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You will be expected to keep a journal throughout the course and record your  experiences of the services you encounter from a services marketing and operations  perspective.


You will be expected to keep a journal throughout the course and record your  experiences of the services you encounter from a services marketing and operations  perspective. The journal is designed to help you to understand customer service  expectations, and why, as consumers, we are sometimes satisfied or dissatisfied with  the service experience from a marketing and operational perspective.  

Module learning outcomes assessed by this task: 

1. Demonstrate knowledge of services marketing and operations planning and management 
2. Integrate and evaluate information and learning from a range of different sources to  better understand and explore the complex nature of service marketing and operations  within a business setting 
3. Explore emergent services marketing and operational ideas and applications, clearly  demonstrating understanding of the links and gaps between scholarship and practice 
4. Summarise, justify and present strategic and tactical recommendations for a Marketing  and Operational strategy within a chosen organisation as selected from the journal

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