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: You will select a gap in knowledge created by an area that may not have been previously addressed in course content or may have served as inspiration for greater knowledge on the subject matter, idea, or concept of organizational behavior. Through systematic inquiry, you will research, collect, organize, and produce an analysis of the information from both primary and secondary sources. Your research project will conclude with a 3-4-page (minimum) scholarly report with appropriate APA documentation, which successfully fills gaps in knowledge on the selected topic. Guiding Programmatic Questions 8. What is the explicit issue, why is it a problem, and what initiative will you develop to address the issue?


This course studies leader and team behaviors as they relate to organizational effectiveness.  Through application of current research, students gain an understanding of how leaders align themselves and their organizations to the ever-changing global environment.  Topics include authentic leadership, crucial conversations and accountability, organizational health, inclusion and belonging issues, and effectively executing organizational change.

Additionally, students will:

Develop Higher-Order Thinking
Acquire Deep Knowledge
Hold Substantive Conversations
Establish Connection to the Real World Through required and recommended readings, class discussions, group work, writing assignments, case study analyses, as well as interactive lectures, students will be challenged to ascend to the higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy Model and achieve mastery of skills necessary to succeed in today’s workplace.



The objective of this class is to explore the methods of strategic planning; environmental analysis; internal analysis; decision formulation; organization methods; and executive control. Contemporary case questions are used to develop action-oriented plans affecting long-run consequences of global leadership and behavior in business.

Upon completion of the course students will be able to demonstrate working knowledge and application capabilities, as well as higher-level cognitive competencies in the following concepts:


Increase your awareness of your personality characteristics, interpersonal skills, work attitudes and behaviors.
Diagnose causes for poor work attitudes or behaviors among employees.
Consider employees’ individual differences in global management decisions.
Diagnose team’s management needs and ineffective dynamics.
Develop your team management skills.
Predict and prevent problems that affect decision-making quality.
Develop innovation global leadership skills.
Understand the impact of diverse organizational structures and cultures on employee attitudes and behaviors.
Develop change management skills.


Organizational Behavior
Managing Demographic and Cultural Diversity
Understanding People at Work: Individual Differences and Perception
Individual Attitudes and Behaviors
Theories of Motivation
Designing a Motivating Work Environment
Managing Stress and Emotions
Managing Groups and Teams
Conflict and Negotiations
Making Ethical Decisions
Leading People Within Organizations Power and Politics
Organizational Structure and Change
Organizational Culture


Critical objectives in this course are to develop competencies which will make you successful in today’s workforce. We will focus on developing seven core competencies (see; to an external site.).

Critical Evaluation – The ability to interpret information to make business decisions and recommendations through decision-making, critical thinking, understanding measurement and assessment, research methodology, inquisitiveness, and knowledge management.
Relationship Management – The ability to manage interactions to provide service and to support the organization through: establishing credibility, strengthening community relations, business networking, teamwork, customer service, and mutual respect.
Leadership & Navigation – The ability to direct and contribute to initiative and process within the organization through: consensus building, influencing, being mission driven, and being results and goal-oriented.
Consultation – The ability to provide guidance to organizational stakeholders through:

problem-solving, analytical reasoning, coaching, people management, and project management.

Communication – The ability to effectively exchange information with stakeholders through verbal & written communication, feedback, facilitation, active listening, persuasion, and diplomacy.
Global Effectiveness – The ability to consider the perspectives and backgrounds of all parties through: adaptability, openness to various perspectives, cultural awareness and respect, diversity perspectivies, and global perspectives.
Ethical Practice – The ability to integrate core values, integrity and accountability throughout all organizationaland business practices with integrity, rapport building, courage, professionalism, and trust building.


As an individual, you must set your own priorities. Class Preparation and participation are required and are non-negotiable.
This course is designed to be fully online.
MBA policy states that absences of 8 total hours must result in a failing grade and referral to the appropriate university authorities. Attendance will be determined based primarily on participation in course discussions and other projects. If you have pressing circumstances, I will understand it and will be sympathetic; however, please be ready to provide documentation substantiating your prolonged absences.
Students are required to follow the academic honesty policy of CBU. I reserve the right to reduce the grades of the students found cheating or even make them fail in the course entirely, according to the intensity of malpractice.
All assignments must be submitted via appropriate Canvas submission links.
I will accept delayed assignment submissions. Late submission penalty @10% loss of grades per day applies, regardless of the quality of submissions. Note that most of my assignments do not have hard deadlines.
Unfamiliarity with Canvas is not an excuse. You must know how to use Canvas features and various extensions for this course (particularly the Cisco WebEx tool). The ability to use Canvas is critical to completing most homework assignments as well as accessing class announcements and supplementary materials. We may use different software tools, depending upon how the course unfolds. In all these circumstances, students are expected to make a reasonable effort to grasp the use of these technologies. Please do message me if you have difficulties.
This syllabus is subject to change. All revisions will be announced as early as possible, as a Canvas announcement. The dynamic syllabus on Canvas (click on “Syllabus” tab) will be more up to date than this document. Please consult if you have questions.

Course Schedule

Please visit the Canvas portal to get more details and updated information.


The major graded assignments are listed below (please visit Canvas for a description of each).

Make-up Policy:

If you are unable to submit assignments on the scheduled time due to illness, religious holidays, death in the family, or absences related to attendance at university-sanctioned extracurricular activities, inform your instructor before-hand so that a makeup can be arranged. If you fail to provide notification, no makeup will be given, and late work will NOT be accepted.

Weekly Course Deliverables

Textbook Readings
Weekly Business Insights Paper – (3+1 rule)
Weekly Discussion Board

Weekly Insight Paper

Weekly Legal Insight Papers are short, 2-3 page, writing assignments designed to keep you actively writing about your ideas in relation to the readings in the textbook. In them, you will address the topics introduced in the chapters and write about aspects of the text that interest you the most. You will use writing assignments as the basis of conversations in discussion boards. Use critical thinking skills to answer questions comprehensively. If you read something that you don’t agree with, do some research and mention it in your insight paper. Use APA style for the cover page, source citations in the text, and reference page. Include a cover/title page. Use a minimum of three (3) reference sources. Make sure to double-space and use 12point Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins. Upload your submissions, as Word or Pdf documents.

Weekly Organizational Management Insights Paper

What would you do? How would you handle the situation? What administrative mechanisms will you need to remedy the situation? What laws would you violate or call into question if you do not follow policy and procedure? What biases do you have that may complicate the situation? Specifically, regarding this situation, how do you mitigate inherent biases in the business profession? Are there other organizations or resources you can utilize to provide information or support regarding this situation? (2-3 pages).

The 3+1 Rule requires students to use a minimum of three assigned readings from the current week and one from any previous week, with the exception of week one. This rule encourages students to review and connect the assigned readings from week to week.

Discussion Boards

Your participation points will come from the class discussions about topics in this course. To receive full credit, you will respond with at least three discussion posts. Your initial post should be at least 350 words, while subsequent posts should be no less than 250 words. Be sure to include in-text citations and references when appropriate.

Final Professional Development Project

Salient Issue – Engagement: Develop a program or initiative you can initiate in your organization or community to remedy a business dilemma of your choice.

Questions and Inquiries: You will select a gap in knowledge created by an area that may not have been previously addressed in course content or may have served as inspiration for greater knowledge on the subject matter, idea, or concept of organizational behavior. Through systematic inquiry, you will research, collect, organize, and produce an analysis of the information from both primary and secondary sources. Your research project will conclude with a 3-4-page (minimum) scholarly report with appropriate APA documentation, which successfully fills gaps in knowledge on the selected topic.

Guiding Programmatic Questions

What is the explicit issue, why is it a problem, and what initiative will you develop to address the issue?
What is innovative and novel about your idea?
Are you solving a problem or unmet need?
Are there similar initiative out there? If so, what makes yours better?
Who is your target audience? How many stakeholders can you impact with this service?
How much will this initiative cost?
How defensible and ethical is the concept behind your initiative?
Is this initiative easy to communicate?
How might this initiative evolve over time?
Would it be possible to scale the initiative globally?
Can the initiative be updated and enhanced in future versions?
How will stakeholders access this initiative?
What are the challenges and risk involved in developing this initiative?
Is this innovation strategic to the future of global leadership?


Provide a 1000 word (or 3-4 pages double-spaced) minimum analysis.
Use of proper APA formatting and citations is required.
Use a minimum of five (5) reference sources.
Supporting evidence from outside resources must be properly cited.
Identify specific research, knowledge gained, and theories from this course.
Demonstrate a connection theory to practice.
Specifically, reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in a program.

Format of the Paper

The final paper will be composed of the following sections, but more topics may be added as an option:

Title page

• Abstract • Table of Contents • List of Tables (as appropriate) •List of Figures (as appropriate) Section 1- The Problem and Setting

The organization (i.e., organization, group, etc.) setting and introduction
The problem(s) confronted (e.g., in the educational sector)
The need for an organizational program assessment
Organization and structure of the rest of the study

Section 2 – The Problem Addressed (Literature Review)

Intro and background of the current problem
Describe the program
Discuss how, where, and why this specific initiative
Discuss how will the initiative be evaluated (e.g., interviews, documents, audit history, etc.)
Discuss any problems or programmatic issues noted in the past with this kind of initiative. Use outside research to illuminate the issue. (e.g., audits, evaluations, etc.)

Section 3 – Critical Analysis

Conduct a critical analysis of the problem
Describe both pros and cons of the initiative
Provide a theory rational for shortcomings (theoretical framework (systems theory, TQM, etc)

Below are some theoretical frameworksLinks to an external site.identified:


The Star Model
J.R. Galbraith

The 7S Model

The Six-Box Model


M. Weisbord

The Congruence Model The TPC Model
D.A. Nadler, M.L. Tushman N.M. Tichy

The Causal Model
W.W. Burke; G.H. Litwin

The Organizational DNA

The Fractal Web Model

The Organizational Health Model

The Holonic Enterprise Model


E. McMillan


B. Robertson

Section 4 – Recommendations and Improvements

Discuss how changes brought on by this initiative might benefit the organization
Discuss the impact of your recommended changes
Discuss how you will implement the new initiative or process
Discuss a realistic timeframe to implement the initiative or process

References Appendix (as appropriate)


There is one examination in this course (see the course schedule). The exam will include material from the reading assignments, case studies, review questions and practical connection. The exam is assigned at least one week prior to due dates. The exam will challenge students to demonstrate competency at all levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy, while also demonstrating mastery

of materials covered in the course. In addition, the exam will challenge students to demonstrate achievement regarding course objectives.

Final Exam – Practical Connection

CBU has as a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. The practical connection assignment is a written assessment to demonstrate how this course has connected and to practice within your own career.


Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double-spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. 


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double-spaced) minimum reflection.
Use of proper APA formatting and citations.
Use a minimum of three (3) reference sources.
If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.
Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.
Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.
You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course.
Specifically, reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.


Your final grade will be determined as follows:

Grade Points



Paper: (6)




Boards: (6)






Final Project

Final Exam:


Connection –

(1) (100pt)






The following distribution is used to assign a letter grade for the course: 1600 points


Listed below are the graduate grades and corresponding number of quality points per credit hour. Please click HERE (Links to an external site)Links to an external site.for more details.







Pass (Master of EducationStudent Teaching, 0-credit

Physician Assistant Program



Failure – Excessive Absences

Failure – Never Attended

Incomplete (until removed)


Satisfactory Audit


Unsatisfactory Audit



Americans with Disabilities Act

It is the policy of Christian Brothers University to comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and with the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 in providing reasonable accommodations to qualified students with disabilities.  A qualified student with disabilities is defined as a person who meets the academic and nonacademic admission criteria essential to participate in the program in question and who, with or without reasonable accommodation, can perform the essential functions of the program or course requirements.  Christian Brothers University has many resources available to assist all students in their academic endeavors.  In addition to the support services described below, Christian Brothers University also assigns to each student a faculty advisor who is knowledgeable about the curriculum and trained to help students navigate academic life.  Students needing more information about Disability Services should contact Karen Barnett, Director of Disability Services at or 901-3213531.  Additional information may also be found at: to an external site..

It is the responsibility of each student to read and become familiar with the policies of the Student Handbook, The Compass, which can be found at to an external site..

Academic Integrity

In order to maintain an effective learning environment, students are expected to fully comply with all CBU policies and procedures.  Academic misconduct is a violation of the principles of integrity in the academic community and will not be tolerated at Christian Brothers University.  Academic misconduct is any conduct which distracts from the teaching and learning process of faculty members and students.  This includes, but is not limited to: cheating, plagiarism, inappropriate or abusive language, distracting or disorderly conduct, misuse of or damage to property, or conduct dangerous to others.


Cheating is serious and will not be tolerated.  Although I encourage you to help each other out on all assignments, direct copying is cheating.  It has no value.  As businesspeople, you know the difference between helping each other with work and stealing someone else’s work.  If it comes to my attention that you are acting dishonestly regarding assignments, you will receive a zero for that assignment.


Plagiarism is serious and will not be tolerated.  Plagiarism is using the work of others and offering it as one’s own. This includes the use of another’s ideas or writings without proper acknowledgment, submitting a paper written by another, or submitting an examination or assignment containing work copied from someone else.

Syllabus Disclaimer: This syllabus may be amended based on instructor discretion.


The post : You will select a gap in knowledge created by an area that may not have been previously addressed in course content or may have served as inspiration for greater knowledge on the subject matter, idea, or concept of organizational behavior. Through systematic inquiry, you will research, collect, organize, and produce an analysis of the information from both primary and secondary sources. Your research project will conclude with a 3-4-page (minimum) scholarly report with appropriate APA documentation, which successfully fills gaps in knowledge on the selected topic. Guiding Programmatic Questions 8. What is the explicit issue, why is it a problem, and what initiative will you develop to address the issue? appeared first on My blog.

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