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Virtual machine in the Azure portal

Task 1: Create a Virtual machine in the Azure portal
Your Virtual machine should have
a) The name of the resource group should be your name_studentID.
b) Use an image as Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS.
c) Administrator account should be SSH public key.
I. SSH public should be generated by using putty_gen. Copy the generated public key
and paste it in the SSH public key.
(download putty and putty_gen from the link given below. Please learn how to create public and private keys)
II. Save the key by clicking on save private key and save it on .ppk format
(Please follow the link:
d) Make sure HTPPS and HTTP and SSH virtual machine network ports are accessible from
the public Internet.
Task 2: Connect via SSH
a) Download PuTTY from the PuTTY website.
b) Host name is provided in your VM in the format asd@ and Port is 22.
c) Provide a private key generated on the previous step on the SSH–>Auth–>Private keyfile
for authentication.
d) Click Open and you should get the screen as shown below.

Sample Solution

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