You are required to write 5 reflective journals, as per the following guidelines. When writing your journals, you can reflect on:
Event, Incident, New Learning Experience, A Client, A New Task/Procedure from your current practice or Previous Work Experiences.
New learning and knowledge gained from studying the course or personal experiences and observations from caring for a family member /relative.
Word count: 600-800 words per journal (i.e. approx. 2 pages per journal)
Please note: if you do go over your word count/limit deduction will be at tutor discretion.
The following headings from Gibbs model of reflection can be used in your journal to give you a framework to complete your journal
•Description: what happened? (the Event)
•Feelings: what were you feeling, what were others feeling.
•Evaluation: what was good and bad about the experience.
•Analyse: what sense can you make of the situation.
•Conclusion: what else could you have done.
•Action plan what would you do next time. Do you need to gain knowledge etc.?
Journal No. 1: Reflect on importance of building positive relationships within the care sector
Guidelines for this journal would involve addressing each of the following:
•Reflect on types of relationships you have had with a client OR person you have cared for and the effects, impact, influence on you.
•Reflect on the importance of building a trusting relationship.
•Reflect on your coping strategies, how would you or did you cope with the challenges experienced.
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Journal No. 2: Reflect on interpersonal issues and importance of respecting diversity within the care sector,
Guidelines for this journal would involve addressing each of the following:
•Reflect on knowledge of the diverse needs of people in need of care and why it is important to be aware of diversity.
•Reflect on key interpersonal skills required to work with clients who have diverse needs and areas you feel you can improve on.
Journal No. 3: Reflection on key interpersonal skills as a care worker.
Guidelines for this journal would include addressing, strengths, challenges, level of competence in the following areas:
•Practical skills.
•Safeguarding the clients’ privacy and dignity.
•Empathy and respect.
•Maintaining client confidentiality.
•The importance of promoting independence and self-esteem for the client.
Journal No. 4: Reflect on your personal effectiveness as a care worker.
In this journal reflect on your personal strengths and weakness in each of the following areas below and identify how you can improve on same.
•Communication skills (non-verbal, verbal, reporting, documentation).
•Punctuality & Time management.
•Coping with stress.
•Relationship with co-workers /peers /management.
•Organisational skills.
•Receiving guidance, feedback and direction.
•Ability to work within a team.
•Reflective Practice and professional development.
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Journal No. 5: Reflect on the importance of effective communication and teamwork within the area of care.
Guidelines would include addressing each of the following key points:
•Reflect on the importance of good communication skills in the care setting.
•Reflect on good teamwork skills and attitude of the care worker within the multidisciplinary team.
•Illustrate an understanding of a partnership approach to caring for the client.
•Illustrate an understanding of other discipline roles.
Specific Guidelines:
1.Write in first person and In Past Tense. Your journals must be self –reflective throughout
2.Journals must be based on your experiences, observations, feelings, learning, knowledge, awareness of your strengths and challenges, which can be based on either current, past or personal care experiences and learning from the course material.
3.You do not include theory or research in journals.
4.You do not use second or third person pronouns.
5.You can use Gibbs reflective cycle to structure your Journals OR you can just reflect using the key headings in the guidelines above if you wish to guide you. I would advise that if
you choose to use Gibbs cycle that it is only for journal 1 and 2. For remaining journals use the guideline headings and reflect under each heading.
For final presentation of your work please ensure:
➢Written in correct context as instructed.
➢Quality of Presentation
➢Grammatical correctness and proper spelling
➢Professional vocational language is used.
Please note failure to adhere to the above, may result in deduction of marks.