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Utilisation of the Australian Health Care System

ASSESSMENT 1 BRIEFSubject Code and TitleAHS205: The Australian Healthcare System within a Global ContextAssessmentUtilisation of the Australian Health Care SystemIndividual/GroupIndividualLength750 words or equivalent (+/‐ 10%)Learning OutcomesThis assessment addresses the Subject Learning Outcomes outlined at the bottom of this document.SubmissionDue by 11:55pm AEST Sunday of module 3.1 (week 5).Weighting25%Total Marks100 marks


The first part of The Australian Healthcare System within a Global Context investigates the structures and functions of the various components of the Australian Healthcare System, including what services are available, who provides them and who can access them.

The purpose of this assessment is to build upon the theoretical knowledge and understanding of the Australian healthcare system that you have gained in the first two modules of this subject and to apply that knowledge in a very practical manner. This increase in your ability to navigate the health system will help you support, manage and advocate for patients and communities, and it will provide a reference point when comparing Australia’s healthcare system to others in future modules.


This assessment task requires you to identify health services for a case study (patient) and to evaluate if these services will meet their needs.

To complete this assessment task, you should:

Choose one (1) of the case studies available in the assessment folder in Blackboard (Frank, David, Rhonda or Theo), to be their nurse as your patient is preparing for discharge from hospital.

Identify which case study you have chosen and list all patient’s discharge needs.

Case studyCharacterBasic historyDischarge informationFrankInsulin‐dependent diabetesHe is being discharged from hospital after having a foot ulcer debrided.DavidHypertension and ischaemic heart diseaseHe is being discharged from hospital after having a heart attack.RhondaNon‐insulin dependent diabetesShe is being discharged from hospital after being admitted with very high blood glucose levels.TheoDepressionHe is being discharged from hospital following an accidental overdose.

Part A

Identify three (3) to five (5) healthcare professionals and the services they provide, available in Australia that specifically address the current healthcare needs for your chosen case study (patient). NOTE: At least one (1) service must be a nursing service.

Research a rural town. Name the town and the demographics of that town e.g. where it is located and the population. You will use this town to answer the questions in the table below.

Complete the information about the identified health professionals and services in the Health Services table (on page 3 below).

Services could include, but are not limited to the followingGeneral practitioner (GP)Specialist nurse position(s)Community nurse – generalistMedical specialistSpecialist at a hospital outpatient clinic

Allied and complementary healthcare

–     Physiotherapy, occupational therapy, dietitian, podiatrist, exercise physiologist, psychologist, counsellor, nutritionist, naturopath, massage therapist, dentist and others.

Part B

Provide a brief answer (approx. 250 words) to the following question:In your opinion, would the identified services adequately meet the healthcare needs for your case study?

Are there any gaps in the service options? Briefly explain your answer.

Submission Guidelines

Include a ‘title page’ with student name, number, title of assessment, lecturer name and word count (not including referencing)

include a footer with student name and student number and page numbers Use suitable headings and subheadings for the information presented, and page numbers should appear on each page of the document – ideally in either the header or footer.

All assessments are to be submitted to Blackboard. All work must be word‐processed, spell‐ checked, grammatically acceptable, and professional in appearance.

The assessment submission should include the Similarity Report from SafeAssign.

Assessments should not be written from a first person, but from a third person perspective. That is, “I, we, my, our” are notacceptable.

All claims are to be supported by suitable and relevant academic references.

The report should include a correctly constructed Reference List and accompanying in‐text citations as per University guidelines (APA 6th ed. referencing style). Please see the Academic Skills page on Blackboard for information on referencing in APA 6th ed. style

Submission Instructions

Submit your assessment task in a Microsoft Word document via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in AHS205 The Australian Healthcare System within a Global Context. The learning facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.

Part A: Health Services Table

Reference all your information in the table.

Title and type of health professional and health serviceWhat services do they provide that are relevant for your case study?Category of cost?1 (research this information and choose from options below)Category of service2 (research this information and choose from options below)Is a referral required?3 (research this informatio n)Is the service available in your identified rural town?4What are the typical hours of operation for this type of service in the rural town?                                   


1.      Category of cost

Covered by MedicareOther government fundingPrivate health insurance

Paid by patient

Category of service provider options:Public hospitalPrivate hospitalNon‐government or charity organisation

Private practice

Referral: Is a referral from a GP or other health professional required to attend this service?

Availability in rural towns: research if the health professionals/ services are available in your chosen rural town.

Assessment Rubric

Assessment AttributesFail (Unacceptable) 0‐49%Pass (Functional) 50‐64%Credit (Proficient) 65‐74%Distinction (Advanced) 75 ‐84%High Distinction (Exceptional) 85‐100%  Knowledge and understanding of the healthcare system
40%  Limited understanding of required concepts and knowledge   Key health service options are not included or represented accurately.
Minimal, if any reference to correct health service delivery or options relevant for chosen case and in general.  Demonstrates knowledge of the assigned topic, and is able to summarise information, which highlights a basic understanding of the content.
Basic understanding of the healthcare system details and the ability to discern what may be relevant or not.
Appears personal beliefs may be used instead of information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials.  Adequate and mostly accurate knowledge or understanding of the topic.     Majority of health service options/ health professionals are included and represented accurately.   Demonstrated some capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts, including access, equity and social justice in the delivery of healthcare.  Highly developed understanding of the Australian healthcare system.   Thorough understanding of key health service options and/ or health professionals and are represented accurately.   Demonstrated a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts, including access, equity and social justice in the delivery of healthcare.  A sophisticated understanding of the Australian healthcare system, including moral, ethical, and legal considerations.
Comprehensive list of health service options/ health professionals are included and represented accurately, including access, equity and social justice relevant to this case.
Exceptional capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts, including access, equity and social justice in the delivery of healthcare.    Understanding and evaluation of the healthcare needs of the case study
40%  Limited understanding of key health needs and types of services appropriate for the case.
Limited understanding of the topic.
Inadequate assessment and analysis of the case.  Fair understanding of basic health needs and types of services/ health professionals appropriate for the case.
Adequate analysis and evaluation for the chosen case with limited understanding of the social justice, equity and access relevant for this case.  Thorough understanding of the healthcare needs and appropriate services/ health professionals for the case.
Adequate analysis and evaluation for the chosen case with some understanding of social justice, equity and access relevant for the case.  Highly developed understanding of the needs and options available for the case.
Thorough and clear analysis and evaluation of options, reflecting good judgement, intellectual independence, and adaptability.  A sophisticated understanding of key health needs and types of services appropriate for the case. Comprehensive assessment and clear analysis and evaluation of options.   Insightful understanding of the case demonstrates intellectual independence, rigor, good judgement and adaptability.

  Correct citation of key resources and evidence   20%  Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to substantiate content.  Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to substantiate content, but these are not always explicit or well developed.  Demonstrates use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to substantiate content. Uses correctly.  Demonstrates use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to substantiate content. Shows evidence of wide reading.  Demonstrates use of high‐ quality, credible and relevant resources to substantiate content. Shows evidence of wide reading and ability to integrate different sources.

The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessmentSLO a)Explain key features of health and social care systems impacting on nursing and health service delivery and practice; including global trends and demographic factors.SLO b)Compare and contrast health systems within and between Australian states and territories with regard to structure, performance, and context.

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