Guidelines for the Preparation of Report for OHSE6060 (use Heading 1)
Firstname1 Surname1 and Student Number
1 Provide your student uonemail here
Abstract / Summary (Use either none of these, not both). The abstract / summary should summarize the contents of your review and should contain between 90 and 150 words. It should be set in 10-point font size, should be inset 1.0 cm from the right, and left margins. There should be two blank (10-point) lines before and after the abstract. This document is in the required format, so do not change it.
Keywords: You are encouraged to list no more than five (5) keywords in this section separated by middots (·), for example: Accident causation · Human Factors Theory · Systems engineering. Use 9 Times Roman here
- Introduction
This is a template to duplicate exactly with respect to the required format of your review. Please duplicate the style (fonts, font sizes, spacing, headings, reference style, etc.) of your paper using this example. Do not put your title in caps (prepare exactly as shown above). Centre your name and affiliation information (do not use titles, such as Mr, Ms. etc.).
- Report Preparation Area
The printing area is 122 mm × 193 mm (4.8 inches × 7.6 inches). The text should be justified to occupy the full line width, so that the right margin is not ragged, with words hyphenated as appropriate. Use paper size A4 210 mm × 297 mm (8.27 inches × 11.69 inches), Top and Bottom margins: 20 mm and 20 mm, Left and Right margins: 20 mm
Use 11-point type for the name(s) of the author(s), 9-point type for email and Keywords, and 10-pint type for the Abstract or Summary.
For the main text, please use 11-point type and 1.5 line spacing, Times. Italic type may be used to emphasize words in running text. Bold type and underlining should be avoided. The required page size of full report is 10 pages, with a minimum of 7 pages. References and (any appendices) are not included in this limit. Any content after page 10 (except for references)will not be marked.
Headings. Headings should be capitalized (i.e., nouns, verbs, and all other words except articles, prepositions, and conjunctions should be set with an initial capital) and should, with the exception of the title, be aligned to the left. Words joined by a hyphen are subject to a special rule; if the first word can stand alone, the second word should be capitalised. The font sizes are given in Table 1.
Tables. Table captions should always be positioned above the tables as shown in Table 1. Tables should be labelled sequentially as 1, 2 etc.
A maximum of 1 Table should be used in your Report, and it should be included within the 8 page limit.
Table 1. Font sizes of headings.
Heading level | Example | Font size and style |
Title (centered) | Lecture Notes … | 14 point, bold |
1st-level heading | 1 Introduction | 12 point, bold |
2nd-level heading | 2.1 Sub-headings | 11 point, bold |
3rd-level heading | Acknowledgments, Contributions | 10 point, bold |
- Figures
Figures should be numbered and should have a caption which should always be positioned under the figures, in contrast to the caption belonging to a table. Please centre the captions between the margins and set them in 9-point type (Fig. 1 shows an example). The distance between text and figure should be about 8 mm, the distance between figure and caption about 6 mm.
A maximum of 1 Figure should be used in your Report, and it should be included within the 10-page limit.
Fig. 1. This is an example of how any figures you have used should be labelled. Ensure the label is below the illustration, in 9-point and centred
- Referencing
For references use the IEEE style. You can download a free copy of the Endnote styles for referencing from the UON library, through
- Page Numbering
Page numbers should be included, starting from 1.
- The References Section
The following section shows a sample reference list with entries for:
- journal article
- book chapter in Edited book (chapter authors and editors are different)
- a book
- proceedings without editors
- and Report
The details are in Times 10 point.
[1] G. I. Umoh, E. Amah, and H. I. Wokocha, “Management development and organizational resilience: a case study of some selected manufacturing firms in Rivers state, Nigeria,” IOSR Journal of Business and Management, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 7-16, 2014
[2] D. Gosling, “Supporting student learning,” in A handbook of teaching and learning: Enhancing academic practice, H. Fry, S. Ketteridge, and S. Marshall, Eds. New York and London: Routledge, 2009, pp. 113-131.
[3] E. H. Schein, Organizational culture and leadership, Third ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2004.
[4] M. Tuck and M. Pillay, “A comparison of heat stress indices,” in Annual SME Meeting, 24-27 February, Denver, Colorado, 2019: Society for Mine Engineering.
[5] Comcare, “Safe and sound: a discussion paper on safety leadership in government workplaces,” National Occupational Health and Safety Commission, Sydney2004.
Submission Instructions
- Follow the Full Review Preparation instructions found on this template and the detailed information provided in the Course Outline
- Ensure there are no less than six (6) sections in your report.
- Final proofread paper (MS Word in DOC or DOCX, including all figures and tables) should be saved using the following File Name Format: [OHSE6060-Report-AuthorLastName_InitialsFirstName_DOC/DOCX]. This is very important otherwise your report will be lost when downloading for marking purposes.
- Submit your final report through the OHSE6060 Turnitin Assessment 3 site on Blackboard