill levels and how you feel you could make improvements.

3a. Assess your current skills and knowledge against performance competencies from your organisation or training Centre. Describe how you obtained those performance standards and how well you perform against them.

3b. Describe any opportunities that you can see for improving your own work performance. Include the following questions:
How can you improve your skills?
Outline any new skills that they must acquire
How would go about obtaining them?

3c. Record each of the personal development opportunities that you plan to complete and compare these against your skill gaps.

Task 4 Role Play: Request and Receive Feedback

4 This task requires you to obtain feedback on your improvement plan. You must meet with your Assessor, to hear their feedback on your plan. The Assessor will be observing you during this experience to assess your ability to receive feedback and make improvements as a result.

Task 4 – Assessor Verification

Is the Learner able to effectively listen to the constructive and positive feedback?

Is the Learner able to effectively question for clarification?
Is the Learner able to effectively offer solutions to improve in line with the feedback?
Is the Learner able to effectively agree to a practical and useful plan?

Performance Criteria Mapping

Assessment Activity
PC Mapping
Satisfactory / Not Satisfactory
Needs More

Task 1 – Theory: Short Answer Questions
PE 1 Choose an item. □

Task 2 – Practical: Complete a Work Schedule 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 14
2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 Choose an item. □
Task 3 – Project: Coordinate Personal Skill
Development and Learning
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 Choose an item. □
Task 4 – Role Play: Request and Receive
2.2 Choose an item. □


Login Details
You will receive your user name and password in an email from the administration team within the first week of your course. If you do not receive this email or are having trouble logging in please let the administration team know.

File Name Requirements
Student Name + Unit Code + Task. For example:
Joe Smith BSBWHS201A

Student Submission Procedure
There are two steps you need to complete to submit your assignment via the Online Learning Centre:
1.Add Submission – this uploads your documents into the Online Learning Centre. You can download and edit the submission as many times as you like. Please note that adding the submission is not the same as submitting the assignment.
2.Submit Assignment – after adding your submission if it is ready to be submitted for marking you will need to select “submit assignment”. Once your assignment is submitted you will not be able to make any more changes to it. Your assignment will then be marked by the trainer.

Adding a Submission
1.Save your assignment with a file name as instructed above.
2.Login at
3.Find the course that you are enrolled in
4.Find the unit that the assignment belongs to
5.Select “Digital Assessment”
6.Select “Add submission”
7.Drag & drop the assignment into the submission box. Or open the file picker page and select the document you want to upload.
8.Select “Save Changes”
9.Your assignment is now saved as a draft. You can edit your assignment at any time while it is a draft. Do not press “submit assignment” if it is not ready to be submitted to the trainer for marking.

Submit Assignment
1.Login at
2.Find the course that you are enrolled in
3.Find the unit that the assignment belongs to
4.Select “Digital Assessment”
Edit the submission if you need to.
5.Select “Submit Assignment” (note: your assignment cannot be edited once you complete this step)
6.Confirm that the assignment is your own work except where you have acknowledged the use of the works of other people.
7.Your assignment has now been submitted for grading and you cannot edit it.
8.An email will be sent to your trainer. If you have an email account set up with your OLC profile you will also receive an email notification.

Please ask your trainer or the administration team for help if you are having trouble submitting an assignment.

You will receive notification from your trainer when your assignment is marked and Complete, or if there are task answers to resubmit.

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